School! Yay!

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Sitting on the sofa, the three of Alaukik, Asha and Divya were sitting together and watching TV, which on any other day would've been nice, if not for what was currently playing on the news channel.

Sighing, Asha turned off the TV and placed the remote down on the table in front of her. Turning to Alaukik, she said,

"I didn't really want to do this so early, especially since you've finally gotten the chance to rest. But, since you've already seen it, we should probably talk, Alaukik."

"But first," Asha continues, "Let me make some tea and bring some snac- "

"Forget it," interrupted Alaukik. Walking into the kitchen, he continued,

"I already made some for you when I sensed you coming here."

Walking out of the kitchen, he brought three cups of tea along with a few light snacks and motioned for the two of them to help themselves. Sitting back down, he wanted to ask Asha to continue, but noticed that she hadn't moved since he said he had made some tea for them. Sighing, Alaukik asked,

"Is it really that unbelievable that I made some food for us?"

Receiving no reaction, he waved his hand in front of Asha's face and said

"Snap out of it Aunty, or else your tea will get cold," reaching out to grab his cup of milk tea.

Turning to Divya, he said

"You too. Drink yours before it gets cold."

Suddenly shaking her head, Asha slowly leaned forward and took the cup in her hands. Blowing a bit on it to cool down the tea, she slowly took a sip. The moment she did, her eyes instantly shot wide open and she turned to Alaukik with astonishment written all over her face.

Letting out a chuckle, Alaukik said,

"What? You thought that it wouldn't taste nice? Well, sorry to disappoint you Aunty, but I'm quite good at cooking."

Letting out a sad smile, he said

"But that was a long time ago."

"Anyways - " he continued, shaking his head, "What were you going to say Aunty?"

"Hm? Oh yeah!" says Asha, having completely forgotten what she was supposed to do. Putting down her tea cup, she turned towards Alaukik and said,

"What happened at the border," she started, letting out a sigh immediately, "was an unfortunate incident. I understand why you did what you did, but - it is also true that you went overboard. There was no need to annihilate all of them." Noticing Alaukik wanted to say something, she quickly raised her hand to stop him and continued,

"I know, I know, it wasn't on purpose. I know that, but the world doesn't. They think it's something the Federation did to intimidate the rest of the world. They think we have another strategic class magician, and wanted to show it off." Shaking her head, she continued, "Sometimes I honestly can't understand them."

"-But, that's not the point. The entire world is currently asking for your information, and the major countries want you to be publicly identified and punished." Snorting, she continued,

"But you don't have to worry about that now. I've already called for an RC meeting, and I'll get them to cover up all your information and ensure no leaks. Especially Jamshed, I won't let him use this as a handle against you, okay?" she says, giving Alaukik a small smile.

Hearing this, Alaukik also gives out an awkward smile, before trying to say something. However, Asha cut him off before he could speak,

"And this is the perfect opportunity for you too," she said, smiling brightly.

"You can be discharged from the military, and can start to attend a normal school."

"A school?! Why would I have to attend school?" Alaukik questioned, not sounding the least bit interested in the idea.

"Because it'll be good for you. You'll be able to have a normal life there, and it'll be good for Divya too! She'll be able to adapt to life quicker if she interacted with more people her age."


"Don't argue with me over this Alaukik. I've failed to do many things for you, so just please help me do this one thing."

Knowing that she won't let it go, Alaukik simply sighed and said,

"Fine, but! On one condition - I decide which school I go to."

Author Note:

Helloo guys! Sorry for the gap between, but I was kinda setting up my patreon... I've started writing another, original, novel and thought, 'Well, if I'm gonna do this, might as well go all out right?' So I decided to open a patreon too! So I was kinda working on writing more chapters. For now, I've finished Vol2 in my docs, and it's around 3 chapters ahead of this. Let's gooo! So if any of you think that this author if worth supporting, then please do check out my patreon! If not, then that's fine too!

Here is the link!

As always, thank you for reading and have a great day ahead!!

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