The promise to be kept, the fate to be broken(6)

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Stepping into the room, the first thing Alaukik noticed was the blank white walls and the absence of any form of furniture in the room. At first glance, it seemed like nobody lived in this room. And looking around, it seemed it was true. Because he didn't see anything that said somebody lived here. And yet, Alaukik didn't seem fazed, and just walked onward towards a wall. Midway while walking, he disappeared from the room and suddenly appeared 5 metres away, in a completely different room. This room however, was different from the previous one. If the previous one was like an interrogation room, this was like one of a princess. With a nice, big and fluffy bed, snacks of all kinds, books, games, a TV etc. Everything a person could wish for was here, and yet, the most important part was missing: a person.

'I mean, if you count her as a person, then I guess one is here..' he thought, as he looked at the girl sitting on a chair beside the bed.

Bent over, the girl's eyes showed no emotion as they gazed at the plain coloured walls. With barely any movements apart from the occasional rise and fall of her chest, she didn't even seem like a human. Even when Alaukik teleported into the room and into her line of sight, she didn't show any change in her expression; it was the same blank expression one had when they were either deep in thought or lost in their own world .Seeing this, Alaukik, who was already feeling irritated after talking to the leader, walked up to her and bent down to her level. Placing his face right in front of hers,

"Divya, can you hear me? My name is Alaukik, and I'm here to take you away from this horrible place. I'm here to save you, Divya," he said, and stayed like that, hoping to elicit a response from her. And so, when even after waiting for a minute she didn't show any reaction to his words, Alaukik decided to try various ways to bring her back from wherever she was. From snapping his fingers beside her ears to patting her face*Alaukik tried every method he could to wake her up from her stupor, and yet nothing worked. Sighing, Alaukik walked towards the bed and just sat down on it. Bouncing a bit, Alaukik once again sighed and thought,

'It's as I thought. She won't respond at all. The sh*t that Blanche made her go through made sure of it. At this point, she's just a robot, a robot that works only on specific commands... I believe Blanche uses a set of claps and flashing lights to somehow get Divya here to move and use her powers. And the only use of her power is to make a person completely loyal to Blanche. /Sigh/ Just seeing what she had to go through is scaring me, I don't have any idea of what she felt when she actually went through that... What should I do? I don't want to use the commands on her and treat her like a slave or robot... I might not be a saint, but even I have morals. Not harming innocents** is one of them... But if I don't use those commands, how do I get her to move? It's like she can't even see me right now?'

'I would be easier to just use the commands then, at the least, it would be faster.'

'Again?! OG, just shut up please. You're the part of me I'm trying to get rid of. Now, where was I? do I get her to move...'



* = I promise he did it gently

** = final interpretation rights rest with Alaukik

Now, I know this isn't exactly a long chapter, and it isn't the one making up for tomorrow. Unfortunately or fortunately, I passed round one of an ideathon I took part in, and they decided to keep the next round tomorrow morning at 10. So I can't stay up long tonight, or I might miss tomorrow's event. So I decided that both the extra chapter and Tuesday's chapter will be written and published during the weekend. And to make it up to you guys, they will be longer than usual, that is, more than 2k words, even though I don't really count the words. It will definitely have more story progression in it. Hatreds will be dealt with and new bonds formed. Older characters will come back, and a new chapter of Alaukik's life will start.

As always, thank you for reading and have a great day ahead!

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