Chapter 71: Springfield High ... and a surprise

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It turns out, the ability to read and rewrite the mind is indeed a very useful ability in learning languages.

Barely a week into her English classes, Divya had mastered the language enough to hold basic conversations with the natives. Although it came with the embarrassment of having to hold your English teacher's wrist for the entire duration of the class - Divya was quickly able to learn the language by connecting her teacher's thoughts with the words she was speaking, gaining a clear understanding of whatever was being taught to her.

And considering the fact that high school started tomorrow, this was great news. Another piece of good news was that the house was fully repaired from Alaukik's destruction now, and looked exactly as it did when they walked in - minus the cameras and microphones.

Well, Alaukik did have to calm down a horrified Divya who thought another fight happened and she slept right through it, but apart from that everything was going good.

Staring outside the window in the living room, Alaukik sensed the trees lining their street.

'I'm guessing there should be yellowed leaves on them...'

'And you would be able to see them if only-'

'It's already been a week since we came here, and school starts tomorrow..' he thought, gazing at the digital clock that said


xxo 7/31.

Letting out a laugh, Alaukik thought,

'Or at least that's what I think it says.'

'Why limit yourself to imagination when the key to using your eyes is right inside your mind?'

'Anyways, who would've thought I would have to go back to school? Fortunately, I already know all the courses, so it shouldn't really be a problem for me. I just hope I don't meet her, I already have enough on my plate - ' he thought, turning his head upwards, sensing the girl who was talking to Asha on the phone. ' - if I have to deal with a soldier who has mental health issues, I won't be able to rest at all.'

'Well, let's just hope I get normal classmates, people who are living a happy life with nothing to worry about.'


Early in the morning, if one were to look at a particular house on HouseMade street in Springfield, you could see two figures slowly leaving their house, making their way to the nearby bus stop. If you were to look closer, you could see the female figure continuously talking to someone on the phone, while the male simply walked ahead in silence with two bags on his shoulder.

Suddenly, the male quickly turned around and snatched the phone from the female's hand, bringing it to his own ear and speaking into it,

"Aunty, I know you're worried, but please for god's sake calm down! We're not going to war, just school! And I'm going to be by her side anyways, so don't worry so much!"

"No, I know you're worried about the both of us going to school in a completely different country, but this is too much! You've called us at least 15 times since yesterday, and over a 100 times this week! Relax aunty! I'll make sure that everything goes fine."

"Yes, yes, I'll make some new friends, and I'll help Divya make some new friends as well. And yes, I promise not to do anything stupid, so relax!"

"Fine, good night aunty."

Handing the phone back to Divya without turning back, Alaukik sighed and spoke,

"Next time she calls, you should tell her that you're busy. Otherwise she'll keep going on and on about safety and developing new relations and stuff. Okay?"

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