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Sitting on the sofa, Asha sighed in relief when she heard Alaukik agree to her request. She knew that there was nothing she could do if had he adamantly refused, but she still wanted him to experience the life of a normal child at least an year. Guilt had clawed her mind ever since she had failed to protect him from the RC, and so she had decided that she would try to atone for her mistake by helping Alaukik experience normality, which he so desperately had wanted back then*.

In fact, that was the reason why she even bought this house. As one of the best researchers of her University and even a member of the RC, she had no need to buy a house, and could simply live in hotels far better than this. However, when she thought about how Alaukik might like a home which he could return too, she decided that she would buy it for the two of them. Although, since she never got to know the things that Alaukik liked, she simply designed the house into something that gave off the 'warm and cozy' feeling.

"Oh right! Alaukik, Divya, do you like the decor of your rooms? If you want me to change anything, just let me know alright?" asked Asha, a nervous expression on her face - embarrassed that she had forgotten to ask them when they first moved in.

"Oh and another thing" she added, snapping her fingers together.

"How did your shopping trip go?"

Surprised that she didn't know, Alaukik fell in thought, wondering if he should tell her now or later.

Seeing Alaukik not speaking, Asha turned to Divya, hoping she would say something. However, she knew that Divya didn't like opening up in front of Alaukik, she thought that she wouldn't get the answer out of anyone today. To her surprise however Asha heard Divya speak in a very hushed voice.

"Thank you for everything ... We were attacked."

Hearing the latter part of the sentence, the smile on Asha's face vanished and instead a panicked expression took it's place. Jumping to her feet, she made her way to Divya, checking all over and making sure she was alright. Ensuring she wasn't hurt anywhere, Asha sighed in relief and quickly moved towards Alaukik, and checked him thoroughly too. Relieved that he wasn't hurt anywhere either, she walked back to the chair and simply let out another sigh. Bringing up her cup to take a sip of her tea, she found that it was already empty. Realising this, she sighed once again and laid back down on the sofa, not in the mood to make another one. Suddenly, Alaukik got up and went into the kitchen. Bringing out another cup of tea, he handed it to Asha and took a seat.

"Relax a bit," he said, a grimace on his face, "And I'll explain to you what happened."

Slowly, he explains what happened at the mall, everything from how the boss of the clothing store helped him choose clothes for Divya to the sudden attack of the twins. He then also told her about Jamshed and about Uday's betrayal, closing his eyes in case his anger rises up again.

After explaining all of what happened, he sighed and said,

"I'm really sorry Aunty, but I don't think I could let him live after what he did to me."

Knowing that Asha was close to Jamshed, Alaukik simply said

"I'll be going out for a walk. In the meanwhile, why don't you take a look at what we bought for Divya? I didn't really see the designs on the clothes, so just make sure that they are good looking." Saying so, he walked out of the house, his back hunched.

On the other hand, Asha, hearing all of this, simply didn't know how to feel. However, she knew that there was something more important than her feelings right now, and that was Alaukik's condition. Even though he glossed over his fight with the twins, Asha knew that it must have aggravated his condition, and the first thought that came to her mind was that she needed to talk to Divya once, hoping to convince her to help Alaukik.

And so, she let out a sigh - it seemed like this entire day was full of sighing - and turned to face Divya.

"Divya, I know this might be rude of me to ask, but there is a favour I would like you to do for me."

Surprised at this, Divya nodded her head and said,

"What is the favour?"

Leaning forward and towards Divya, Asha started to explain Alaukik's condition - the parts she understood at least. She talked about how the more he uses his powers, the worse his situation gets, and that he is completely against fusing with the other part of him. And so, she asked Divya,

"Could you - could you please help him? It hurts me a lot to watch such a child like him suffer through pain that even adults can't handle, and yet there's nothing I can do about it. According to him, you are the only one he knows that can help him with his problem, but I know he won't force you to do it. I know you have your own past to deal with, and I'm really sorry for thrusting this onto you suddenly, but I feel like at this rate, he won't survive even a year. I noticed this a while ago, but he hasn't used his teleportation the entire time, he actually walked up and down the living room multiple times, instead of just teleporting. That probably means that his state has worsened..."

As Asha was explaining all of this, Divya connected it with what she felt whenever she felt Alaukik's mind, and slowly realised the complete situation. After Asha finished her explanation, Divya slowly said,

"Could I have some time to think about it...?"

Realising that Divya would at least think over it, Asha broke into a smile and walked up to Divya, giving her a hug, whispering "Thank you" to her over and over again.

Letting go of the hug, Asha quickly brought out the clothes that Alaukik and Divya bought to the living room.

"Then, let's take a look at the clothes you bought!" said Asha to a smiling Divya.

* referring to the time Alaukik and Asha spent together before him going to the military


Hellooo, sorry again for the horrible uploads here on wattpad. I'll be more consistent from now on, I promise - and a man never breaks his promise! (I am not a man yet) ;)

As always, thank you for reading and have a great day ahead!!

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