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'What do they mean the rebellions began? Wait, I know what they mean. The rebels in Kazak finally couldn't hold it in huh. But why did now? Now that I think about it, this wasn't in canon!! I don't know what's going to happen now! What do I do? What should I do? And UDAY! He's taking too long!! He was supposed to find it in one year! And it's been three now!'

'I should just kill everyone and take them back. I am stronger than ever now.'

'NO! I cannot do that. What would I do afterwards?! End up on the kill list of every bloody country in this world? What if Tatsuya comes to me?! I know it's a slim probability but what if?! That dude can wipe me off the surface of the planet and then pour my ashes into Ganga!! And as for those, I don't even know where they are! I can't sense their location at all !! I need Uday to find them for me.. Arghh, What is happening?!! No, no, calm down. I'm just freaking out too much.. Am I losing control again? But why? I took proper counter measures this time! And I have perfect control over my power right now! Could it be.. is my hunch correct? No, no, now is not the time to think about it. The rebels could go to hell for all I care, and so could the Kazaks. Heck, this entire world could burn and I couldn't care. Well, I would like to meet Tatsuya once, but I think I value my life a bit more that that.. right? Anyways, This can be useful for me. With their focus on the rebellion, Uday has a better chance of finding their location for me. And I do hope Aunt Asha has come up with a solution to this problem. Wait. Aunt?! Since when did I change to that? You know what, it doesn't matter. What matters now is to go to Uday.'


Kabul, capital city of the Federation,

In the highest building in the city, on the highest floor, a man lazed around on a double king size bed, with two beauties in his arms. The entire apartment was filled to the brim with riches of all kinds. Precious gems were strewn around like rocks, while famous paintings hung on all four walls. Golden and silver jewellery were spread all across the floor, with barely any space for someone to walk through. Suddenly, the man on the bed spoke,

"Well girls, that was an amazing night, but I'm afraid you're gonna have to leave now. You know, I have to go to work now."

Hearing this, the one on his right turned her head towards him, held his arm close to her and spoke,

"Oh come onn babe, why don't you skip work today? Let's have some more fun, just us three, right Layla?"

"Definitely, so, what do you say, mister, you wanna go to work or have some fun with us?" replied the woman on the left, as she slowly climbed on top of the man. Seeing this, the man looked at their faces for a while, with lust nearly showing on his face, before a cold and searing voice spoke,

"SO this is what you were BUSY with huh, Uday. "

Hearing this voice, the three instantly turned their heads towards the voice, only to see a little child standing at the feet of the bed. However, if one looked closer, they would see that this child's eyes were completely bloodshot, and looked like they could kill someone. But the women, seeing it was just a child, gave out a small smile before the one called Layla said,

"Little child, are you lost? What are you doing here? Is mommy not around?"

"You know, if you had even a little bit of common sense, your first question would have been how I managed to get into the apartment and not whether I was lost. But well, I understand that birds of a feather flock together. So Uday," the child said, staring straight at the man on the bed, "Are you going to get rid of them? Or do you want me to?"

However, it appeared that the man in question was in no state to answer his question, as his face showed a look of utter fear. In fact, if someone looked close enough, they would find that he was shaking ever so slightly. This however, was felt by the first woman, who looked at Uday and asked,

"Why're you shaking? Can't you tell this kid to mind his own business or something?"

But instead of the expected reply, what came from the man's mouth completely astounded the two women.

"M-m-m-m-m-ma-mas-master, what.. What are you doing here?"

"Master? Don't mess with me, who even uses the word master anymore? Anyways, just stop messing with us and quickly call the guards or something," said Layla.

Seeing the state of the man, the child sighed and said,

"Well, I gave you a chance," the child said, before waving his hands at them as if swatting a fly, and before anyone could realise what happened, the two women exploded into a mess of blood and flesh that flew all around the room. Only the area around the child was clean, as started to slowly walk towards the side of the bed. As he was walking forwards, Uday kept trying to go backwards, it was almost comical ... if you ignored the blood and gore splattered all around. And just as he hit the head of the bed, the child reached him, and slowly he reached for his neck. But then right before he touched it, he suddenly withdrew his hand and said with a frown on his face,

"You know what, I actually don't even want to touch you. So why don't I get straight to the point. Where-are-they? And-why-have-you-not -reported-back-to-me-this-month?"

Hearing this, Uday slowly stopped trembling as he thought,

'Don't worry, don't worry. He still needs you to find them. Without you, it would be near impossible for him to find them. Jamshed made damn sure of that. That bloody ******f*cker, couldn't he have made it easier?! That damn bloody sh*tfaced ******f*cking single son of a b*tch. It's his fault I'm here right now! If only he had used a bit of his limited brain and killed this demon before he woke up!! I wouldn't have to worry about my own life right now!!'

Of course, that was all inside his head. Years of experience had made sure that Uday's mind and his mouth were two separate existences.

"Aah *hiccup* master, I am really really sorry I couldn't report this month, I was dragged down by various important matters, so I just couldn't make the time to repor-"

Before he could finish his sentence, he suddenly felt a hand strangling him as it pushed him up against the wall behind his bed.

"You know, I am really patient. That's why, I waited, I waited and waited, knowing that the task I gave you was hard. BUT, did you, even for a second, think I was a FOOL?! Busy? With what? Too many ladies in your arms? Too many corrupted pieces of government shit chasing after you to protect them? Too much money for your bank to store? I gave you enough time Uday, not anymore. You have one month, ONE month. And this time, I will not be accepting an apology."

Saying this, Alaukik stopped bending space and immediately teleported out of the place. And as soon as he did, relief filled Uday's expression, as his bed instantly became wetter than it was before. However, before he could feel joy at the fact that he would live to see another day, he suddenly saw lines running across his apartment before suddenly,

*Cracking sounds*

His entire apartment suddenly broke into several pieces as it started to fall down to the ground, along with the entire building. And as Uday started to fall down, the only thing one could hear from him was a blood-curdling scream that went like,



For the next few days, news stations across the Federation were broadcasting the same news, about how the Roshan Minar had suddenly collapsed onto itself, and how barely a few of its occupants came out alive. Of course, there was also the news about how RC member Uday Devan had managed to survive his fall from the top floor, and that this was a sure sign he was a god blessed one, along with the various other effects that the apparently safest building in all of the Federation falling down can lead to.

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