Firehouse baby

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Maya's POV
I am in the middle of a 24 hour shift and I'm ready to be home. I miss Carina and our baby Riley. Riley is 6 months old and her and Carina are my everything. When Carina and I first got married I thought I didn't want kids, but my mind changed and then Carina got pregnant. When Riley was born and I held her for the first time, my whole world changed. Now I love being a mom and I like being back at work but I constantly miss Riley. I stayed with Carina for the first few months but then I had to go back to work. Carina still has two weeks left before she has to go back to work too.

We just got back from helping out a wreck and I wanted to call Carina and see how her and Riley are doing. The phone rang but she didn't answer, I'm thinking they are maybe taking a nap. A few minutes later my my office door opens and my wife and daughter walk in.

"Oh my goodness, what are you both doing here?" I ask as I went to grab Riley.

"We thought we would come visit and see everyone, plus we missed you." Carina said and gave me a kiss.

Riley was in a good mood and she was smiling since she got here. We walked upstairs to the beanery where everyone was. Everyone immediately got up and walked towards me and Riley.

"Oh my gosh, look at my beautiful niece, she is getting so big." Vic said as she took Riley from me.

They all took turns holding Riley and she loved everyone. After a bit, she was getting tired or hungry so she started to get fussy. "Okay I think she wants her mommy back, plus she's probably hungry." I said and grabbed Riley back.

"Bambina I'll go feed her in your office if you want to come down with us." Carina said.

Carina's POV
Being at the station has been so nice. I haven't been out of the house too much because of Riley and everyone loves holding and playing with her. I'm done feeding Riley and Maya takes her to burp her and change her. Seeing Maya as a mother is the most rewarding thing. I love how much she has changed and she is an amazing mommy. She is so gentle and warm to Riley. We all three just sat on the couch and
Riley was sleeping.

"You know I constantly think about you both while I'm here working. It kills me I'm not home with her everyday."  Maya says to me.

"I know Bambina. We miss you and think about you all of the time, but it's nice bringing Riley here with all of her aunts and uncles." I replied.

Riley started to wake up and she's wasn't too happy. She started to whine and cry a little so Maya grabbed her and took her to the barn where everyone was cleaning the trucks. She instantly stopped crying and was fascinated by the big red fire trucks. Andy came over to steal Riley and she showed her the inside ofone of the trucks. Riley was touching all of the buttons and switches while she was laughing and bouncing up and down.

"Bishop how soon can she start rolling hoses and stuff, we need more people." Ben asked while laughing.

"Not until she's a teenager." I said and then Maya interrupted me, "or when she is like five years old." Maya said laughing. I can't with these firefighter some times.

Maya grabbed a fire helmet and held it over Riley's head. I took lots of photos and videos, and Riley was playing with everything (safely). This has been a good day for everyone. I know Maya misses her time with me and Riley and bringing her to the station helps her feel less guilty of going back to work. Riley is going to grow up here and will have so much family with all of her aunts and uncles who love her deeply. She has them wrapped around her little finger.
Hi guys welcome to my new one shot book. I am not a good writer but I like to do this for fun. I have written a few chapters already and can't wait to post them. I am open for any kind of requests you want to see. This will be a mix of Maya and Carina plus Danielle and Stefania. I hope you enjoy this book.

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