Toddler Tantrums

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Maya's POV
Lately our 5 year old Bella has been throwing more tantrums than ever. She was our sweet baby and now she's a toddler who is testing her boundaries. I think it's because Carina and I have been working a lot lately so she's been acting out.

I was at the end of my short shift when Bella's preschool called me. "Hello Captain Bishop, we tried to call your wife earlier but she's in surgery. Is there anyway you can come pick up Bella from school?" Her teacher asked me.

"Is everything okay? Is she sick, is she hurt?" I asked worriedly.

"She's fine, except she's been having an off day and she's been angry and then sad and she pushed a kid off a the swings today and then threw a tantrum when we brought her inside. She keeps on saying she wants her moms so I think it's best if someone can pick her up." She said.

"Yes ma'am I am on my way to come get her. I am so sorry." I reply and head out to her school.

I try to call Carina and she answers. "Hey Bella I just got out of surgery, what's up? Want to meet for lunch?" She asked me.

"Well I would but I'm about to leave to go grab our daughter from school because she pushed a kid off the swings and got in trouble. I'm going to go take her home and have a little talk about these tantrums because I am over it." I say.

"Look Bellina I have one more delivery, so I will meet you both at home when I'm done. I can't believe she got in trouble. Something is up with her." Carina said.

Carina's POV
A couple of hours later I get home and Bella was sitting on the couch on her tablet and Maya was in our room laying down.

"Love, why is our daughter on her tablet when she got in trouble at school?" I ask her.

"What do you mean, I brought her home and told her no tablet and no tv until you got home and we discuss a punishment. I laid her down for a nap and I fell asleep too. Where is she?" Maya asked.

"She's on the couch on her tablet, she looked like she just woke up not too long ago." I said and Maya got up and we went to the living room.

"Hey mama you are home!" Bella said all excited.

"Bella what are you doing on your tablet, didn't mommy say no tablet until mama got home and we talked." Maya said sternly.

"But I wanted my tablet and you were sweeping in your bed." Bella said with a small attitude.

"Bambina, you got in trouble today at school and mommy said no tablet, and then you still got on it. That's a no no so you need to go up to your room for a timeout." I told Bella calmly.

Bella did not respond well once Maya took her tablet, "No mommy I want my tablet now!" Bella yelled and was about to hit Maya, but I stopped her in time.

"Bella Deluca-Bishop! Up to your room Vai Ora (Go Now) !" I raised my voice and Bella ran up to her room. We can still hear her crying so Maya and I waited for a bit for her to calm down.

Maya's POV
Carina and I are pretty balanced when it comes to be the strict parent. I think Carina sounds meaner when she's giving Bella a punishment and when she starts speaking Italian it is game over.

We waited about 30 mins and I called Bella to come downstairs. She walked downstairs with her head down looking at the floor and her eyes were all red and puffy. We all sat down on the couch so we can talk to her.

"Mommy I'm sorry for hitting you and screaming." Bella said while looking down.

"Thank you for apologizing Bella." I said.

"Bella do you want to tell us what happened on the playground today?" Bella huffed and started talking.

"Nick is a big meanie in our class and he was on the swing that I wanted to be on and I was mad that he wouldn't get up so I pushed him and Mrs.Emily took me inside and I got upset." She said

"Piccola you know what mommy and I tell you about when you are angry?" Carina asked.

"To take a deep breaths and walk away and to tell someone why you are upset." Bella said sadly.

"Looks Bells I understand you were upset and I know that Nick can be mean but it's not nice to push someone off a swing, Nick could have been really hurt. Did you ask Mrs.Emily to call me and mama?"

"I wanted to see you both because I have missed you guys because you have been working a lot." Bella said with some tears in her eyes.

"I'm sorry mama and mommy I won't get in trouble at school again." Bella said.

"It's okay Bambina, look you need to listen to your teachers and to me and mommy. Do you know why I put you in timeout earlier?" Carina asked.

"Because I didn't listen to mommy and I got on my tablet. And then I was mad so I was going to hit mommy. She said and went to give Maya a hug.

"I'm sorry for not listening mommy." Bella said.

"Baby we forgive you, listen if you ever miss me and mama or if we are gone a lot, we want you to talk to us and tell us about your feelings. We don't like yelling at you or when you throw your tantrums. We miss you Bella Boo." I said and we all three got in a group hug.

Everything went well the next few months and Maya and Carina have started to work less so they have more family time.

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