Star in the making

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Danielle's POV
I used to say that I would never have my daughter become a young child actor. I think at times children starting acting at a young age will wear them out easily and I don't want to make my child live this life of fame at an early age. When my daughter Cadence was 8 she started to get noticed from model agencies and tv show agencies. I mean I know I'm biased but my daughter is beautiful. She is my little mini me and she is my everything. She was 10 years old, which is still young, when I let her do her first kids photo shoot. Ever since then, she has started to become a little rising star. She has done more modeling and now is starting to get into more tv since she is 14 now.

Cadence POV
So my life has been really busy lately. I have been doing a lot of photo shoots for different brands, and I also try to get into some commercials or tv shows. I am fortunate and blessed to receive the opportunities I have been given in my life. A lot of people say I only get these chances because of who my mom is, but I am my own person too. I work my butt off and take classes to get booked for jobs. My mom is my biggest supporter and I love her for that. She is my best friend!

Today I have a long day full of jobs. I have 2 photo shoots, and I'm going over to the set of grey's anatomy because I'm playing a role of a patient in one of their episodes. Luckily my mom doesn't have to go film until later tonight when I'm filming  for Grey's at the same time. I woke up at 6:30 and headed downstairs for some breakfast. I have to be at my first photo shoot at 9, so I have some time to eat and relax before we go. "Hi mama, good morning." I tell her and give her a hug. I didn't get to see her much the last two days because she was busy with interviews that were out of state. "Hey baby, I missed you the last 2 days." She said and kissed me on my forehead. She got up and made me some yogurt and fruit for breakfast and then her agent who also represents me called her.

"Hey Tom good morning you are on speaker with me and Cadence." She said. "Aw how are my favorite girls doing this morning." He said. "Hi Tommy." I say, I love Tom, he is awesome and the best agent. "So I called just to go over Cadence's schedule for today. She has a photo shoot for SHEIN at 9, and then she has another shoot at 1 for Teen Vogue, and then she will head over to set to get ready for some scenes today at like 5 or 6." Tom told us. I was excited but also low key dreading it because I hate long days. I love working but sometimes I wish I can be normal and do regular teenager activities. I worked the last couple of days with other projects so I'm pretty tired, but the show must go on. "Wow it is going to be a busy day. Thanks for calling Tom, we will see you later today." Mom said and hung up the phone.

Danielle's POV
Cadence and I got ready and drove over to her first shoot with SHEIN which is a clothing company that we both love. "Are you excited for your shoots today?" I asked. "Yeah I am! It's going to be a long day but I'm so happy you are with me mom." Cadence said and it made my heart warm. Our first one is SHEIN and they are trying to get more teenagers for their audience to go buy products so they have a group of teenagers modeling their clothes today. She goes to hair and makeup and doesn't need too much makeup. She's dressed for her first outfit and she looks so cute. They start the shoot and she is killing it. I'm like that crazy stage mom and I take photos and videos of my kid because I'm so proud. Sitting here watching her makes me think how she's not a baby anymore and she's growing up on me. "Good Cadence you look stunning! The camera loves you." The photographer said. After a couple of hours we leave to go to her next shoot.

We start her 2nd shoot of the day for Teen Vogue. I was excited for her to book this photo shoot because this is a good opportunity that can open more doors for her. She looks so good, they put her in this long dress that flows and her hair is curled. I start to tear up a little because she is growing up and she is independent and is being a professional right now. "Mom I can't believe you are crying." She said all embarrassed. Everyone laughed and they were joking around with me. Then another director came in and asked for an outfit change.

Cadence's POV
I have been having a lot of fun today. This teen vogue shoot has been going well and I literally made my mom cry. I'm just glad she had the day off and came with me because I am way more comfortable with my mom being with me at jobs. This director asked for an outfit change and what they brought to me was sort of inappropriate. It was a cream colored suit and it had shorts that barely covered my butt and I only have a bralette on under the blazer. My mom is going to freak, I mean it's cute but I don't feel super comfortable in it. The stylist is finishing some final touches and my mom walks into the dressing room.

"Uh... absolutely not, I do not agree with this outfit." She said firmly. "Mrs.Savre, the director wants her in this outfit." The stylist said. "I don't care, I will talk to him myself, and I know my daughter and she is not comfortable. She is only 14 years old and she needs to cover up more. Cadence you will change outfits or add more clothing to this one." Mama said. "Yes ma'am, I'll change." I said to mom. We talked it over and the director eventually changed my outfit to a pants suit with a blazer and it still looked good and I was way more comfortable. We are finally done with the shoot and I am exhausted. This day has been so long.

Danielle's POV
We are in the car sitting in traffic and I look over and see Cadence fighting off sleep. "Baby you can take a nap, we are still like half and hour away." I tell her. "I hate that you had such a long day but I'm so proud of you. You are such a professional with your modeling career and you looked amazing at the shoots." I tell her. "Thanks mom, I just want to be good like you when I get older." Cadence said. "Cadence you can be whoever you want to be, you don't have to be like me." I reply. Cadence smiled and fell asleep for a short nap before she had to film in grey's.

A few hours later
Cadence was done for the night and I'm about to film some scenes since it was a night shoot. She was walking inside when Jaina and I were in hair and makeup trailer. Hey KK how were your scenes, sorry I couldn't watch." I said. "It went really well, I only needed a couple of takes, it was fun and we all had a good time. I'm just really exhausted now." She said and decided to sit on my lap. "Ah I know someone is tired and probably hungry. That's why Stefania is bringing us some food before I have to go film." I tell her.

Then Stefania walks into the trailer, "Ah my favorite people are here."Stefania said. "Steffie you are here!" Cadence said all excited and ran to give her a hug. I love her and Stefania's relationship. "Show me some pictures from your photo shoots today, my little model." She said while tickling Cadence. Cadence showed her some preview photos, "OMG look at this outfit teen vogue put me in for my outfit change." She said and showed Stefania and Jaina. "Uh no way! You better not have worn that actually. Dani please tell me you told them not to." Stefania said all protective and it was super cute. "Yes I immediately told the director it was a no go and they switched it to a full pants suit."

Some time later, we were still in the makeup and hair trailer and were getting ready for our scenes. Cadence was asleep in my lap while I was getting makeup on. "Look at the Bambina, she is knocked out." Stefania said. "I know, she is so cute, and she had a super long day. I think I need to pay attention more to her schedule and make sure she has some time off. I don't want her to get overworked. She's only 14, but I will say, that I love she is wanting to do more TV. Maybe one day we can do a project together." I tell Stefania. I enjoy this moment I have with my daughter and I know that she will always be my baby.

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