Christmas Traditions

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Maya's POV
Growing up with Lane, Christmas was my least favorite holiday. He always made me run extra and he didn't let us celebrate like everyone else got to do. Then when I became an adult, I always found a reason to work on Christmas since I was alone. Ever since I met Carina though, she has made Christmas one of my favorite holidays to celebrate. She has this way of turning my fears and doubts into positivity and new beginnings. The best part about Christmas is making new traditions, which is what Carina and I started doing ever since we had the kids.

Our daughter Eleora is started to get the age where she is understanding more about Christmas and the importance of family and less about presents. Every year the station donates toys for the Toys For Tots organization, and this year we want to involve our kids in it to see about giving back. It's Christmas Eve and we have the next couple of days off work so we plan on spending it with our kids. I woke up and went downstairs and found Carina feeding our son Luca.

"Ah good morning my beautiful wife and son." I said and leaned down and kissed Carina. Luca was sitting in his high chair being all cute while eating yogurt.

"Mommy!" Luca yelled and I went over to kiss him. He looks just like Carina with those beautiful brown eyes and brown curls.

"Where is Eleora, is she still sleeping?"

"Yes your mini me is refusing to get up so I left her alone." Carina said.

"So she's only my daughter when she's stubborn. Sounds like someone else I know." I chuckled.

Carina turned around and swatted at me.

"Yes she is has always been your mini me, now go wake up our daughter so we can get ready for the day. We have plenty to do."

I walked upstairs and opened her door and see my daughter sprawled out on the bed. I walked over to the bed and laid next to her. I moved her hair out of her face and kissed her forehead.

"Elle Belle wake up. It's time to get up and get ready."

"Mmmm 5 more minutes." She groaned.

"You are too young to start acting like a teenager. Where is my little 8 year old Ellie Bellie at?" I said and started tickling her.

"Mommy no stop it. Okay I'm up! I'm up!" Eleora said and sat up.

"Ah there she is! Come on, mama made breakfast and we have stuff to do today."

"Mommy we have to sleep extra good tonight so Santa can come over!"

"That is right El, now the mommy train is leaving so if you want a ride then you need to hop on." Eleora hopped on my back and we went downstairs.

Carina's POV
I saw Maya bring down Eleora and Luca was done eating so he went to go play with his toys.

"Ah good morning Piccola! Would you like some yogurt and fruit for breakfast?"

"Sí mama, grazie." Eleora said. Maya went back upstairs to get ready since she has to go by the station before everyone drops the toys off for tonight.

"Mama why are all of the toys on the table? Are they for us!!!!" Eleora asked all excited.

"No they are for the other kids we are taking to tonight, remember mommy and I were telling you about the other day."

"Well why do they get their presents early?" Then Maya came downstairs so I figured now is a good time to explain what we are doing.

"Alright Piccola, let's have a seat and talk. So you know how every year, you and your brother get lots of presents from us and all of your family. Well some kids all over the world do not get any toys for Christmas. So people will donate and give the kids toys to their parents so the kids can have presents on Christmas."

"Why don't their mommies and daddies get them presents like me and Luca get?" She asked. Then Maya jumped in.

"Well Elle Belle, some people do not have a lot of money so they can't afford to buy all of these toys because they have to use the money for food and clothing. You will learn in life that some people do not have everything that you and Luca have. That's why we always teach you to be thankful for what you have."

"Mommy I want all of the kids to get presents like me and Luca. They can have my presents this year because I already have lots of toys." Eleora said and my heart was swelling. I love the empathy my daughter has for people.

"Ah Bambina that is so sweet, but we are giving kids all of the toys over there and all of your aunts and uncles at the station are bringing more. You can keep your presents, but that is so nice of you to give yours away. I love you so much my baby!" Eleora got up and hugged me and Maya.

"Alright I will meet you all at the station later. Love you all." Maya said.

"Wait mommy, can I go with you now and help wrap the toys? Please." Eleora asked, Maya looked at me and I nodded my head. I figured her little mini me would want to go with her.

"Okay go tell mama bye so we can leave."

"Ciao mama, I love you and we will see you later."

"Love you piccola."

Maya's POV
Tonight was so much fun! The whole station came over and we organized all of the toys and drove them to the donation site. Then we all decided to go ice skating afterwards and hang out with one another. Eleora looked so cute skating and holding our hands. She did so well today and I'm proud of her. I was afraid she was going to be confused and be mad about all of the toys but she loved it so much.

"Mommy can we give toys to the kids every year? I want to go with you all of the time." She said.

"Yeah baby, you can always go with us and it can be a new thing we do every Christmas." I said.

We finally got home and the kids were knocked out. We carried them to their rooms and then Carina and I set out the presents for tomorrow.
We went upstairs to get ready for bed, and we turned on a Christmas movie. It's one of our traditions we do every year. Staying up late to watch cheesy movies and end our night with some amazing sex! I can tell Carina wasn't paying attention to the movie so I went to make a move. We start to make out and things are getting heated when we hear a little knock on our door.

"Oh really? Right now." Carina just chuckles.
I get off of her and we put our clothes back on.

"Mommy/Mama, can I come in?" Eleora asked.

"So Piccola come in." Eleora walked in and looked like she has been crying.

"Elle Belle what is wrong?" I asked and she climbed up in my lap.

"I woke up and now I can't go back to sleep and Santa won't come to our house now! I can't go to sleep mommy and I'm just scared Santa won't come." She said while having tears stream down her cheeks.

"Oh baby it's okay! I promise you will fall back asleep and then Santa will come. Why don't you sleep with Mama and I tonight. It will be like a Christmas sleepover." Eleora got excited and laid in the middle between Carina and I. We hear the baby monitor go off so she gets up to grab Luca. Then she bring him to our bed.

"Looked like someone heard about our sleepover and got jealous. Now both of you need to go to sleep. I love you all, good night."

"Goodnight mama, goodnight mommy." Eleora said.

"Night night" Luca said.

We usually avoid having the kids in our bed unless for special circumstances, but tonight I am enjoying it so I think this can be a new tradition.

Christmas Day
The Deluca-Bishop family woke up and all opened gifts. The kids were so excited and the moms got each other a trip without the kids for a weekend of their choice. After they open presents Maya's mom and Carina brother came over and they all watched movies and drank hot chocolate like they do every year. Maya is very thankful for her new love for Christmas and all of the traditions she has with her family.

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