Feeling the Pressure

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Carina's POV
My alarm went off at 6:00 o'clock and I rolled over to turn it off. Last night I slept in an empty bed since Maya was on a 24hr shift but my little bambino Matteo came in the middle of the night to snuggle with his mama.

"Good morning bambino" I said to Matteo and rubbed his back to wake him up.

"Morning mama, when does mommy get home?" He asked all cute with his sleepy voice.

"You will see her after school at sissy's track meet when she gets off work. Why don't you go downstairs and I'll be there to make some breakfast." I said and Matteo left to go downstairs.

I walked into my daughter's room and she was sprawled out in her bed and she has her school books all over. It looked like she didn't sleep too well last night because she was up studying. I moved the books off her bed and moved her hair out of her face. "buongiorno piccola mia" I said to wake her up.

Alessandra rolled over to face me, "buongiorno mama." She said all cute.

"What time did you go to sleep last night Bambina? And don't lie to me because I have a feeling I know when you went to sleep." I said with a stern voice.

"Uh....I went to bed around 11:30-12." She said

"Piccola you know you need to get a good night sleep especially that you have a track meet today."

"I know mama, I just had to study for my test because I need an A on it. I just got carried away and fell asleep." She said.

"Well you are going to get an A on that test because you are my daughter and you are brilliant. Why don't you get ready and meet us downstairs for breakfast." I said and got up to go make breakfast.

Alessandra's POV
I got ready and ate some breakfast and went back up to pack my stuff for school and track. Today we have our district finals and I need to win 1st place in our events so I can be just as good as my mom. My mom was an Olympian runner and my mama is a world class OBGYN, so I have this pressure of being good like them. My moms have never put pressure on me to be like them but I get it from everyone else at times. They always compare me to my mom in track and other people ask if I'm going to a doctor like my mama.

I have everything ready but I can't find my track spikes anywhere. I'm running around like a crazy person trying to find them. "Mama have you seen my spikes, I can't find them anywhere." I asked. "Have you looked in your closet?" Mama said.
"Of course I did, that was the first place I looked." I snapped at my mama. My mama walked into the hallway closet and found my spikes in a basket. "Here they are Bambina." Mama said and I ran over and grabbed them, "Grazie mama." My mom just nodded her head and gave me some eggs and fruit for breakfast.

After breakfast mama dropped off Matteo at school and then she dropped me off. "I'll see you tonight Piccola, good luck on your test and good luck at your meet. You are going to do fine." She said and I gave her a hug and hopped out to find my friends.

Maya's POV
I just got off my 24hr shift and I'm so tired, but I'm so excited to see Allie run in her district finals tonight. She is a perfectionist and a super hard worker. I was hesitant at first to let her run track because of my past trauma from running, but it is what she wanted to do so I let her. Allie is honestly just as good as I was and as long as she's having fun then that's all I care about.

Carina was off work today so I go home to take a nap before we go to Allie's track meet. I walk in and see my beautiful wife cleaning up the kitchen. I walk behind her and wrap my arms around her waist. "I missed sleeping in my bed with my sexy doctor wife last night." I said and gave her a kiss on her cheek. "I missed you too Bambina. Matteo kept me company last night because he had a bad dream, but I wish it was you who I cuddled with." She said and turned around to give me a hug.
"How was Allie this morning? I'm sure she is nervous about the meet." I said.

"Nervous is an understatement, she has been pushing herself too hard and stayed up late last night studying and she was freaking out this morning when she couldn't find her shoes." Carina said and it made me sad to hear how stressed she was.

"Well I'll talk to her at the meet. She doesn't need to be stressed and nervous about today. She will do fine." I said and then went upstairs to shower and lay down for a bit.

Alessandra's POV
I'm at the track and I'm feeling anxious about today. I'm not sure why, I mean I have had meets a bunch of times but I want to do so good for my moms and my team. One of my coaches came over to me to talk to me, "Hey Allie, you excited for today? Maybe you can beat your mom's record just like she did when she ran here." Just another person comparing me to my mom. I start to freak out and my breathing starts to get quicker. My other coach runs over to me, "hey Allie, what's wrong? Are you okay?" She says. "I'm just nervous and it's hard to breathe. I just need my mom." I say quickly. My coach sees my moms walking up and calls them over to talk to me. I feel like I'm going to be sick.

Maya's POV
Carina, Matteo, and I walk into the track and about to go sit in the stands when we see Alessandra's coach talking to her and she waves us over. Something is wrong with Allie, she doesn't look well. "Hey captain Bishop, Allie is freaking out and having a panic attack about today, she is asking for you and Carina. Maybe you guys can calm her down." She said and I run over to where Allie is.

"Hey baby, what's wrong? It's okay, just breathe." I say and try to get her to calm down.

"I'm trying to but it's hard to breathe mommy. I'm nervous about today." Allie says and turns around to throw up but nothing comes out.

"Allie, baby, you have to slow down and breathe so you don't get sick. Deep breath in...5,4,3,2,1, and deep breath out...5,4,3,2,1. Good baby you are doing well." After a couple of more times Alessandra calmed down.

"You feel better Bambina?" Carina asked and Allie nodded her head.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to freak out. I'm fine now." Allie said.

"Baby can we talk for a minute, let's take a walk." And I grabbed her hand while Carina went up with Matteo do go find a seat.

"Listen Allie, mama said you were stressed this morning and you didn't sleep well last night. I want you to be honest with me about why you are so nervous. You know you are a great runner and it's just another meet." I tell her softly.

"I just feel all of this pressure all of the sudden. It's like I need to please everyone all of the time. I'm afraid to let you and mama down if I don't make good grades in school. I'm afraid to let you and my team down by not running well enough. I just feel like I have to be perfect and it's so exhausting mom." Allie says and starts to tear up.

"Baby I'm so sorry if I have been putting any pressure on you at all. You are allowed to make mistakes and you aren't always going to win or succeed. I don't want you to worry about disappointing me or mama." I say.

"I just want to be good like you were my age and everyone in track compares me to you, and not that I'm complaining because you are amazing mom but it just gets a lot. I don't feel pressured by you in track because you are my biggest supporter, but it's all of the other noise." Allie says.

"Well listen Alessandra, you do not have to be like me. I can care less if you win or lose your races. I've told you about my past and I never want you to experience that ever. You have to learn to shut out the other noises and focus on yourself. I've never told you this but you are already better than I ever was. You love track and you love to run for fun, just don't ever lose that part of yourself. I love you Allie."

"Love you too Mom! Thank you for calming me down. Well I need to go warmup before my race, I'll come find you and mama later." Alessandra said and ran to the track.

I walk back up to Carina and tell her about our talk. I just hope Allie does well and some of this pressure can come off of her. Later in the meet Alessandra won 2 gold medals and her relay team won 2nd place. I'm so proud of my daughter and we all decide to go eat and then go home and spend time together.

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