Mental Health Day

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Addie's POV
Lately I have been through a lot of stress with my school work and sports. I don't want tell my moms about it because they have been really busy with work and I don't want to worry them. I have the ACT this weekend and I want a good score on it to get into good colleges. I have been studying everyday after school and barely sleeping. I've skipped some soccer trainings and I think my mom has started to notice how I'm stressed.

My alarm went off at 6:00 am and I was so annoyed. I fell asleep while studying last night around 2 am. I got up and changed clothes ready to head to school. I go downstairs and see my moms talking and making breakfast. My brother Luca was sitting at the table eating his food.

"Morning Piccola, how did you sleep?" Mama asked me.

"I slept fine, ready to go to school and then come back home." I said lying because I didn't sleep much.

Maya's POV
I can tell something is up with Addie lately. She's always in her room studying, and barely eating at meals. I can tell she's tired, but won't admit anything since she's stubborn like me. I decided to wait and talk to her later with Carina. I grabbed the kids and we headed out the door.

I dropped Luca off at the elementary school and started to drive down the road to the high school.

"Hey bug, why don't you come to the station after school? You haven't been there in a bit and everyone misses you. Then we can go to the soccer fields and play some soccer." I asked.

"Um maybe another time mom, I need to go home and study for the ACT."

"You have been studying a lot lately, why don't you take a break?"

"Mom please stop, I just want to go home and study. I will be fine once I take this test."

"Okay let's meet in the middle. You can study but you come to the station and do it. Then I'll take you home once mama gets off work."

Addie huffed but ultimately agreed to meet her mom at the station.

After work I took the kids home and make dinner since Carina was working a little later than usual. As soon as Addie got home she went straight to her room and study. Luca wanted to go in her room and play with her but Addie was in a bad mood and they started to argue.

"LUCA get out please! I am busy and don't have time to play right now."

"You never want to play with me. Let's just play one game." Luca said.

"No I don't want to! Get out of my room! MOM!!! Come get Luca, I'm trying to study." Addie said.

I eventually went upstairs and grabbed Luca and told them dinner was ready. Addie said she wasn't hungry and was going to come down later. After a bit of going back and forth, I eventually left her alone.

Carina's POV
I came home after a long day of work ready to relax since Maya and I have the next couple of days off. Maya and Luca were in the living room working on Luca's school work.

"Hey there is my favorite bambino! How was school?"

"It was good, we got extra recess today so that was fun." He said. I went over and gave Maya a kiss.

"Where is Adelina?" I asked.

"She is upstairs refusing to come down. She has been studying all day since she's been home from school. I tried to make her eat dinner but it turned into a big argument." Maya said.

I decided to go upstairs and get Addie to come down and eat. "Hey Piccola, how was your day."

"It was boring." She said without looking up from her computer."

"Well why don't you come down with me and let's eat? Mom said you didn't eat yet and I can use some company."

"Mama please don't make me, I already told mom that I'm not hungry and I'm busy studying." Addie said starting to get upset. I saw Maya come into her room so we sat on her bed deciding to talk

"Bambina let's talk for a minute. Mom and I are getting worried about you?"

"Why?" Addie asked immediately.

"Because bug you have been studying nonstop and not taking care of yourself. It is not healthy. It's just one test." Maya said.

"It's not just one test. It's THE TEST! I need to score at least above a 30 on it if I want to get into a good college and it looks better for recruitment for soccer. If I get a low score then I won't get recruited and I won't get into a good college and then...." Addie started to get worked up and she was crying and hyperventilating. She's starting to have a panic attack.

"Okay Addie listen to me, you need to breathe honey. Big deep breath in.... And out."

"Mama I can't breathe, I don't know what's happening to me!" Addie said. Maya went to go find her inhaler as we use it for emergencies. She came back and helped Addie take a couple of puffs to slow her breathing. We brought her to her bed to let her calm down.

"Hey you are okay Piccola, you just had a small panic attack and got worked up. We are taking a break from the studying. Let's change into comfy clothes and eat something." Addie nodded her head and I went to change out of my scrubs while Maya stayed with her and helped her change and take her downstairs. I came out and Addie was downstairs eating dinner and I felt some relief now that she's eating. That night, we brought her to our bed so we can watch her and make sure she had a proper good night sleep. She instantly fell asleep in between me and Maya.

"I think we keep her home tomorrow and let her relax from school and sports. I don't want her to have more panic attacks."

"Yeah I didn't like seeing her like that tonight. It scared me. She's putting too much pressure on herself over this test." Maya said.

The next day....
Addie's POV
I forgot I fell asleep in mom's bed last night. I guess I got overwhelmed with all of the school work and I freaked out. Hopefully they will let me study a little today. I sat up and read the clock that said it was 8 am!!! I'm late for school!

"Mom, mama I'm late for school. I need to get ready." Then mama pulled me back down next to her.

"Piccola we are letting you stay home today. Lay back down for a bit, you surely are still tired."

"Wait you are really letting me miss school? Why? You never let me miss. I need to go study." I said.

"Bug we are taking a mental health day. Sometimes we just need a day off and not think about work or school. So today no school and no studying. Just hanging out with your 2 cool moms and your annoying brother." Mom said. I was surprised. Not sure to be happy or mad I can't study. But maybe my moms are right and I need a break.

"Okay I like that. I promise no school and no studying." I said.

I laid back down and fell asleep and woke back up around 9:30. We ate breakfast and sat around to watch movies. It was nice my moms were off work and we had a lazy day. Later in the day, we all went to the park and I practiced some soccer with mom while Luca played on the play ground. It was a nice break from studying and I feel relaxed. My moms taught me the importance of having break and mental health days are okay.

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