A Trip to Grey Sloan

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Mallie's POV
Today was our district championship game in basketball. We are playing our rival school, Northwest, so the atmosphere will be crazy tonight! The team we are playing is super aggressive and rough. Their girls average at least 4 fouls and game. We lost to them by 3 points earlier in the year and we can't wait to beat them this time.

Me and Pru, who is basically family to me, are the only 2 underclassmen that start on varsity. Everyone on the team is ready and we are about to go out on the court to warm up. The crowd is yelling and our school student section is so hyped right now. We run to the court and start doing layups. I look around the stands to try and spot my family, they always calm my nerves when I know they are here in the gym. I finally spot my moms and the whole station 19 crew is here to watch me and Pru play. I just smiled and waved at them.

Maya's POV
The game tonight is so important for the team. The crowd here is insane and it's such a fun atmosphere. I remember us playing this team earlier in the season and they played super rough. Three of their players got technicals during the game and one of our players got hurt. Hopefully it won't be as rough tonight.

It's the end of the 1st quarter and we are up by 10 points. Mallie already has 12 points which is pretty good. The team looks like they are having fun and it's a good game so far. Mallie is getting pushed around a little which worries me because I don't want to see her hurt.

We are in the 2nd quarter and we are up by 6 right now. Mallie is point guard so she is dribbling the ball up and passes it to Pru and she makes the 3 pointer! We are in a man to man defense and Mallie is playing great defense. Their point guard has the ball but Mallie steals it and take the open layup and scores! We are on a good run. The coach told our team to back off and change defense. Northwest tries to pass it to their wing but Pru steals it and Mallie is following her to get open. Pru is guarded so she passes it to Mallie to shoot the layup. Mallie received the pass and goes to shoot but one of their girls comes next to her and pushes her to foul her. She hit the ground pretty hard and I start to worry. The crowd is cheering since we got the foul but Mallie is taking a while to get back up.

Mallie's POV
I feel like I just got hit by a truck. I got fouled pretty hard and they gave the player a technical. I hit my head on the floor hard and the room is spinning. I lay on the floor for a few seconds before Pru grabs my hand and checks on me.

"Hey you okay Mal?" She says as she stands me up.

"Yeah I'm good, just trying to regroup after that foul." I say.

The refs tell me go walk to my bench to have my coach check me out.

"Mallie are you alright?" Coach asks.

"Yeah I'm fine I just need to go back out there and play."

I say and he pats my back and I go shoot my free throws. I make all of my shots and the crowd starts cheering. I didn't want to tell anyone that I'm not feeling the best. My head is hurting, but I need to push through and help my team win the game.

Carina's POV
I'm worried about Mallie a little bit. She hit the floor pretty hard on the foul, and she's exactly like Maya. She won't tell anybody if she's hurt and she'll just push through. I'm not going to let her keep playing if she's hurt.

"Babe do you think Mallie is okay?" I asked Maya.

"I don't know, she hit the floor pretty hard. We can keep a lookout on her and see if anything changes. I'll go tell Chris (the athletic trainer) to check her out during half time." She said and walks down the bleachers to talk to him.

Shortly after, Chris comes us to talk to us. "Well we both know how stubborn your daughter is, so she didn't want to get checked out but I made her anyways. Based on my exam nothing stood out that concerned me. She will probably be sore because of how she hit the floor and I told Coach to limit her playing time and give her more breaks. She was not happy about it."

"Yeah she will get over it. Thank you Chris for checking on her." I said and he walked back to the team.

Mallie's team came back out to warm up and she looked at us and mouthed "I'm Fine." Maya and I just looked at each other because we both know she's not her normal self. "She's your daughter." I tell Maya. Maya hits me playfully and rolls her eyes.

Maya's POV
It's the end of the 3rd quarter and we are tied at 32-32. There is about a minute left of the quarter and Mallie has the ball. She has been looking a bit sluggish and can tell she's not at her full potential, but she's my daughter so she will do anything to play for her team. It worries me at times how much we are alike. Mallie has a breakaway and goes for the layup and gets fouled hard by the same girl. She gets pushed and hits the floor hard again! The whole gym gasps and then cheers because she made the layup.

Her teammates get near Mallie and they argue with the other girl and one of our players pushes the girl back for fouling so hard. The refs come out to diffuse the situation. Luckily the refs eject the girl from Northwest and the gym cheers, but Mallie is still laying on the ground. Pru is near her and Chris and the coach run out to the court to check on her.

Carina's POV
Maya grabs my hand as we stand up and start to head down the floor to see what happened with Mallie. Chris tells us to go to his office which is next to the gym because they help Mallie off the floor and into his training room. The gym starts to cheer and clap for Mallie since she got hurt. They set our daughter on his table to do his exam.

"Hey kiddo, you took another big hit out there." Chris said. Mallie didn't respond right away.

"Mallie can you tell me where you are right now?" He asks.

"Um we are at school." She says super slow.

"Can you tell me who these people are?" Pointing to us.

"Those are my moms. Look can I go play now." She says and tries to get off the table but she falls down, luckily Chris was there to catch her.

"No Bambina you aren't going back out there." I tell her.

"Mallie can you tell me what part of your body hurts? And don't tell me nothing because that's not true." He says with a laugh.

"Um my head and neck hurt. I hit the floor hard both times." Mallie says.

All of the sudden Mallie gets up and points to the trash can because she's about to get sick. I grab the trash can and she gets sick.

"It's okay Mallie. You are going to be okay. Let it out." I say and rub her back.

"Dr.Deluca and Captain Bishop, I think you should take her to Grey Sloan. She is showing signs of a concussion, but it's safer to double check with your doctors."

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