School Troubles pt.2

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Danielle's POV
I'm finally done with all of my scenes and I can't wait to go home, I'm so exhausted. Stefania was walking toward my trailer when I went up to hug her from the back.

"Hey beautiful, have you seen Maddie today? I haven't seen her all day." I asked. "Yeah I saw her earlier, I was about to grab her so we can go home, she isn't feeling the best." Stefania said. "What's wrong, is she okay?" I asked worried. "Yeah she's not sick or anything, she's just stressed. She will tell you about it if you ask her, but Madeline needs to be the one to do it." Stef says.

I was getting nervous because I didn't know what was up with Maddie. We walk inside of my trailer and she was asleep on the couch, her face was red and puffy, it looked like she was crying.

"Hey sunshine, are you okay? Stef said you weren't feeling the greatest." I told her and sat next to her on the couch. "Yeah it was just a super long day at school." She said. "Bambina, tell your mom how you are feeling?" Stefania said. I turned to look at my daughter, "Madeline what's going on? You are scaring me." I tell her.

"Mom I don't want to go school anymore. A lot of the kids make comments to me about being your daughter and how I'm not pretty like you or how I will never be as good as you. It's just a lot, and the social media comments get to me at times and I'm trying to stay strong but I can't hold it in anymore." Maddie said and my heart is breaking for my sweet baby.

"Honey show me the comments on social media." I tell her. She was hesitant at first but she hands me her phone and I stand up and pace while I read the comments. I'm use to hate comments and I had to learned to not pay attention but Maddie is 14, she shouldn't go through this.

Maddie's POV
Surprisingly my mom wasn't that mad, she seemed sorry for me and I think she was thrown off.

"I'm deleting your social media. I can't handle you going through all of this. It's better it I delete your accounts." Mom said at first.

"What! Mom no please don't, I like having social media. It's just occasionally how people make comments, but I want to keep it. Please let me have my accounts." I pleaded to my mom.

"Madeline why didn't you tell me about all of this earlier?" My mom asked. "Because I was afraid you would be mad and I didn't want to worry you." I said. "Sunshine I am your mom, it is my job to worry about you and I would never be mad at you because you are going through something. I wish you would have told me earlier and I'm sorry this is happening to you." Mom said. Mom, Stefania and I sat on the couch and processed everything.

"So I think I want to do online school. I just don't want to keep going to public school." I tell my mom. "Okay mads, if that is what you want to do then we can discuss the options for it. I just want you to be happy." My mom said. "Well one thing is that if I do online school, I can travel with you and mama on all of the tours or film sites." I say.

My mom's head shot up and looked at Stefania. "Maddie did you just call Stef mama?!" Mom asked. "Yeah I said it earlier and she said she would love if I called her that." I tell my mom.

"I think that's amazing! I just love my little family." Mom said and we all hugged. "Well bambine, let's head home, it has been a long day and we are all tired." Mama said and we headed to the car to leave.

Basically after the winter break, I will be moving to online school and the show has a tutor for all of the young actors or for the kids of the actors so I will see them two days a week. My moms put some restrictions on my social media and removed the comments until I was ready to unlock it. Now I can spend more time with my moms and not have to worry about the stress of school.

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