Christmas Miracle

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Backstory: Maya and Carina have been fostering a 10 year old girl and her little brother who is 4 years old. They have been with Maya and Carina for about a year now. They were removed one time 6 months ago and placed in a horrible group home but Maya and Carina got them back. At 8 months the couple was able to adopt Ryan, but they still haven't officially adopt Mallie yet because her mother has refused to sign over her parental rights even if she has been in and out of prison. The moms are trying their best to fight the system and let Mallie be their's officially.
Mallie's POV
I woke up this morning to Ryan jumping on my bed and screaming to wake up since it's Christmas morning. "Wake up sissy it's Christmas! Santa came and brought us presents!" Ryan yelled. I can smell Carina's amazing food so I'm assuming they are awake. I grab Ryan and we walk out of my room and go to the kitchen.

"Ah good morning Mallie boo!" Maya said to me and kisses my head. "Morning mom, morning mama." I say and go and hug my mama who is making her incredible French toast. I call Maya and Carina my moms even if I'm not technically their daughter. I'm jealous that they got to adopt Ryan and I wish they can adopt me. They told me I can call them my moms but I just wish it can happen legally. We all sit down and eat some breakfast and talk about who we are celebrating with today. "So I figured we will do presents here and GiGi is coming over to celebrate with us. Then later we will do Christmas with everyone at the station and eat dinner. How does that sound?" Mom asked us. "Can we see Pru and Matteo?" Ryan asked. "Yes they will be their buddy!" He jumped up and down all excited to see his cousins. Ben and Miranda adopted Pru and Matteo is Andy and Sullivan's little boy who is Ryan's age.

Carina's POV
I can't wait for the kids to open their presents. They have been a the blessing to Maya and I and we couldn't have asked for anything more than the kids. It has been a hard journey for Mallie since we have been dealing with her biological mother and not giving us parental rights. Her birth mom has been in and out of prison all of Mallie's life yet she won't terminate her parental rights. So Mallie has been bouncing from foster homes until she finally landed with us. It's been a blessing ever since. Ryan's mom was easy and we were able to adopt him months ago.

We all moved to the living room and Maya's mom just got here and we are about to open up some gifts. I'm so excited to see their faces and Maya and I have a surprise for them. "Okay bambine you can open up your gifts now!" I say and they start ripping up their gifts. "Oh I got fire twucks!" Ryan said. "Aw you got me some more running shoes, so mom and I can go on our morning runs." Mallie said. Mallie loves to run with Maya in the mornings and she is so athletic. She is on her school's basketball team and track team. If you didn't tell me that we adopted the kids, people would assume they are ours because they actually look like Maya and I. Mallie has blonde hair and blue eyes and Ryan has brown hair and brown eyes like me.

Maya's POV
The kids have had a blast today and they loved their gifts. Mallie got shoes, clothes and we bought a basketball goal to put in our driveway. Ryan got fire trucks, Dino's, legos and some books to read at night. Carina and I had one more present for Mallie to open.

"Okay Mallie, mama and I forgot about a gift to give you, so open this." I tell her. She jumps up and sits in front of us and starts to open up gift. My mom starts to secretly record her reaction because this is something we want to keep forever.

She opens up the gift and it's a yellow envelope. "Yay an envelope. Just what I wanted." Mallie says sarcastically. She gives a funny look and we laugh about it. "Open the envelop Bambina." Carina says. Mallie opens the envelop and pulls out the papers inside. She starts to read the letters then jumps up on her feet. "Wait am I reading this right?" She says with tears in her eyes. "What does it say Mallie?" I ask her.

"It says, that the courts have granted sole custody and want to formally grant parental rights of Mallie June Wright to Maya and Carina Deluca-Bishop. She looks up from the papers and stares at us with tears flowing from her eyes.

"Wait so you guys are officially adopting me?" Mallie asks. "If that is what you want then yes sweetie we want to adopt you. We got everything sorted out and we have a hearing in 3 days to have the judge sign it." I tell her and there isn't a dry eye in the room. Mallie runs over and hugs Carina and I and we are still crying. "Yes of course I want you to be my moms. I thought this day would never happen." Mallie says. "We love you Mallie! I'm glad it's finally over and you are going to be officially ours." Carina says. "I love you moms." She says. We all hug for a minute and take some pictures with all of us.

"This has been the best Christmas ever." Mallie says.

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