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It was Friday night when the Deluca-Bishop family was enjoying their evening of quality family time. Maya and Carina have a little boy named Luca who is 5 years old. Both moms were able to get home early tonight after an exhausting week they had with their work. It's been raining in Seattle and it is suppose to be bad thunderstorms tonight.

"Dinner is ready!" Carina yelled to her wife and son that were in the living room playing with Luca's toys. They both come in racing each other into the dining room.

"Ha Ha mommy I beat you!" Luca yelled all excited.

"I'll get you next time bubba. You are just too fast for me." Maya said acting like she was upset to be funny with Luca.

"Okay you runners, let's sit down and eat some of this yummy pasta." Carina said.

The family sat down for dinner and talked about their day. Luca started kindergarten this year and he loves his school so he comes home and talks it about it all of the time. Some of the other doctor's children go to the same school so it's nice they can be around each other all of the time.

"Mama, me and Luna were playing with toys today and big meanie Ben came over and stole Luna's toy! I told him that wasn't nice and asked to give it back but he wouldn't. So I told Mrs.Riley about it and he got in trouble."

"Well bambino I am super proud of you for asking nicely for the toy back and then going to tell an adult. I'm sorry Ben was mean to you and Luna." Carina said.

Later that evening the moms gave Luca a bath and it was time to go to bed for the little
Bambino. Luca use to be super good at sleeping in his bed but recently the moms have had overnight shifts and they think it caused a little of separation anxiety.

Maya's POV
We just got done reading our third book of the night with Luca and it's time for lights out. We have been trying to get him to be a big boy and sleep in his bed, but with Carina and I gone a lot this week it hasn't been easy for the little guy.

"Okay Luca it's time for lights out and bed time kisses." I tell him

"Mommy you have to check for monsters first!" Luca said.

"Oh that's right! How can I forget, okay let's look for them."

We checked under his bed and in his closet and we couldn't find any. "Alright Luca we are all clear of monsters and it's time to go night night." I tell my son. I gave him a kiss and a hug first and turned on his night light while Carina tucked Luca in and gave him a kiss.

"Te amo bambino! Sleep tight Luca bear." Carina said and we walked out of his room and left his door cracked. Hopefully he will sleep through the whole night.

Luca's POV
It was raining super hard and it's thundering and lightning. The thunder scares me and I want to go to my mommies room but I need to be brave and stay in my bed. I close my eyes and try to fall back asleep but then a big thunder shook the house a little and the power flicked on and off. I grabbed my teddy and took off to my moms room.

My moms door was cracked so I slowly open it and they were both sleeping. I go over to my mom and shook her arm to wake her up. "Mommy wake up." I whispered and my mom opened her eyes slowly.

"Luca what's wrong buddy, why are you crying?" She said with a croaky voice.

"I can't sleep because the thunder is too scary." I said and then there was another loud thunder and I immediately jumped into my mom's bed.

"Hey buddy it's okay. Come lay with me and mama and we can cuddle tonight since it is storming outside." Mommy said to me.

Carina's POV
This storm is crazy out tonight. I felt something moving in the bed and I roll over to see Maya settling Luca in between us.

"What's wrong bambino? Did the storm scare you?" I asked.

Luca just shook his head and I opened my arms for him to snuggle with me. He slid over and laid his head to my chest and he was sniffling from crying. I held my son tight and played with his hair to calm him down. He is so scared of thunderstorms.

"Shhh bambino, it is okay. You are safe with me and mommy. Listen to my heart beat and relax. Close your eyes and try to go back to sleep." I hum an Italian lullaby that I sing to him a lot and Luca's body starts to relax. Maya throws her arm over us as we all cuddle together. As much as I enjoy Luca sleeping in his own bed, I still love when he wants to snuggle with his mommies.

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