Tough call

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Maya's POV
I usually do pretty well with not bringing any of my work issues back home to my family. It can be hard for Carina and I because we work high demanding jobs and we get unexpected calls or cases all of the time. Carina and I have a 7 year old daughter Riley and a 2 year old son Matteo. Today I had a long and hard day at work. It started when we got called in a 3 fire alarm. I thought it would be just a standard procedure thinking it was a gas leak or an electrical fire but I was wrong.

Carina's POV
Maya has been gone for over 24 hours. She texted me earlier that she was heading to a big fire so I always worry about her. It was around 11:30 pm when I feel someone kiss me. It was my beautiful wife, "Maya I'm so glad you are here. Are you okay? Are you hurt?" I asked worriedly.

"No I'm okay. It was a super tough call and I need a shower, so I'll be right back." Maya said. I can tell something happened and she needs to talk about it. Otherwise she will hold everything in and she's not herself when she gets quiet like that.

Some time later, Maya came out of the bathroom showered and dressed. I held my arms out for Maya to lay down and as soon as we made contact, she started to cry.

"It was a really tough call. It was a house fire and children were involved. They had a girl who looked around Riley's age and the parents caused the fire by leaving the stove on. They were drunk somewhere and the kitchen caught on fire and created a bigger fire from it. By the time we were called in to help, it was hard to contain the fire and get everyone out, we eventually got the girl and the parents out and then cleared the fire. But... but the girl didn't make it on the way to the hospital." Maya said now streaming with tears.

"A little girl died because her parents chose alcohol over their child and were not careful. All I could think about was Riley and Matteo and it was hard to focus. After the call, I got back to the station and had a breakdown and then Andy sent me home." She said.

I just squeezed her in a hug and held her and kissed her head. "You are so brave Bambina, you did everything you could do. Our kids are fine and you did the best you could. Sometimes we both see people who can't provide a stable home for children and it's just something we deal with in our work. Thank you for talking to me Bella. I'm sorry you dealt with this today. Next time have someone call me and I will come be with you." We then try to lay down and go to sleep.

Maya kept on stirring around and then eventually got up out of the bed. "Bambina where are you going?" I asked.

"I need to check on the kids, I just need to really see them right now." She said and left our room. A few minutes later, she came back with Riley in her arms. "Maya what are you doing?" I asked. "I need her by me tonight. I know she's fine but for my anxiety, I want her close to me." I just nod my head and let Riley sleep with us. She was still sleeping and cuddling with Maya.

Days like today can be hard on us and our family, but as long as Maya comes back to us, then everything will be alright.

Riley's POV
I woke up this morning somehow in my mom's bed. I rolled over and my mama is not in the bed, she must be downstairs cooking breakfast but my mom is cuddling with me. I didn't see her at all yesterday so it was nice to wake up next to her. I bet she is really tired from work, so I snuck out of her bed went to the kitchen. Mama was up with Matteo cooking eggs and French toast.

"Ah good morning piccolia mia." Mama said and gave me a hug and kiss. "When did I come to your bed last night?" I asked. "Oh mommy came and brought you in our bed because she missed you so much." Mama said. "Oh okay." I said and I started eating the food mama made me.

Maya's POV
I woke up to an empty bed and started to get anxious. I rushed out of bed and found my family downstairs in the kitchen. "Good morning Bambina. I wanted to let you sleep so we started without you." Carina said. I guess she saw I was anxious and she gave me a hug and kiss and I relaxed in her arms.

"Mommy you are home!" Matteo said.
"How's my baby boy doing? I missed you so much." I said
"I missed you too mommy. We played wif my blocks and watched a movie with sissy and mama." Matteo said.
"Well sounds like you had all of the fun without me." I said and tickled him. His little laughs and squeals are so cute.

I walk to the table and see my little Riley eating next to Carina.

"And how's my little mini me doing this morning?" I said and grabbed her and hugged her. I got lost in my thoughts and soon enough small tears were coming out.
"Mommy you are hugging me too tight." Riley said.
"Sorry baby. I didn't mean to. I just missed you so much." I said and wiped my tears.
"I missed you too mommy." Riley said.

"I think we should have another movie day with mommy since we are both off work and we can eat popcorn and maybe go to the park later." Carina said which sounded like a much needed relax day.

A little later, we all piled up on the couch and Riley picked to watch Frozen and she wanted to cuddle with me. I just realized how lucky and blessed I am to have my family.

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