Snow Days

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Danielle's POV
Filming for Station 19 has been crazy busy lately which is a good thing, but it's also very exhausting. That is a lot of time taken away from my family. Stefania and I have a month off of filming so we took our kids to a ski resort for a week just to get out of LA for a bit. We have a 10 year old son named Luca and an 7 year old daughter named Aleah. Because of our crazy schedules our kids are enrolled in a hybrid school where they only go to school twice a week and do online the rest of the days. Right now they are on winter break so now is a perfect time to go on vacation.

We finally landed at our resort and it's freezing here! I love the winter and cold weather and so does Luca, but Stefania on the other hand hates it. I'm honestly surprised she agreed to plan this trip, but our kids don't have a lot of experience with snow since we live in California. The kids are so excited to be here and see all of the snow.

"Mommy can we please go out and run in the snow?!" Luca said all excited.

"Buddy we can as soon as we unpack and settle for a minute." I said.

"Mama look at all of the snow!" Aleah yelled.

Stefania's POV
It's finally time to take the kids outside and they are bouncing off the walls here. I hate the cold but it warms my heart seeing how happy it makes my kids and Danielle just being here. Everyone is in their snow gear and we head outside. They start playing and running in the snow. Danielle comes behind me and wraps her arms around my waist. "Look how excited and how much fun they look being out here." She said. I turned around and kissed her. "I love you and our little family. I'm glad they get to experience this even if I'm already freezing." I say and we kiss again. "I know a few ways I can warm you up." Danielle said while kissing my neck.

The kids made a big snowman and we had a family snowball fight. Later on Luca asked if he and Danielle can go sledding and she agreed to it. They have a couple of small hills next to our cabin so we decide to go there. Luca grabs his own board and so does Dani, Aleah went to grab her board but I don't think she's ready to go by herself.

"Piccola, why don't you ride with me or mommy, I don't think you will like going by yourself."

"Mama Luca gets to do it, I want to do it too."

"I know Bambina, but let's watch them first and ride with one of us and then maybe you can try to go." She shook her head and we followed Danielle and Luca up the hill.

Danielle's POV
Sledding has been really fun. Luca is having a great time, and so is Aleah. She's been riding with me or Stefania. I can tell she wants to go by herself because she sees Luca doing it. I think she can do it because the hill is small enough. Me and Aleah were about to go and I decided to ask if she wanted to try since we were almost done anyways. Stefania and Luca were at the bottom waiting for us.

"Buggy do you want to try going down by yourself?" I asked. She nodded her head yes and I yell at Stef that she's going by herself. I see her get her phone out to record.

Aleah sits on the sled and then stands back up and hugs me. "Mommy I don't know if I can do it, the hill is really big." I bend down to her height to talk to her

"Baby you don't have to do it if you don't want to. I think you can do it because it's not that much difference if you go with me or mama. It's whatever you want to do. You know sometimes we get scared to do things but we have to be brave at times and overcome our fears. I won't make you do it, but honey I know you really want to do this."

"Okay mommy, I can do it!" Aleah said.

"Now remember buggy, you hold on to the sides and mama is at the bottom waiting for you. If you get nervous, put your feet down to slow you down or you can roll off to the side. I love you my big girl!" I said.

"Love you mommy."

I give Aleah a little push and she sleds down the hill by herself! She is yelling and looks so happy. She stops at the bottom and Stefania picks her up and swings her around! "You did it Piccola!" I sled down to meet them and Aleah is so excited.

"I'm so proud of you baby!" I said and gave her a kiss on her cheek.

"Okay my snow bears, I think it is time to go inside because all of our cheeks are red and it's getting really cold out here. Let's go shower and change into comfy clothes and drink Hot chocolate!" Stefania said.

The kids run inside the cabin and we all shower and change and gather by the fire to warm up. Stef makes hot chocolate and we all relax to watch a movie. Times like this makes me love my life and appreciate the time we have with everyone.

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