School Troubles

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Maddie's POV
So being the daughter of a famous actress is much harder than people assume. Constantly getting compared to my mom and hearing and seeing mean comments on social media and school really sucks. My name is Madeline or Maddie for short and my mom is Danielle Savre and she is on the show called Station 19. It has always been just me and my mom. We are basically twins and she is my rock. A few years ago, my mom and her amazing on screen wife Stefania started to date in real life and just got married last year. Stefania is like another mom to me and I love that my mom is so happy. I tell my mom everything about my life unless it's about my troubles at school. I hate going to school and I don't want her to worry about me.

I've always gone to public school because my mom wants me to socialize with other people my age and be involved in extra curricular activities. I loved school up until this year. I'm in 8th grade now so I can imagine high school is going to be worse than this place. The boys constantly tell me how hot my mom is on the show and mean girls will say that I'm never going to be pretty or successful like my mom. I have like 3 friends at the school and they are my best friends. I'm just tired of the constant hate because of who my mom is. I mean it's not her fault but I just hate getting picked on.

Danielle's POV
I woke up this morning laying next to Stefania.
"Hey beautiful!" I tell her. "Ciao Bella." She replies and we kiss. It's around 6:45 so I go to Maddie's room to go wake her up for school. "Mads, wake up sunshine, you need to get ready for school." I say quietly as I play with her hair. She just groans and rolls over to hug me. She is so gentle and affectionate and we do this pretty much every morning.

Madeline is my 14 daughter and is my little sunshine. I had her at kind of a younger age and she is my mini me. She is beautiful and athletic, and she's so smart. Maddie was so accepting of when Stefania and I started to date and she never complains about my crazy schedule of filming, interviews, or press tours. I usually take her with me if I'm going anywhere out of the area, but I know she can get bored easily. I wanted her to go to a public school so she can be around other people her age, and she on a basketball team here in the city too. Most of my scenes are filmed while she is in school and then she will get dropped off at the studio so we can go home together.

Stefania was downstairs making breakfast and I was packing Maddie's lunch. Maddie comes downstairs ready for school and sits at the island and eats her food. Something seems off with her, but I don't want to push her this morning so I'll wait and see if her mood changes when we see her later. Me and Stefania get ready for a full day of shooting and we all get in the car so we can take Maddie to school. Luckily we live close to her school and the studio so it's not a long drive. Maddie was sitting in the back on her phone with her headphones on. We pulled up to her school and she got out, "Kate will probably pick you up today and bring you to the set after school." I tell Maddie. "Okay love you both." Maddie said and headed inside to her school. We finally make it to the set and go to hair and makeup to get ready for a long day.

Maddie's POV
School hasn't been so bad today. I'm sitting at lunch with my friend group and we talk about how we only have like a week left of school until winter break! I made an Instagram post last night just of pics of me and my friends going ice skating. I have a good amount of followers, but I sometimes get hate comments. I noticed there were more than I liked. "Hey Maddie, are you okay?" My friend Lilly asked me. "Uh it's just these stupid trolls on the internet. I hate social media sometimes." I got up and went to the bathroom and just scrolled through the messages. Some of these mean people go to my school, I start to get upset and silently cry.

School has ended and my mom's assistant Kate was outside waiting for me. We drove to set and I wasn't really in a mood to talk to many people, so I just headed straight to my mom's trailer to lay down.

Stefania's POV
I had about a 2 hour break before my last scene of the night so I was going to head to my trailer.
I saw Kate walk by but haven't seen Maddie. "Hey Kate do you know here Maddie is?" I asked. "Uh when we got here, she went to Dani's trailer so she may still be in there." Kate replied. Huh that's weird because Maddie is usually wanting to be out and around everyone. I head to Danielle's trailer to see if Mads was in there. I walk in and she's laying on the couch looking on her phone.
"Hey honey, why are you cooped up in here? I figure you would be out talking to everyone." I tell her and sit down next to her. "I don't feel like seeing everyone, I just want to stay in here." She said with a low voice. "I know something is wrong, so tell me and maybe I can fix it." I say and rub her back to comfort her.

"I don't want to go to school anymore. I hate it." Maddie says and starts to tear up. "What do you mean, I thought you loved going, you have basketball and your friend group." I say. "Literally everyone always makes comments about you and mom being famous and how I'll never be pretty like her or how I won't be as good as her. They make mean comments on my social media and there are a lot of hateful people on the internet. It's just too much to handle. Please mama don't make me keep going to a public school, I just want to do online school like all of the other kids get to do here."

I have never seen Maddie this upset before, she had completely broken down, and she called me mama which was the first time ever. My heart exploded when she said that but it's breaking right now to see her this upset. "Oh my bellina, come here. I had no idea this was happening." I say as Maddie was sitting on my lap just crying into me. "Can I see your phone? I just want to see your social media." I asked and she nodded her head and handed me her phone.

Maddie got up to wash her face while I looked at her Instagram and Twitter. I didn't realize how many followers she had and how many mean comments are on here. This is making me so mad, I can't even look at this anymore. Maddie came back out and sat next to me on the couch. "Madeline, I think we need to tell your mom. She needs to know about this, and ultimately she's the one who can pull you out of school." I tell her. "But she's going to be so mad and I don't want her to freak out." Maddie said. "Baby she won't be mad at you, we just need to have a sit down talk with her and explain what is going on and why you want to do online school." Maddie just shook her head and laid back down on my lap.

"Sorry for calling you mama, I won't do it again if you don't want me to." Maddie said. "Maddie it made my heart happy! Of course I want you to call me that. I've known you since you were 9 and I treat you like you are my daughter too." We hugged and just sat on the couch until I had to do my last scene. "Okay honey, I have one last scene to do and then we will leave and talk to your mom. I'll go find her and tell her we have to talk later."

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