Sick family

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Carina woke up early in the morning hearing Maya getting sick in the bathroom. She got up to go hold her hair  and to rub her back. "Are you okay Bambina?" She asked Maya. "Yeah I think I'm done for now. I guess I got whatever Claire has." Claire is their six year old daughter who has been sick since yesterday. Apparently their is a stomach bug going around the hospital daycare so that's where Claire got it from. Maya stayed home yesterday to take care of Claire so I bet Maya got it from her.

Carina's POV
When Maya laid back down, I went to the kitchen to get her a Gatorade and some crackers to help with her stomach. I texted Bailey that I was going to stay home the next two days because Maya is sick. It's about 4:30 am right now and I hear little footsteps come running into the kitchen and it was Claire. "Hey piccola, what are you doing up so early? I asked Claire as I picked her up. "My tummy was hurting and I had a bad dream." She said. "Oh it's okay, you can come and lay back down with me and mommy. Mommy isn't feeling well either but I bet she will love some cuddles." I carried Claire upstairs to our room and put the drinks and snacks on Maya's bedside table. Claire gets in the middle of the bed and snuggles next to Maya putting her head in Maya's chest.

We fell back asleep for a few hours and I hear our other daughter Adaline in the kitchen. She is our oldest daughter and she is 15, a sophomore in high school. I'm sure she's up and getting ready for school. It's 7 am right now and Maya and Claire are still sleeping, so I go downstairs to see if Adaline needs help with anything. "Hey honey, do you want me to make you some breakfast?" She turns around and doesn't look very well. She's in a hoodie and sweatpants and she looks a little pale. "Adaline do you feel sick too? Here let me take your temperature." I tell my daughter. "No mama I'm fine, I'm not hungry and I have a paper to turn in today for English class." I go up to her and feel her forehead with my hand. "Bambina you are burning up, you aren't going to school. Why don't you go upstairs and lay back down. Mom and Claire are already up there." I tell her. I stay downstairs and get some work done on my laptop because with all three of my babies being sick, I won't get much work done today.

After a couple of more hours Maya comes back down to the living room. "Hey, how are you feeling?" I asked her. "I'm feeling okay, I hate that the girls are sick too." Maya replied and laid her head on my shoulder. The girls came down to where we were shortly after and we all laid on the couch and cuddled. I kind of love it when they are sick because they are all clingy and full of cuddles, especially Maya. Adaline laid across Maya and I, and I was playing with her hair while Claire was sitting on Maya's side. We decided to watch a few movies and just enjoy our time together. "Okay bambine, I made everyone some chicken soup so I need you all to try to eat some to have something in your stomach before you all take medicine again." They all just whined but ate the soup and drank some fluids. Claire was looking better today, but Maya and Adaline have the worst of it.

Shortly after, Addi ran to the bathroom to get sick. Maya followed her to hold her hair back. After a few minutes Maya came out while Adaline was freshening up. When Addi came out of the bathroom she had tears streaming down her face. "Mama I don't feel good." She said and she sat on Carina's lap to hug her. "It's okay Piccola, I got you, just relax." Maya just smirked because they rarely see Adaline this clingy because she's a teenager, so the moms are enjoying the cuddles. Claire was sitting down in front of everyone just playing with her toys. The family spent the day just relaxing and watching movies while mostly everyone was recovering from the stomach bug. "Mama how are you not sick?" Claire asked Carina. "Because Italians don't get sick." She said with a laugh, and Maya just rolled her eyes. Even if it sucks that everyone but Carina is sick, she likes having to take care of them.

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