Pushed too hard pt.2

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The next day...
Andy took me home the next morning and I walk into my house and see Carina sitting at the table. She heard me walk in and she turns around. "Ciao Bella." She said with a low voice. "Hi love." I said back, "Is Addie still sleeping?" Carina nodded her head. "Can we talk before she wakes up." We went to our room and closed the door. "Bambina what is going on with us." Carina asked. "I need help and I need to go back to talking to Diane regularly. I know that I took out my stress and frustrations on you and Adaline and that's not fair at all. I am so sorry I have been a crappy partner and mom lately. I am going to work on myself and I promise to be better."

Carina got up and stood next to Maya and hugged her with tears in her eyes. "I have missed you Bambina, and I'm so proud of you noticing how to get help. We will work through this." "How much does Addie hate me? I screwed up pretty badly." I asked. "She doesn't hate you, I think it has been hard for her the last month or so and she has been pushing too hard. Now we just get her back to loving the sport instead of tiring her out. I think you both need to sit down and talk because it sounded like things got heated out at the track." Carina said.

About an hour later we were downstairs eating breakfast when Addie just woke up and came downstairs. "Good morning Piccola, how did you sleep? You slept in for a bit." Carina said and got up to hug her. Addie walked around the corner and saw Maya sitting on the couch. "Hey bug, can we talk?" Maya asked and Addie looked at Carina. Carina put her hand on her lower back for comfort because she knows that Adaline is getting anxious. Addie nodded her head and they sat on the couch on opposite ends.

"Let me start first baby. I am so very sorry for how I have been pushing you way too hard. I have been crazy and you have taken a beating. I took all of my stress and frustration from work and took it out on you and mama and that is not okay. When you were 10 and decided that you wanted to run track I was terrified. Not for you, but for me, I didn't want to turn into my dad and I ended up doing that. I promise to do better." Maya said and wiped her tears.

"Mom I'm sorry for everything I said. I didn't mean anything. You are not the worst, you are the best and we are going through a rough patch but that doesn't mean I don't need you." Addie said.

"Addie I think you are right, so I decided to not coach you in track or lead trainings anymore. You don't need me-" then Addie cut me off. "No mom, I still want you to coach me. No one is better than you are." She said. "Addie baby let me finish. I'm not quitting because of you. I need to work on my health and I have some stuff to work out with mama and our relationship.So I need to be more present. You will be fine without me and I will still to all of your meets and everything, but I'm just going to be your loud, obnoxious, supportive parent." I said laughing.

Addie got up from her side and hugged Maya while they both were crying. "I love you mom!" Addie said. "I love you too baby and I'm so sorry. I will be a better parent to you and a better wife to your mama." Carina looked over and joined in on the family hug.

A week later, Maya has been seeing Diane regularly and she has been making such good progress. The moms were at Addie's track meet watching their daughter do what she loves. Addie won both of her events and she ran straight to her moms to celebrate. "We are so proud of you baby! You did so good out there!" Maya said to Addie. "Thanks moms for being here, I love you both."

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