Birthday Surprise

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Danielle's POV
Today is my baby girl's birthday. She is 12 years old and she is my everything. Ellie is my smart, beautiful, funny, and brave girl. She is a mama's girl and always wants to spend time with me. Her father and I split up when she was 5 and he is out of the picture now. Ellie accepted who I am and is okay with me being with my costar Stefania. We have been married for 2 years now, and Ellie sees her as another mom. It's so cute. Stef and I are giving Ellie a surprise party later tonight with all of our friends and family.

I walk upstairs to wake up my daughter while Stefania makes Ellie's favorite breakfast. I open her door and I just look at my baby girl while she sleeps. I'm just so lucky and blessed to have her as a daughter. Ellis is truly the best thing that has ever happened to me.

I sit on Ellie's bed and play with her hair trying to wake her up gently. "Ellie, baby, wake up sleepy head." I say. Ellie just groans and rolls over to hug me. "I need you to wake up so I can have some birthday snuggles with the birthday girl." Ellie laughs and sits up to hug me. "Happy birthday baby! I love you so much."

"Thank you mommy. I love you too." Ellie says. "I smell pancakes, can we go downstairs and eat." She asks and I lift her on my back to take her downstairs.

"Oh there is the birthday Bambina!" Stefania says and comes to give Ellie a hug. "Thanks Stef. What are we doing today?" She asks.

"Well Stefania and I have to shoot some scenes this morning, so I asked grandma and aunt Stef to pick you up and take you shopping and then we will all meet up for your birthday dinner. How does that sound?" I asked, and Ellie nodded her head. I can tell she's bummed we aren't spending all day together but she would never tell me. But I have a huge party planned for her tonight.

Ellie's POV
I forgot my mom and Stefania had to work today which sucked since it was my birthday. All I wanted was to hang out with them and watch movies all day. They both are amazing actors, and I want to be them when I grow up. I just wish we had more free time sometimes, since we get really busy. I am excited to spend time with my aunt and grandma and I love to shop.

I walk into my moms room and sit on her bed while they get ready for work. "Mom, don't you and Stefania feel sick and can't go into work today?" I said while laughing. My mom walks over and sits next to me. "I know baby, I'm really sorry that we have to work. It's only a couple of scenes and we will be done shortly. Today I want you to pick out a new outfit that you can wear to dinner tonight." Mom said. "Fine I will." I say and roll my eyes playfully at her.

My mom jumps on top of me and starts to tickle me. "Oh honey it looks like we got a sassy 12 year old now. She's trying to be a moody teenager."

"Mama stop ticking me. My stomach hurts from laughing."

"Tell me that you are sorry for rolling your eyes and that you love your mommy."

"Fine I'm sorry and I love you."

"No you love me Mommy!"

"I love you mommy." I say and my mom finally stops. I'm all out of breath now.

"Okay Bella, we need to leave soon so we can start our day early and end early before the dinner." Stefania says.

"Bye guys! I love you and I'll send you pics of my outfit choices. I'll see you at dinner." I say.

"Bye Bambina. We love you."

"Love you sunshine." And then they both leave.

Danielle's POV
Stefania and I are finally done with work. I'm glad it was a short day so we had time to go to the venue to set up the surprise party. Ellie has been texting me all day asking when I was done and to see if we can go home and cuddle after the dinner. My sweet child has no idea of this party. Ellie thinks it's a family only dinner tonight.

A couple of hours later, all of our friends and family are here for the surprise party. My sister texted me that they were almost here so I go outside to meet them. They get out of the car and Ellie runs towards me to give me a hug.

"How is my beautiful birthday girl!" I say.

"I'm good mama. I got this new outfit and Aunt Stefanie got me these new shoes." She said excited.

"They look so good. Now I am starving and we have more presents for you to open inside. Stef is already waiting for us." I say and take her inside.

As soon as we step into the restaurant we go towards the private back room where everyone is hiding. We walked into the room and everyone jumped out and yelled "SURPRISE!" I think it scared Ellie for a second because she jumped and wrapped around my body. "Surprise Ellie, here is your birthday party." I say.

"You did this for me mom?" Ellie asked.

"Of course I did baby. Happy birthday."

Stefania's POV
I have a big gift to give to Ellie that is going to be pretty special. It was so cute seeing Ellie get scared when we all came out of hiding but then she was so excited to see all of her friends and family here to celebrate her. Once she saw me, she ran to me and jumped in my arms and wrapped her legs around me. "Thank you for doing this." She said. "You're welcome Piccola. Now go see your friends and come find me later so I can show you my gift privately." I said. She nodded her head and ran to find her group of friends.

Everyone looks like they are having a good time. Music is playing and all of Ellie's friends are here. Danielle and I are sitting on a couch talking with Jaina and Barrett when Ellie came over and sat on top of us. "Oh look at the birthday girl is hanging with her family, I hope we aren't too embarrassing for her." Jaina said which made Ellie laugh. "I just wanted to come over and say thank you for this party. It is the best thing ever and I love you both." We hugged and kissed Ellie, actually I have one more gift for you. Come with me and mom so we can be alone for this." I said and took Ellie's hand.

We walked to a private room away from the party. I pulled out an envelope and handed it to Ellie. "Oh I've always wanted an envelope, thanks Stef." Ellie said jokingly. "Hey smarty pants, open the envelope and read what's inside it." Danielle said. Ellie opened up the envelope and pulled out the papers to look over them. "Wait is this what I think it is?" She asked. "You want to adopt me?" Ellie has tears in her eyes.

"I do Bambina. I feel like I become one of your mothers the day I met you. I have known you for so long and I always see you as my daughter. I wanted the document so everyone else knows that you are my daughter! So what do you think?" I asked now with tears in my eyes. "I want you to be my mama. I've always wanted it, but I never asked." I picked up Ellie and hugged her so tight, and Danielle joined us.

"I love you mom and mama. Thank you for the best birthday."

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