Tension in the air

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Ellie's POV
My moms have been fighting lately. They can barely be in the same room as each other and I wish they would just work out their issues. From what I can tell my mom tried to blackmail her boss to get her promotion back and my mama found out and is mad at her. They fight about it and now my moms have been barely talking. With their work schedules, they aren't home very often together and it makes it awkward for me. My mom has been sleeping either at the station or in the guest room, but she doesn't think I k is that. They try to conceal their fighting when I'm around but I know stuff is going on.

I woke up this morning and went downstairs to eat some breakfast. Mama was cooking some pancakes and I guess my mom was in the room getting ready for work.

"Morning Ellie, don't forget today you are coming with me to the hospital and we have an appointment with the physical therapist."

A couple months ago, I tore my Meniscus in my knee during my soccer game. It's been healing well, I can move a lot more and I only have a couple of more appointments in physical therapy.

"Yep! I can't wait for them to be over and be cleared to get back to soccer. I miss being active and being able to run with mom, I haven't ran in so long." I tell my mama.

"I know Bambina, you will get back to where you were if not better." Mama said.

My mom came out of the room and was making her usual morning protein shake. She walks around the table to give me a kiss on the forehead.

"Morning bug! Hey I need you to come to the station today to help me with some filing and computer stuff plus we need to set up for the clinic day tomorrow." Mom said

I was about to speak when mama interjected.

"Maya, Ellie has an appointment with her physical therapist today and we have already had to reschedule it once so she is coming with me to the hospital." Mama said.

"Well no one told me about her appointment otherwise I would have asked for time off to go be with our daughter, but I guess I'll have to miss it won't I." Mom said with an annoyed tone and dropped the cup into the sink really loud.

Tensions are super high right now and this conversation is awkward.

"Look mom, I'll come to the station after my appointment, I can just walk over. My appointment won't take longer than an hour. Is that okay Mama?" I ask to make sure no more fights happen. My mama just nodded her head and mom gave me a kiss goodbye and headed to the station. She didn't even say goodbye to mama.

Carina's POV
Ellie finished her physical therapy and I had a small break so I was going to drive her to the station to help Maya. I look over and she looks kind of down; I wasn't sure if she was tired from the appointment or if it was something else.

"What's wrong Bambina? Is it your knee, does it hurt right now?" I asked worriedly. Ellie just shook her head and I grab her hand and squeeze it telling her I'm listening to her.

"Are you and mommy getting a divorce?" Ellie asked and I looked over at her with a questioning look.

"No, what do you mean? Why would you ask that kind of question?"

"Well you and mom have been fighting for a while and I can hear a lot of it. You both act like you don't love each other anymore and it makes me sad and uncomfortable because I feel like I have to choose between you both sometimes. And I know mom has been sleeping in the guest room or staying at the station."

I wipe a tear from my face as we pulled up to the station. "Oh Piccola, your mom and I are just going through a rough patch which is normal for all couples. Im sorry you hear us arguing and we don't ever want to make you feel bad. You are our number one priority, I will talk to your mom and we will get our issues worked out. I love you Bambina." I reach over to hug Ellie and we head inside to see Maya.

Maya's POV
Ellie just got here and Carina is with her. "Hey bug, how was PT today?" I asked her and gave her a hug.

"It was good. I'm a little sore but Link thinks I can be cleared to play in a couple of weeks." She said.

"That's exciting news! Just don't push yourself too hard. You can recover on your own time."

"Okay don't go soft on me mom, anyways I'm going to go help uncle Travis and Aunt Vic set up the tables and signs for tomorrow." Ellie said laughing.

"Hey Maya, can we talk for a minute? It's about Ellie." Carina asked and we went to my office.

"So Ellie knows we are fighting and I think we need to work on us for her sake and for ours." She says.

"Well I want to work on things my own way, but I can't have you control me on how I want to work things out. Anyways, what did she say to you?" I asked.

"Maya she asked if we were getting a divorce and she knows you sleep in the guest bedroom. I just miss us Bambina, and I don't want to control you, I just want us to work on our issues. Because I miss my wife." Carina said and start to tear up.

Maya comes up to me and cups my face to wipe my tears. "Hey don't cry! Let's talk to her tonight and we will take time to work on us because I miss you Carina and I realize that I need to work some things about myself. I will do whatever it takes to get us back to how we were. I love you honey." Maya says.

We share a long kiss that we both needed. "Okay well I have to get back to the hospital but I will see you and the Piccola later and I hope you will sleep in our bed tonight." I say and leave to go to the hospital.

Maya's POV
After a few hours, Ellie and I returned home and I was making dinner. Carina will be home soon and hopefully her and I can just talk about our issues once our daughter goes to bed. Ellie was sitting on the couch on her laptop looking so cute with her glasses on. She is literally a mini Carina, it is insane.

"Hey pumpkin, what are you working on?" I asked and sat next to her.

"Just finishing my English essay. What's up with you?" She asked me and closed her laptop.

"So mama and I talked earlier and I want to apologize for how we are fighting in front of you lately and how it seems we are distant. You shouldn't have to see our problems. Your mama and I love each other and we love you, so we are going to work on our relationship so you don't have to worry about us, okay?"

Ellie got up and hugged me and we stayed like that for a minute.

"I love you mom and I just wish things could go back to how they were. I miss you and mama both." She said. I just sat there and rubbed her back. "I know Ellie, I promise I will work things out with mama. We will do better!" I tell her.

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