You promised

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Eleroa's POV
This is my 3rd game in a row that my mom has missed because she's out on a call or stuck doing paperwork. It just makes me sad that she's not here, I wish she was at my basketball game. She has missed dinner and bed time the last three nights because she had a 48 hour shift and was going to come home but I guess she had meetings and paperwork to do.

I am a freshman playing on my varsity team and I love basketball. My mom is my biggest supporter and she calms my nerves before any game. My mama is amazing and is here to support me and she knows I'm sad that I've been missing my mom.

We won our game and I scored 15 points that game. Our team was celebrating and everyone was happy except me. I mean I'm glad we won but I can't help to worry if my mom is okay and I just really miss her. I walk out of the locker room and go to find my mama and my little sister Gia.

"la mia piccola super stella. hai fatto così bene stasera." (My little super star, you did so well tonight.) Mama said and gave me a hug.

"Grazie mama. Is mom still at work?" I asked in a low voice.

Mama nodded her head. "lei è piccola, penso che abbia dei rapporti da fare. speriamo che torni a casa prima di andare a letto." (she is baby, I think she has reports to do. Hopefully she will be home before bed time.)

"Anyway why don't we go eat and celebrate on your big game? You tell me what you want." Mama said.

"Mama I just really want to go home, can you just make some pasta tonight? I want to shower and I have homework to do. Please?" I asked trying not to sound upset. Mama nodded her head and we drove home.

I got to my room and turned on the shower and cried a little. I think I'm just frustrated and annoyed my mom wasn't here. I mean I know she can't control when a fire happens but don't promise me you will come to all of my games or promise to see me tonight when you know you can't keep your promises. And I know she can come home to do reports but she's choosing to do them at the station. I'm just mad right now.

Carina's POV
I hear the shower going and I start dinner. I decide to call Maya and she if she will come home. I know Eleora misses her and so does Gia. Gia has asked why mommy hasn't been coming to bed time and they both ask when she's coming home. Ellie always looks to Maya to calm her down at her games and Maya hasn't been there all week. I have seen Maya during lunch and I took Gia to see her while Eleora had practice.

"Hey Carina what's up? I'm doing reports." Maya said. I can tell she is stressed out.

"Bambina, you have 3 girls who miss you so much. How much longer will you be?" I asked trying to not be annoyed with my wife.

"I'll be done soon, I just have a couple more to do." Maya said.

"Okay Maya that's fine, just try to get here before bed time. Eleora was really upset you haven't been there and I think she needs to see you." I said.

"Carina don't make me feel guilty about my job. I'm sorry I have been busy with my shift and paperwork..........I'm sorry I didn't mean to snap. Is Eleora mad at me?" She asked worriedly.

"I think she's more sad then mad. I didn't mean to make you feel bad, but she hasn't seen you in 3 days and I know you have been busy, all I saying is try to come home a little early. A very sad teenager needs her mommy right now." I said and we said bye and I went back to the kitchen.

"Ciao Bambina, what homework do you have? And tell me what the long face is for." I asked Eleora because she was sitting at the island with tear tracks stained on her face.

"I just miss mom, she always comes to my games but hasn't been one in a little bit and I have seen her for maybe 30 mins the last 3 days. She's just busy with her work." She said started to get frustrated and sad.

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