How they would react to a bad grade

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Addie's POV
You were kind of a perfectionist and wanted to always make good grades in school. You worked really hard on your studies while balancing playing multiple sports. At times you get busy with sports so your school work slips your mind. Your mom likes for you to make good grades because that is the first priority. One night you wanted to go out with some friends after your game but you had to convince your moms first since it's a school night.

"Good morning mom, morning mama."

"Morning piccola, you ready for your game tonight?"

"I think so, their team has a couple of good shooters but I think our defense can handle it. It should be a really good game. Hey if we win, some of my friends are going to eat and hang out after the game. Can I go with them please?"

Maya and Carina looked at each other to see if they should let their daughter go on a school night. They have noticed that she has been wanting to hang out with her friends more and has been on her phone more texting someone.

"Bug, do we know these friends you are going with?" Your mom asked.

"It's Ally, Hailey, and Bella and their boy friends." You decided to leave out the part that the boy you have been talking to is going out too.

"Why don't you finish getting ready for school and mama and I will talk about it." Maya said.

Maya and Carina talked about it and despite it being a school night, they are letting Addie go hang out with her friends. Addie was pretty excited for her game and being able to hang with her friends afterwards. They got to the game and Addie was playing good. She had 17 points and 5 assists. Her team won and were ready to go celebrate. Addie came out of the locker room to go find her family.

"You played so well buggy!" Maya said and hugged her.

"Great job Bambina. You all played great."

"Thanks moms! Okay so we are going to go eat and then go to Ally's house for like an hour. I'll be home by 11."

"Okay Piccola, text us when you are leaving and on the way and let us know if your plans change. Love you and be safe." Carina said.

"Love you both. I'll see you later."

Addie went with her friends and had a really good night. Her crush Ryan even told her he wanted to start hanging out more. After they hung out, Addie was home at 10:45 and said goodnight to her moms and went to bed. Unfortunately Addie was super tired and woke up late the next morning. She was in a grumpy mood most of the day and wanted to go home. Addie forgot she had a test in biology and a rough draft of her history essay due. She had a feeling she failed her test and didn't get a good grade on her essay draft.

The bad thing is that her mom has to sign her test that she failed because the teacher makes it so the parents know their grades. She could just fake the signature but she's pretty sure the teacher emails them anyways. Her plan was to face the consequences and own up to it. She would probably be in trouble regardless.

Addie walked into the station and said hi to all of her aunts and uncles. She was scared of how her mom is going to react but she decided to go into her mom's office and prayed she's in a good mood. She walked into her office and her mom didn't even look up from her paperwork.

"I said not to bother me right now unless it's an emergency." Maya said.

"Oh sorry mom, I can go upstairs and wait until you are done." Addie said.

"Sorry honey, I thought you were Jack or Travis. How was school today?"

"It was alright, but I need you to sign something for me." Addie then pulled out her test and sat on the couch.

"Wait what is this? Is it a test?" Addie nodded her head.

"Adeline I thought you said you studied for this test. We asked you if you had any work and you said you finished it all and studied for your tests."

"I did earlier in the week and then I just forgot, I've been coming home later than usual and have been going to bed afterwards, so I guess I didn't study as much as usual." Addie said.

"This is why mama and I don't like you being out late on school nights. You can't hang out with your friends all of the time and put your studies aside. You know better especially being an athlete. Lately, all you want to do after practice is hang out with your friends or be on your phone texting someone. What is making you so distracted, your friends, the boy you have been talking about?"

"He has nothing to do with this." Addie said annoyed.

"Well he has some part of it because you are so worried about him and your friends that you have been missing out on your studies and skipping trainings." Addie started to get annoyed.

"I'm too mad to talk about this right now, just go upstairs to the beanery and wait until I'm done with my reports. Leave your phone with me and go up to finish your homework. We will talk to mama when we get home." Maya said.

Carina's POV
I come back home from work and I look for Maya and Addie. Maya is in the kitchen making dinner so I go up behind her and hug her. "How was your day Bambina?"

"It was busy and stressful and I had a lot of reports to do today. How was your day?"

"My day was good. I delivered 3 babies, and had 2 other surgeries so I am tired." We kissed and I can tell she is tense so I start massaging her neck.

"Where is Addie? I haven't heard from her today."

"She is upstairs in her room, I took her phone from her because she came home with a failing grade on a test and another assignment that she failed. After she told us she has been studying all week for it. I was pretty pissed at her so I told her to go to her room and work on schoolwork when we get home."

"Okay bambina let's take a deep breath. I realize that the grade is not good, but also it's only one grade. Addie is a good student and daughter. She is a teenager and is wanting to do all of these experiences and start hanging out with her friends more. We can just talk to her about learning to balance her priorities better. How about I will go talk to her for a minute while you finish up dinner."

"I know, you are right Carina. You can go talk to her, I will apologize after dinner for yelling at her."

Carina walked upstairs to Addie's room and knocked on the door. She heard a "come in" and her daughter was sitting at her desk working on stuff. "Hey Piccola, how was your day?"
"Im guessing mom already told you about my grades."

"She did, she also told me how you both got into an argument about it and she took your phone."

"Look mama I'm sorry about the test, but if you are hear to ground me mom already has that part covered and don't want to be yelled at more."

"Addie I'm here to talk to you and tell you I'm not mad." Addie turned around and looked surprise at her mama for not being mad.

"It's one grade, and I know how much of a hard worker you are and you will spend time to get the grade back up. Now, I do agree with mom that lately you have been asking to hang out with your friends a lot, so maybe we need to find a good balance of your school and social life."

"I know, I'm sorry mama. I will do better in my studies. I just have so much fun with my friends and I get so busy with basketball and track that I don't have time for them and somehow my school has been slipping. It gets exhausting at times balancing school and sports." Addie said.

"I know you try your best to do it, and I think mom would understand about the sports part more than me, so I think you should have a conversation to her about that."

"She's probably still mad at me since I argued with her at the station."

Maya came in and said, "I'm not mad Addie."

"I was disappointed at first because I want you to succeed and be great with being a student athlete. I also forgot how hard it can be to balance all of that especially when you are  busy with your sports. I'm sorry for yelling and I will not be as hard on you on your grades."

Addie got up and hugged her moms. "I love you both." Then everyone enjoyed their dinner and decided to hang out the rest of the night.  

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