How would they react to a breakup

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You are 14 years old and are experiencing your first real break up.

Your mamma would come home from work and notice your cheery self wasn't down there to greet her. She goes upstairs to check on you and she finds you laying down in your bed and crying.

"Piccola Cosa c'è che non va?"

"We broke up mamma! I found out Luke was cheating on my with this senior girl."

"Oh no Bambina I'm so sorry! Do you want to talk about it or do you want some alone time?"

"Can you just lay with me please? I'll tell you about it but maybe not right now."

"Okay Piccola you tell me whenever you are ready."

Carina gets in the bed and cuddles you while you lay there and cry. She rubs your back and plays with your hair to try to calm you down. She hugs you and whisper that everything is going to be okay.  You eventually stop crying and she asks you to go downstairs with her. Earlier she had texted Maya to take the your siblings to her mom's house so you three can have some alone time.

You go downstairs and eat ice cream and watch terrible romcom movies. Your moms talk about their first breakup with you and you all are laughing and having a good time. You snuggle with your moms and just talk about your feelings and how you thought you really liked this guy. You are just glad to be there with your moms to help get through this hard time.

Your mom is the best to help you deal with your temper and angry emotions. She wasn't really the one to deal with a lot of sadness and tears but she was always their for you. One day you had to go to the station after school and you were so mad and upset that you found out your boyfriend was cheating on you.

"Can this day get any worse!" You said as you slumped on to your mom's couch in her office.

"What's wrong with my grumpy teenager today?" Your mom said without looking at you.

"Luke and I broke up today. I found out that he cheated on me."

"What! Oh no baby I'm so sorry." Your mom said as she ran over to sit next to you on the couch. She gave you a hug while you laid your head on her shoulder.

"He went to a party last weekend when we were gone and I found pictures of all the girls he was kissing and flirting with."

"Baby he doesn't deserve you at all. What a piece of shit. Don't tell your mamma I said that okay?" She said while laughing.

"Want me to see if Andy can cover for me the rest of the shift and we can go home?" She asked.

"No it's okay. I don't want to be home right now and see all of our pictures and everything of his."

"Well I'm done with most of my reports so I want to take you somewhere." Maya said and grabbed your hand to stand up.

Your mom takes you upstairs to the gym and she hands you boxing gloves.

"Mom what are these for?"

"I want you to punch this bag as hard as you can."

"Mom come on, right now is not the best time-"

"Just try it a couple of times. You have some anger inside you and it's not good to hold it all in. Trust me. Just start slow and you can stop whenever you want. Now remember what I taught you about your stance and keep your hands up."

You start punching the bag and you increasingly get faster and punch the bag harder. After a while you stop and catch your breath. You mom brings you some water and you tell her more about the breakup.

Once she was done with work she told you to meet her near the trucks. You thought you were about to go home when Maya appeared from inside the truck.

"Mom can we go home now. I'm tired and want to lay in my bed."

"We will but first you need to scream." Then she turned on the engine and it was really loud. You wanted to leave but your mom held your hand while she yells. You eventually cave in and start to let out your emotions and just scream and eventually start to cry. Your mom turns off the siren and she holds you while you cry.

"I love you my sweet girl, do not let this boy ruin your perspective of love. You will find someone who will love and care about you. I promise."

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