I want to go home pt.1

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Carina has 12 years old daughter name Eliana. She was married to a guy named Matteo when they lived in Italy. Their relationship turned toxic and got divorced. When Eliana was about 5 she decided to move to the United States. Shortly after the move, she met Maya and two years later they got married and they adopted their son named Luca. Her ex husband Matteo moved to the states about a year after Carina did and he also remarried. Ellie would go to his house every other weekend, and Carina hated that she went to his house. He was never physically abusive but he was emotionally abusive and she didn't want her daughter around that.

Eliana loved her dad but was she was often scared of him. He was super negative and could be mean at times and she hated how much he would argue with her mama. She swears he is bipolar. She loved staying at her mom's house and being with her mama and Maya and her younger brother Luca. Carina has tried getting full custody but has given up over the years until recently when her daughter said doesn't want to go to her dad's house anymore.

Eliana's POV
It's the middle of summer break which means I have been staying at my dad's for a full two weeks because I stay for two weeks straight during the summer. I miss my mama and Maya and I'm ready to go home. My dad doesn't want me to talk to mama on the phone while I'm with him and my stepmom Rachel is annoying too. They  keep calling me a baby for getting upset about missing mama. At first the weeks started off fine, my papa was actually in a good mood and we hung out and played games and Rachel was fine too. But earlier this week my dad was rude and was set off by the little things.

Maya texted a picture of Luca and mama laying in my bed. I laughed a little and smiled because it was so cute. My papa and stepmom went to the grocery store so I decided to FaceTime them before they get back.

Maya's POV
Carina and I had the day off work so we decided to just have a chill day at home. You can tell that all of us have been missing Eliana. She's been gone for two weeks since she's at Matteo's house  and she comes back here tomorrow. Luca has been missing his big sister  and I woke up and saw him laying in Ellie's bed with Carina. I took a picture of the two and decided to wake Carina up. "Car, good morning baby."  I whispered to my wife to try to wake her up but I want Luca to keep sleeping. She rolled over and gave me a kiss. "I missed my wife when I woke up this morning." I tell her. "I'm sorry Bambina, Luca woke up in the middle of the night and he missed Eliana so we came in here and fell asleep." Carina said. " Well I'm going to make us some coffee and breakfast downstairs, just come down whenever you are ready." I kissed her again and went downstairs.

I was making breakfast when my phone started to ring, it was Eliana FaceTiming me. "Hey Elle belle, I'm surprised you are calling me." I tell her. "Hi Maya, papa and Rachel went to the store so I took the opportunity to call you. Are mama and Luca still sleeping?" Ellie asked. "Uh Luca is but I think your mom may be up." Just as I say that Carina walks into the kitchen. "Bella who are you talking to right now?" Carina asked me "Oh just my favorite daughter." I said with a smile. Carina rushed around to the other side and grabbed the phone. "Oh my bambina, Mi manchi tanto." Carina said. "Hi mama I miss you so much too, I can't wait to see you tomorrow." Eliana said. "Eliana why haven't I heard from you at all these last 2 weeks?" Carina asked. "Papa doesn't want me to talk to you guys while I'm with him, he gets mad if I mention you at all and he checks my phone sometimes." Eliana said and it made me sad. "I'm so sorry Piccola, well hang in there and you will be home tomorrow. I hate not hearing from you though. I'll talk to your father about it." Carina said. "No mama please don't , it's fine I'll see you tomorrow. I have to go they are back from the store, I love you both and tell Luca I love him too. See you tomorrow mama!" Then Eliana hung up.

No one's POV
Ellie hid her phone and acted like she was watching tv the whole time so Matteo didn't notice. "Hey E, I'm going to grill out tonight and we are going to have some friends over." Matteo said. "Okay papa that's cool." Eliana responded. They always have these parties and Ellie usually stays upstairs in her room so she didn't have to see their friends. A few hours later, Eliana was sitting downstairs when Rachel came down. "Eliana you need to change clothes, you shouldn't wear that." Rachel said. Ellie was wearing jean shorts and a shirt, it was just a comfy and casual outfit. "Why can't I wear this? Aren't you guys just grilling out?" Eliana asked Rachel. Matteo heard and came in mad. "Eliana don't be a brat and go change, and you will stay downstairs for the party." Matteo said. "Papa I don't want to stay down stairs, can I just please stay in my room?" She asked. "No quit asking and go change clothes." Matteo demanded. Ellie was getting upset from the yelling and her phone dinged, it was Carina texting her to just hold on strong and she will be home before she knew it. Matteo walked over and grabbed Ellie's phone out of her hand.

"Oh so you have been texting your mom how you hate it here or something?" Matteo asked. "No papa I haven't said anything, mama just texted me that she missed me." Eliana explained while she was crying. "Don't lie to me, I know you probably called your mom crying like a baby. You can't handle just being at my house, you just have to be with your mommy and her fucking girlfriend." Matteo yelled and threw Ellie's phone across the room which made it shatter. Ellie ran upstairs to her room and just sobbed wanting to see her mama. Eventually Matteo forgot about Ellie and she got to stay upstairs while their friends were over.

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