I want to go home pt.2

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Eliana's POV
I woke up early the next morning and my face was red and puffy from crying all night. The only good thing is that I get to go home today. It was 8:00 and I went downstairs to face my dad. We haven't talked since last night. I went downstairs to the kitchen and both my dad and Rachel were awake. "Good morning Eliana, I'm sorry about last night and breaking your phone. I ran to the store this morning and got you the newest iPhone." Papa said. "Thanks Papa." I said a little skeptical. We ate some breakfast together and I went back upstairs to pack my bags, and met my father out in the car. My dad lived about 30 mins away from mom and Maya and I didn't feel like talking to him, the car ride was awkward and silent.

We finally arrive to my mom's house and my heart is bursting. We get out and papa helps me with my bags. "Hey E, I had fun the last two weeks and I'm still sorry about last night. Let's not tell your mom about the phone thing okay?" He asked me. I nodded my head just so I can hurry back inside. I grabbed my bags from my dad and gave him a hug goodbye, Rachel sat in the car the whole time sitting on her phone. I walked fast towards the front door and unlocked it with my key. When I walked inside, I could see my mom sitting on the couch on her laptop while Maya was playing with Luca and his toys on the ground.

"Sissy you're back!" Luca screamed and ran towards me. I knelt on the ground and hugged him so tight, God I missed him so much. Maya was next and walked over to give me a big hug. Smelling her perfume brought back happiness that I have missed. I know I was only gone for two weeks but it felt like a century. Then the person I have been waiting for, my mama. She stood up and I ran to her and took it all in. "Hey my beautiful baby!" Mama said. It was so nice feeling her touch again. As soon as she hugged me I just let it out and started to cry.

Carina's POV
We were sitting in the living room and the door was being unlocked and Eliana walks into the house. I probably could have cried in that moment, I have missed my baby girl. Her being gone for two weeks was hard for me and I know she wanted to be here and there was nothing I could do to fix it. Luca ran up to his sister and they hugged for a minute. Maya got up to give Eliana some hugs too. Now it was my turn and I just stared at my beautiful daughter and she ran up to me and hugged me. As soon as we hugged Ellie started to cry.

"Hey Piccola everything is okay, you are back home. No need to worry about anything." I said to her trying to soothe her. "Mama I missed you so much, I don't want to go back to papa's house. Please don't make me go back mommy." Eliana pleaded while she was still crying. I gave Maya a look and she took Luca out and they went upstairs to the playroom. "Bambina tell me what happened, I didn't hear from you after I texted you." I asked her. Maya came back downstairs and we all three sat on the couch so Ellie can talk to us.

We sat there and she explained everything they happened last night. She even told us about when Matteo broke her phone. "When I woke up this morning he had already went out and got me a new phone and he didn't want me to tell you guys." Ellie said. I was so furious! I mean what kind of father would do this to his daughter, yelling at her, breaking her stuff and asking her to lie to her mother. "I'm going to strangle him." I said and started to pace back and forth. I grabbed my phone and was about to call Matteo, "mama please don't call him now. He will be so mad at me. Please just stay here, I need you mom." My daughter said with tears in her eyes. I calmed down and sat back on the couch and held my baby. She needs her moms right now and I'm glad she is back home with Maya and I.

"You aren't going back there if you don't want to, we will take care of it." Maya said. I have to fight back and get full custody of my daughter. I can't risk this escalating into something terrible. But for right now, I'm going to sit here with my family and enjoy that my daughter is back home.

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