Danielle's Daughter

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Today Stefania and I are about to do an Instagram live before we watch tonight's episode of station 19. I love having Stef over because I have feelings for her and she is one of my closest friends. We have been working together on the show for about 4 years now. I hear the door open and it's Stefania. "Hey Bella! How are you?" She asked me as she hugged me and I always get butterflies in my stomach when I'm near her.

"Good, just setting everything up for the live." I replied. We are going to do a Q&A and open some fan mail. The fans go crazy when we video together and they constantly ask when we are getting together.

I was about to press record when my daughter stormed through the front door. "I can't believe he left me! I don't ever want to see him again!" Ellie yelled. My daughter Ellie is 14 years old and she is my whole life. Her father and I dated in college and then broke up when Ellie was 5. Honestly he was a piece of crap and has been a decent father. He was around a lot in the beginning but now he's hardly around. He travels all the time for his work and with his new girlfriend and barely makes time for Ellie. She was suppose to be with her father this weekend so I'm confused why she is home.

"Ellie what happened? I thought you were with your dad?" I asked her. She was crying and was frustrated so I just give her a hug to calm her down, because she sometimes will have anxiety attacks so I don't want her to stress too much. "He left me again mama! I called him once soccer was over and asked where he was, and he said he forgot I was coming over and he went to San Fran with Lindsay." Ellie said while crying. This is the third weekend he has flaked on Ellie and I hate it because she gets her hopes up to see him and he never shows.

"Oh I'm so sorry baby. It's going to be okay, I will talk to your dad. Why don't you go to the living room and see who is here?" I tell Ellie. She lets go from the hug and sees Stefania in the room. "Steffie!! I'm so glad your are here! My dad left me again..." Ellie tells Stefania and she opens her arm for Ellie to lay with her. "Hey buggy, why don't you go upstairs to shower and change clothes while I make you something to eat. We are about to do a live and you can come back down and be here with us if you want." I tell me daughter.

I took this opportunity to call me ex Ryan. "Hey do you care if I make a call real quick, I need to talk to Ryan." I ask Stefania because I don't want to make it awkward for her since she's seeing all of my baby daddy drama right now! "Not at all Bambina, I'll be here if you need me." She said and holds my hand. I step outside to call Ryan and he surprisingly answers.

"Ryan what the hell! You leave Ellie again for the third weekend in a row. You are constantly disappointing her and me, you can't keep telling her you are going to see her and then not show up." I yelled at him angrily. "Look Danielle, we took a last minute trip to see some of Lindsay's friends in San Francisco. I just forgot that I was suppose to have Ellie. It's no big deal, we can just swap weekends." Ryan said.

"It is a big deal when you aren't being a father, I'm not going to keep doing this with you Ryan. I'm not letting Ellie see you anymore if you aren't going to be present for her. I will take you to court for sole custody of my daughter. At least I'm always here for her and I never let her down." I said back to him. "You know what Dani, I'm over this crap. All you do is nag at me and you constantly baby Ellie, don't even bother taking me to court because I'll sign any document saying you can have full custody, I'm over the both of you. I just want to live my life with Lindsay and not be held back." Ryan said.

This made me sad that he doesn't want to fight to keep Ellie. "You are such an ass, my lawyer will send you paperwork here soon. Have a nice life." I said and hung up. I wiped away my tears so I can be the strong one for my daughter and decided to head back inside.

Ellie's POV
I got out of the shower and changed into comfy clothes and head back downstairs where my mom was. She hasn't started the Instagram live yet otherwise my phone would have been blowing up by now. I sit on the couch and cuddle with my mom. "Mama, I don't want to go back to dad's house anymore. He doesn't even act like a father to me." I tell her. I was so over my dad, I mean whenever I actually go to his house, he barely talks to me or anything. It's like I'm a burden to him. "Don't worry about it bug, you won't go back to see him anymore. You will always have me, and I already talked to your dad and handled everything." My mom said.

A few minutes later she was about to start the Instagram live. "Elle bell do you want to be in it with us? You know the fans love seeing you." My mom says. "Yeah sure I'll sit with you guys and hang out with you." I tell her and then I go sit next to Stef. She is one of my favorite people and I just wish her and my mom would confess their feelings and just finally date already. "You are my favorite Bambina." Stefania tells me. They do the Instagram live and open a lot of fan mail. Then later Stefania made dinner and we just all hung out all together.

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