Grey Sloan pt.2

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Maya's POV
Once I saw Mallie get sick, I knew it was something serious. She lays on the table with her eyes closed, and Carina asks me to get the car.
She called Amelia and told her we were on the way to the hospital to get Mallie checked out.

My friends from work are still here to help us. Jack and Travis come in to help carry Mallie out to the car. "Come on Mal, we will carry you out."
Jack said.

"No I can walk, it's fine." She says as she gets up.

"Mallie you aren't walking anywhere, you can't hold yourself steady enough to walk to the car. Just let them carry you." I tell my stubborn daughter.

"Please just let me walk. I will hold on to you both while I walk but I am not walking back through the gym being carried. I can walk, but I need assistance. Please, I need to see my team one more time anyways." She says.

Carina and I just look at each other and she nods her head. "Fine you can walk but put you arms around Uncle Jack and Uncle Travis." I say sternly.

Mallie goes and says bye to her team and we put her in the car to head to grey sloan. "Mama can I lay down because I'm so sleepy." Mallie says all tired.

"No Piccola you need to stay awake, we will be there in a few minutes. Stay awake until we get there." Carina says.

"But mama, I can't stay.........awake." Mallie says and passes out.

"Damnit she passed out. How much further? Carina says all worried and takes her buckle off to hop in the back.

"We are about to pull in to the parking lot. Looks like Amelia and Teddy are out there waiting for us." I say. We drive up to the front and they have a gurney ready for us. They open the door and we manage to get Mallie out.

"She just passed out. Her symptoms are dizziness, nausea, loss of balance, and head and neck pain." Carina said with her doctor voice. Teddy and Amelia take her to an exam room and we have to wait in the waiting room for them to update us.

Mallie's POV
I wake up in a hospital bed and my head is hurting right now. I look around and I am attached to wires and machines are all around me. I see my mama jump up from her seat to greet me.

"Hey Piccola, how are you feeling? You scared mom and I out there." She said.

"I feel like crap. Can I have some water please?" I asked because I was so thirsty.

"Here bug, there is a cup of water right here for you." Mom said and I drank some.

"Did we win?" I asked because not sure how the game ended.

My moms laugh and they both hold my hands. "Yes you guys won 60-58! You are officially a district champion and you also got nominated as District MVP! Coach has your plaque and he wanted me to tell you to get better." Mom says.
I just smile at the fact we won.

"Mama can you please turn off the lights, my head really hurts." Mama jumped up and turned the lights off. Amelia walked into the room to tell us the results from the tests.

"Well how is my favorite patient doing?" She asked in a cheery mood.

"I've been better." I say honestly.

"Well let's talk about the results. Your CT results came back showing you have a Grade 2 concussion. Now unfortunately there are no medications besides to help with the nausea, so stay in dark room, limited screen time, and no loud noises. You are on bed rest for a bit too besides when you are in school. I would stay home from school at least the rest of this week. You probably strained some muscles in your neck from you head jerking when hitting the floor. Apply heat and take muscle relaxers when needed for the pain." Amelia says.

"When can I go back to playing basketball? We advanced in the tournament." I say hopeful.

Amelia looks at my moms and takes a deep breathe. My moms squeeze my hands to show that they are their with me.

"I'm not letting you play the rest of the season. This level of concussion is serious and if you go back to basketball this early and get fouled again, can lead to more serious injuries. I'm sorry but I'm not letting you do any physical activity for at least a month."

"A MONTH! But my team needs me." I say loudly.

"Mallie we aren't negotiating this. Amelia is right, this is a serious injury and you need to rest in order for it to get better." Mom said. I was surprised because I would think she would be in my side since we share our love for sports.

I just nod my head and roll my eyes. I wish I can play with my team. "Now you will probably need to attend physical therapy for your neck once a week for the next couple of weeks. Sometimes concussions can cause your speech or memory to be hindered so if needed, you can go to speech therapy if you see any signs of needing it." Amelia said.

My moms thank Amelia and she brings my discharge papers in so I can go home. They sign them and mom goes to get the car.

This is going to be a long couple of weeks, but I'm glad it's not super serious of an injury.

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