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Bella's POV
Tonight is the big back to school party at my friend Riley's house. I usually don't go to parties because my moms would kill me if they find out I ever went to one. Me and my friend Caroline got invited to this party and we really want to go to it. My plan is to tell my mom's that I'm going to Caroline's house and then we will go to the party later that night. I have to watch my brother Luca today while my moms go to work. I went downstairs and both of my moms were dressed in their uniforms ready to go to work. Luca was already awake and eating breakfast. "Good morning sleepyhead." Mama said to me. "Morning moms, hi Luca." I said and sat down at the table with them.

"So since it's the last week of summer can I go to Caroline's tonight please? I'll watch Luca and then bring him to the station later today at the end of your shift." I said putting on my best puppy dog face right now. "That's fine with me Bella, what do you think Carina?" My mom asked. "That's okay with me, it's the last week of summer so she needs to hang out with her friends before school starts." Mama said. "Sweet thanks moms." I said and gave them a hug before they left and went to work.

Maya's POV
Work has been so long today and I'm ready to go home. I'm writing some reports when my kids walk in my office. "Hey babies how was your day?" I asked them. "It was super fun! Sissy took me to the trampoline park and we jumped the whole time." Luca said all excited. Bella was standing him smiling because it's so cute to see Luca so happy.
"Well Bella is the best big sister ever. Are you about to go to Caroline's?" I asked Bella. "Yes I came to drop Luca off and I will be at Caroline's tonight. I'll see you tomorrow, love you." Bella said and gave me a hug. "Love you baby, call me if you need anything." I tell her and she walks out and leaves the station.

Bella's POV
Caroline and I are getting ready to go to the party. Her parents know we are going to hangout with some friends, they never care what Caroline does. I wish at times my moms wouldn't be so protective of me as much, but I know it's because they love me and want me safe. We get to the party and we see a lot of our friends. Everyone was drinking and smoking which made me super uncomfortable. All of my friends were drinking so I decided to take a beer and drink a little so I wasn't the only one not drinking. After a bit we were all playing beer pong and then someone came in yelling that two girls were unconscious in the bathroom. Someone must have called 911 because here comes fire trucks and ambulances. All of the sudden, everyone started to take off running out of the house.

Caroline grabs me and we run outside, only to be spotted by some of my mom's coworkers. My Tia Andy comes over to me and takes me to the truck while she calls my mom. "Bella what are you doing here? Do your moms know you are here at a party?!" She yelled at me. "No ma'am they don't know. We just came by for a little bit." Her phone rings and she walks away. I am in so much trouble.

Carina's POV
It's around 2am when my phone rang, I rolled over thinking I was getting called in but it was Andy. "Hey Andy what's up?" I asked in a whisper because Maya was sleeping. "Uh hey Carina sorry to wake you, but we were on call and it's from a party and we found Bella and her friend at the party. They are fine, but I wanted to let you know that we have her." Andy said. "I'm sorry what? Bella was at a party? I'm coming to get her. I'll meet you at the station, yeah?" I said and got up to put on a hoodie. Maya woke up when she heard me on the phone. "Carina what's wrong? Did you get called in?" She asked me. "Um no, our daughter got caught at a party and Andy is bringing her to the station. I'm going to pick her up now." I tell her. "I'm coming with you. I can't believe this is happening." Maya said all mad and we got dressed and went to the station.

Bella's POV
We drop Caroline off at her house and we go back to the station. I'm going to be dead once my moms find out about the party. I knew I shouldn't have went or drink alcohol. We finally pulled in the station and I see mama's car. We walk in and my moms are in mom's office waiting for me and they look so mad right now. "Bella close the door and sit down." Mom said. "Let me get this straight, you lied to us and went to a party where there were drugs and alcohol and it got busted." Mama said. I just nodded my head because I was low key scared of my moms right now. "I'm sorry, nodding your head is not a good response right now ." Mom said. "Yes ma'am that is what happened." I said this time. I mean technically I didn't lie because I was staying at Caroline's but we didn't tell the whole truth about going to the party. My moms were too mad so I didn't want to poke the bear any further.

"Now you better have an explanation for all of this. Mom said. "Well a bunch of our friends invited Caroline and I to the party and I wanted to go, and I was afraid if I asked you guys you would have said no so I didn't ask. Then we got to the party and later two girls passed out and someone called 911 about it so that's how it got busted." My moms look so mad right now. "Did you drink or do anything else?" Mama asked me. I look down and was playing with my bracelet because I didn't want to answer her question. "non ho intenzione di chiedere di nuovo." (I'm not going to ask again) mama said in a serious tone. "Yes I had 1 drink. My mama threw her hands up and started to pace around the office.

"It's almost like everything we taught you went out of the window, and you could have been hurt or something could have happened to you Bella. What happened to never drinking or doing drugs. Why did you even drink?" Carina asked."I don't know everyone else was drinking and I didn't want to be the only one not doing it. It was stupid." I tell them. "Yeah I'm disappointed because I thought we taught you to be a leader and not a follower." Mama said which I felt super guilty about. "I know moms I'm sorry, it was dumb and I won't do it again. I messed up." I tell my moms. "Damn right you won't do it again because you are grounded for a month and I'm taking your phone until school starts back." Mom said. "But mom-." I started to speak. "Don't test me Bella, you are in so much trouble. Now let's go home and we can talk more tomorrow." Maya said and we all left to go home.

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