Pushed too hard

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Addie's POV
So I'm a really good athlete just like my mother. She has never made me train hard or anything, but now that I'm in high school and I start to show my talent, my trainings have been getting a little bit more hard. She's never mean or anything but lately my mom Maya has been different. She got a demotion at work and she has been fighting with my mama a lot. I hate when they fight because it's so awkward and I feel like I have to choose sides. My mom uses our trainings as an outlet and I think she forgets I'm not as good as her.

I woke up early this morning dreading having to train. It's Saturday and all I want to do is sleep in and have a lazy day. I went downstairs to make a shake and eat some fruit when I hear my mama came downstairs. "Oh mama, sorry if I woke you up." I said. "You didn't Piccola, but mom kind of did. What are you guys doing up early, it's Saturday and you should be asleep." Mama said and came around to hug me. I take a minute and just lean back to hug her because I miss the affection. My mom Maya is having me train a lot and she's always working out too, so it's like I never see my mama anymore. "I wish I was sleeping, but mom has us scheduled a training this morning so I guess I'm working out." I said with a disappointed look. "Bambina why don't you just skip this one. I'll talk to mom about it." Mama said. "Talk to me about what?" Mom said coming into the kitchen getting her water bottle ready.

Carina's POV
"Maya I was thinking how we both have a day off and we should all do something else besides going to workout. You and Adaline have worked out everyday this week and she can use a break." I say.
"Well Adaline has an important meet next week and she is having the day off tomorrow, so she needs to train today." Maya said.
"Maya she is tired and sore, her body needs to rest" then Maya cut me off.
"Carina I was an Olympic athlete and I know how to train, Addie will be fine. She can rest later today and rest tomorrow. Also if Adaline doesn't want to train anymore then she needs to be the one to tell me." Maya then looked at Addie, and she got all nervous.
"It's fine. I'll just train today. Maybe we can do something afterwards mama." Addie said and they both left the house and headed to the track.

Addie's POV
This is misery right now. It's cold and we have been running for like an hour. I'm tired and I just want to go back home. Mom had me sprint one more lap and I came back to the line and just collapsed. "Mom I'm tired, can we just go home." I asked kind of scared. "Are you going to quit when you are tired at your meet next week?" She asked. "No I won't, but this is training, not the meet." I said kind of getting angry. "You asked me to train you to be the best and now you are complaining and giving me attitude." Mom said raising her voice.

"Well I didn't ask for you to push me so hard that my feet hurt and bleed all of the time. I don't ever see my friends or spend time with mama because we work out all of the time. You told me you wanted me to run because I love it, and you make me hate running and I wish I never asked you to train me. You are the worst mom!" I yelled and walked off the track. We don't live far from the school so I decided to walk home in the freezing cold.

Carina's POV
I'm sitting on the couch enjoying my morning coffee and reading a medical journal when I hear and see Adaline storm inside with tears streaming down her face. "Bambina what's wrong? You are freezing, come here and sit with me." I say and pull a blanket over her to warm her up. Addie was crying and was trying to talk but she was breathing really fast. "Adaline you need to slow down your breathing and talk to me calmly. Where is mom?" I asked and she started to cry more.

"I am just tired of it mama. I ran for over an hour and I'm tired and freezing and mom just pushed me too far. She wanted me to keep going and I can't handle it anymore, and we had a screaming match and I left. I said some mean things to her mama that I didn't mean. I'm just tired of her pushing me too hard and I'm tired of you both fighting. I just want things to go back to normal." Addie said.

I just grab her and hug my daughter. I didn't know how bad it was getting. I knew Maya was going through a tough time but I wasn't aware how bad our arguing was affecting her. I feel really guilty because no kid should see their parents fight. "Where is your mom now?" I asked after Addie had calmed down. "I don't know and I don't want to see her right now." She said. "Okay Addie, you don't have to. Why don't you go upstairs and take a shower and change out of these clothes before you get sick." Addie nodded her head and went upstairs. I took this time to call Maya but she didn't answer, so I called Andy to let her know what happened and see if she can talk to her.

Maya's POV
I can't believe what just happened. I used all of my anger and frustration I have with my work and took it out on my family. I don't know how I just now realized that I need to get help and talk to Diane about my feelings. I am sitting down at the track just zoned out when I see Andy run up and sit with me. "Tell me what happened." She said. "I turned into my dad. My worst fear came true." I said crying.

Andy and I talked for a bit and I let out all of my feelings about work and my relationship with my wife. "I am tired of feeling like I'm being controlled but I did the same thing to Addie. I made her hate running and I don't want her to love running. She is so talented and can do anything she puts her mind to it." I say. Andy hugs me and we sit here for a bit. Someone calls her and Andy tells me to go somewhere with her. She drove me back to her house and I stayed there for the night. "I think you and Addie need a break for the night and then you can go back home to your family and work things out." She said.

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