I want to go home pt.3

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Carina's POV
Today is the day that I take my ex husband Matteo to court for sole custody of our daughter Eliana. We have been in court for 3 days and we will get the decision today! I can't let my daughter keep going to his house where he constantly yells and destroys her belongings and he talks bad about Maya and I the whole time. Matteo is retaliating and saying I'm an unfit mother because of my work schedule and my "lifestyle."

The judge ordered Eliana to stay somewhere else besides me or Matteo's house so no bias is happening. I haven't seen my daughter in a couple of days and today we are doing testimonies. Eliana has been staying with Andy and Sullivan and they are bringing her to the courthouse today. The lawyer met with Maya and I plus Eliana and prepped us for todays hearing.

We walked in the court house and I'm so nervous. I'm not afraid I'll lose the custody battle, I'm just nervous for Ellie to take the stand and I have no idea what Matteo's lawyer will ask us. Eliana walks in with Andy and Sullivan and she just looks nervous and scared. My poor Bambina, she sees me and Maya and runs up to us to give hugs.

"Hey Piccola, I have missed you the last few days. How was your night at Andy's?" I asked trying to hold back my tears.

"It was fine, I just missed you mama and I didn't sleep well. I'm just ready for this to all be over." Eliana said and just put her head to my chest. I rubbed her back as we waited for our case to be called on.

Eliana's POV
They called our name and we started off with some testimonies from my moms and then my dad.

"Matteo you claim Mrs.Deluca is an unfit mother, can you explain how?" The lawyer asked.

"Well first, her work causes her to leave all of the time unexpectedly. So she leaves our daughter at home alone. I know Eliana has to watch her brother too because her so called wife is a firefighter so their schedules are alike." My papa said.

I can see my moms get angry and Maya held my moms hands to try to calm her down. It was making me upset to hear all of these things about my mama. The lawyer asked a couple of more questions and my papa started to get angry.

"Look my daughter does not belong in that house with her mother who is hardly around and is married to that other woman." Papa yelled.

It was my turn to take the stand and answer some questions. "So Eliana please tell me how it is living with your mama?" Her lawyer asked.

"I love it. My mama is my best friend, and she's amazing and so kind and does anything and everything for me. My brother Luca and I are close and I love him. My stepmom Maya is another mom to me and she is amazing." I said with a smile.

"So it was brought up that your moms work schedule is crazy. Explain what happens when your mom gets called in?"

"At times my mama gets called in to work to help deliver a baby. Um it is at random, so it could be real early in the morning or late at night. I like to stay home so I'll offer to stay and watch Luca, or sometimes he will go to daycare. A lot of the times Maya is home but other times they both are at work so I constantly text or call my mama or Maya and let them know what I'm doing if I'm home by myself."

"Thank you Eliana, only a couple of more questions. Can you explain what happened last time you were at your dads house?" He asked.

I started to get nervous and I see my papa stare at my looking angry. I wipe my sweaty hands on my dress and look at my mama. She give me a small smile and mouths for me to breathe. I take a deep breath and tell him about my papa yelling at me and throwing my phone and breaking it. Then my dad's lawyer asked me a few questions.

"Last question Eliana, so you talked about how your dad always yells and destroys your belongings, then why do you keep going to his house and why haven't you told your mom until now?" He asked.

"I will always love my papa, and he's not always mean. There are times we have so much fun, but now that I'm older, I understand all of the yelling and throwing things is wrong and I don't want to stay with him like I use to. He will always be my papa and I love him but I've had enough. I want to live with my mama and Maya." I say and have tears in my eyes because I'm so uncomfortable and I'm still worried he will be mad at me.

Carina's POV
I was proud of Eliana for being brave enough to tell everyone the truth. She got down from the stand and walked out of the room, I'm assuming to catch some air, Andy and Sullivan went after her. We went into recess while the judge went to make a decision. I run outside to find Ellie and she was with Andy sitting on a bench and she is upset. I tap on Andy and she switches places with me.

"Mama I'm sorry I ran out of there, I hate all of this and I just want it to be over." Eliana said with tears in her eyes.

"Piccola, I'm so proud of you from today. You were so brave and you told the truth. Everything will work out. I'm sorry this is happening to us." I tell her. Maya came and joined us on the bench and Eliana got up and sat on my lap and put her head to my chest. I just held her and held Maya's hand. I just pray everything goes our way.

No one's POV
The judge came back and was going to announce his verdict. "I have reviewed all of the evidence and testimonies and came up with a verdict."

"I announce that in the case for Eliana Rose Marino, sole custody will go to her mother Carina Deluca-Bishop! I will order all visits from her father Matteo have to be supervised and we will review this agreement in a year. Court is adjourned." The judge said.

Eliana jumped up and hugged Carina and Maya and everyone cried a little. They were walking out of the court house and Ellie saw Matteo talking to his lawyers. "I'll be right back mama." She said. Ellie walked over to Matteo, "Papa I still want you in my life. I still love you, but enough is enough. Once you change your ways then I want you to spend time with me." She said and walked back to her moms.

"Let's go home Bambina!" Carina said.
"Mama I want to change my last name to Deluca-Bishop like you and mommy." Eliana told her mom and they all hugged and continued to love their lives.

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