Hard Decision

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Ella's age: 12
Summary: Ella has been since the last couple of days and thing start to go downhill. Carina has a very important surgery and no one wants to bother her while she performs it. How will she react?

Maya's POV
I've been home the last 2 days because our daughter Ella has been sick. At first I thought it was just the flu but now I'm thinking it's more serious. She's looking pale, not eating, and has a fever. Carina told me this morning to bring her in if she's not feeling better. I didn't want to worry Carina because she has a very rare and important surgery today.

Ella woke up this morning and I made her some toast to see if she can keep something down. "Hey Ella, how are you feeling?" I asked.

"My stomach and head still hurts mommy." She said.

"Oh baby I know. How about we go see mama at work today and see if they can give you some medicine." I said and she nodded her head.

I walked around the table and gave her a hug and a kiss on her head. "How about we change clothes and then snuggle on the couch and watch a movie." I said and then she went to the bathroom to do that. A few minutes later I heard a crash from the bathroom so I ran upstairs to see what happened. I found Ella unconscious on the floor. "Oh my gosh Ella!" I called Andy to see if they would bring the aid car over and transport her to Grey Sloan.

Carina's POV
I'm so excited and nervous about the surgery I will be performing today. I feel super guilty for leaving my sick child at home, but I know Maya will take good care of her and there is really no one else to do this surgery. I get my phone to try to call Maya to check on Ella when Jo came over to me. "Dr.Deluca, the patient is complaining about pain, I think we need to take her in the OR now." She said. I nodded my head and grabbed my stuff ready to do the surgery.

A few hours later....
Maya's POV
We arrived to Grey Sloan and I meet Bailey and Teddy outside of the ambulance bay. "Bishop what happened?" Bailey said. "I'm not sure, Ella collapsed earlier this morning, she's been sick all week with what we thought was the flu. This morning she said her stomach and head were still hurting." I said all frantic. "Okay Maya, we got it from here. Why don't you try to relax for a min. Do you want me to page Carina?" She asked. "I mean obviously but I also know she's in the middle of that important surgery right now." I said worried. "The surgery is pretty dangerous, I will go to her OR and see how long she has and then we can tell her once she's about to close, I can not jeopardize many lives today. I'll make the hard decision of not telling her." Bailey said.

Teddy took Ella for some tests to see what is up with her. I should have followed her upstairs to make sure she was okay. I feel like a crappy mother right now on top of a crappy wife for not telling Carina either. I'm sitting in the waiting room when I see Carina sprinting through the doors with tears coming down her cheeks. I get up and hug her.

"What happened? Why didn't anyone page me and tell me?" Carina said.

"Honey you had that tricky surgery and we didn't want to interrupt that and potentially cause any more damage." I said.

"Well I don't care! My daughter is in the hospital because of God knows why and someone should have told me!" She yelled.

Bailey came back in and told us the tests were done and they got Ella a room. We followed her to see Ella and we see our baby just laying there looking helpless. Teddy informed us that whatever sickness she has was attacking her immune system and causing her to not get enough oxygen to her body which caused her to pass out. They said it was pneumonia and bronchitis, so she will need to stay overnight and give her breathing treatments. Teddy left us alone and Carina still looked pissed.

"I can't believe no one got me as soon as she was admitted or that you didn't call me!" She said pacing.

"Carina I was going to call you but I was worried about getting the aid car to Ella and then I just forgot since I knew we were coming here."

"I'm just so mad right now! What if it had been more serious and I didn't get to see my daughter." She said now crying so I stand up to hug her.

"My love I am sorry, but it's not anything super serious. Look at her, she is here and is given treatments. She will be fine because our daughter is a fighter." Then hugged my wife.

"Mama, mommy. What happened?" Ella said while she was waking up.

"Hey Piccola, you just got super sick and didn't have enough oxygen so you passed out. But you are okay and we will get you to feeling better." Carina said and was running her had through her hair.

"How did your surgery go? Did you save the mama and the baby?" Ella asked.

"Everything went great and now I can focus on my baby getting better. I'm taking the next few days off. You have to stay here tonight but we can sleep here and cuddle all night!" She said and Ella nodded her head.

Carina and I both got into the bed and laid with our daughter. I am glad everything turned out okay and we are blessed to be with Ella.

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