Time Apart

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Stefania's POV
I have been so busy finishing filming for the 6th season of Station 19. I have had so much fun this season playing Carina and exploring a new side of this character. Tonight is the winter finale so we have lots of interviews and doing a couple of Instagram lives with the cast mates. I woke up in a sad mood because I miss my daughter Natalia. My little star has been shooting in a short film back in Italy and has been gone for 2 months.

I have been busy with work so I haven't been able to see her in over a month. This was the longest we have ever been apart. There were days when I would cry on set because I missed my baby. We would FaceTime and call all of the time but with both of our schedules, it has been difficult. Natalia stayed with her father while she was in Italy, and I'm ready for her to come home. She flies home next week and I can't wait to see her.

Natalia's POV
So I finished my short film 2 days ago and today I am surprising my mom and flying back early. I miss my mom so much, I hate that I didn't get to visit her or that she didn't get to come up to Italy.

There were nights where I would cry to my dad just because I missed my mom and all of my friends. Right now I'm almost home and I actually had Danielle help me with this surprise. My mom is at her house right now and they are about to do an Instagram live together.

Danielle's POV
I have been so nervous about today. I've had to keep this big secret from Stefania for  like 2 weeks now. She is over at my house and we are setting up the Instagram live we are doing about this season. Natalia just texted me that she is like 10 mins away.

We start the live and we talk about our thoughts of the season and we talk about our characters. "I think I liked exploring this side of Carina and Maya and all we can do is hope they can get better, we have to wait and find out." Stefania says.

"Yeah I think it also bring reality of marital issues and as an actor I liked playing this kind of character. Okay next question is for you Stefania, will we see your daughter Natalia in any of station 19 or Grey's Anatomy episodes." I said but got interrupted by a knock at the door.

"Oh it's probably just Jaina because she said she was coming over." I say to distract Stefania knowing it's actually Natalia. I can't wait to see her walk in and see the reaction.

Stefania's POV
I start to answer the question while Danielle opens the door for Jaina.

"I'm not sure, of course I wish we could work together if that's what she wants and if it can work out in anyway then maybe possibly in the future she can be on station 19 or in Grey's. But I would definitely love for that to happen. She's actually finishing a short film in Italy and I can't wait to see my Bambina back here." I say. 

"Well I think we should try to get it worked out then!" Someone said and I instantly recognized that voice, it was my daughter.

"NATALIA! Bambina what are you doing here?!" I screamed and ran to give her a hug with tears in my eyes.

"Hi mama! We ended the film early and I thought I would surprise you." She said and was also crying.

We hug for like 5 mins and Danielle recorded the whole thing. "Okay guys; we are going to take a small break and continue this live in a few." Danielle said and ended the live.

Natalia's POV
"Dani you knew about this?" Mom asked Danielle. "Mama I asked her to help me and to keep it a secret. I wanted to surprise you on your big night!" I tell my mom.

She grabs my hands and pulls me over to the couch to sit on her lap. "Tell me EVERYTHING! How was the film, how was Italy, did you see everyone back home?" My mom asked frantically.

"Whoa mama slow down! Um Italy was amazing and everyone misses you! The film was so much fun and I think it will turn out really good, and Rob (my manager) said it will give me more opportunities and I'm just really excited to be back home with you. I missed you so much mama!" I said and we just hugged again on the couch.

We were just sitting there catching up with mom and Danielle. They had to start the live back up but I just stayed and sat there with mama and Dani while they continued talking. I even answered questions and joined in on their conversations. I was tired from all of the flying so it didn't take long before I fell asleep.

"Look at her, she looks so peaceful sleeping." Danielle said. "I know, she's so cute and I can't believe you helped with all of this, thank you so much. This means so much to me." Mama said to Danielle. "I'm just glad y'all are reunited and your baby is back home." Danielle said.

Stefania's POV
This has been the best surprise ever, and I'm so thankful to have my Piccola back home with me. We arrived back home and I went to go hop in the shower and get ready for bed while Nat went to unpack some of her stuff. I walk back to her room to see if she needed my help with anything and I heard her on the phone.

"Yeah papa I made it back home and everything went well. Okay I love you too and I will talk to you later." She said and hung up the phone. God I missed hearing her voice everyday and the house felt so empty without her.

"Hi Bambina, I was just checking on you and see if you needed help unpacking." I said and sat on her bed.

"No I think I'm done for the night, I'm exhausted and can finish it tomorrow. It will be so nice to sleep in my own bed back here. I missed you so much mama." Natalia said and got into the bed with me and I opened my arms for her to lay down with me.

"Piccola I missed you so much. You can not leave me for that long again!" I said laughing.

"I'm glad I did the short film but I hated not being with you. I had fun with papa but it wasn't the same. I missed you and everyone else. Next time I will do a film here so you can be with me." Natalia said.

"Well I have the next week off, so we will catch up tomorrow and just have a mommy/daughter date . We will do whatever you want to do my Piccola." Mom said and kissed my head.

"Can you sleep with me tonight mama?" I asked.

"I wouldn't want to be anywhere else Bambina. I love you and goodnight." Mama said and I fell asleep. I'm glad to be back with my favorite person.

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