Broken relationships

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Adelina's POV
So here is a little back story of my life recently. A lot of craziness has been happening. My moms are kind of fighting, my uncle Jack was gone for 3 months but he ended up being in Seattle the whole time. My mom, Maya, has been working a lot and running to avoid my mama because they need to sit down and talk about their issues. My mama,Carina, is trying to hold it together but I know there are issues between my moms right now.

Anyways my name is Adelina or Addie for short and I am 15 years old. I'm a sophomore in high school and I'm also a basketball player and a track runner like my mom. I love going to the station and hanging out with all of my aunts and uncles. I also like going to the hospital to see my mama and all of my aunts and uncles there too. I have a younger brother Matteo who is 10 years old. I have the best moms in the world. Overall I have a pretty good life.
Today is a clinic day at the hospital and me and my best friend Mariella who is Andy's and Sullivan's daughter are working at the registration table since we need volunteer hours for school. Right now we are pretty slow with only a few patients so Mari and I are just sitting around talking. The alarm goes off and we see our parents get changed and head out to their call. "Bye bug, love you." Mom yelled to me. "Love you mom, be safe." I yelled back. I wish my moms would stop fighting because I miss them both together.

A few hours later we got more patients, and in walks Ben warren and uncle Jack. Jack looked terrible, he looked like he hasn't showered and he had a black eye and he hadn't shaved. He comes up to the table, "so since when do we hand out forms? This isn't right." He said annoyed. "Well I'm following what my mama said, do you need a form for your wrist or not?" I said with a smart attitude because I don't want to see him. He shook his head and grabbed the clipboard and sat down to fill it out. Uncle Jack left my family after always telling me he wasn't going anywhere. He was one of my closest people I had and I told him everything. Then he started to struggle and he just got up and left. I called him every night, left him voicemails and he never called or texted me back.

Carina's POV
It's been steady today at the clinic, but I like staying busy. I'm glad Adelina is volunteering because she's a big help and she does anything I ask her to do. I was going to bring Addie and Mariella this box to put in inventory and I see Addie just looking at someone. I look over and see Jack is here, Maya and I have seen him multiple times but this is only like her second time seeing him since she found out he's been gone. "Hey Bambina you can go say hi and talk to uncle Jack if you want." I tell her and put my hand on her back for comfort. "No I'm fine, I have nothing to say to Jack. Did you need me to do something for you mama?" She asked me. "Uh yeah, I was going to see if you can take this box upstairs and add it to the inventory list." I said but I was still in shock because she always calls him uncle Jack, but she was just so cold with him, and I don't blame her.

A few minutes later I look at my list and Jack was next. I called his name and he walked up to the tent, "So I help create this and y'all make me wait forever and change everything." He said annoyed. "Well I'm sorry to provide you with care and a warm place to hang out, how rude of me." I said and rolled my eyes. I decided to let Warren take care of his wrist. "Just stay here and Warren will take care of your wrist." I say. "Hey is Addie ever going to understand what I'm going through and forgive me, she can barely look at me." He said with a soft voice. "I don't know Jack, she has some strong feelings about you, but if you want to know, you need to be the one to talk to her." I reply back to Jack and walk away.

Addie's POV
Mari and I finish the inventory and we go back to the clinic to close it for the day. It was pretty steady today which is always good to help other people. Mom and the rest of the team are back from the call and they were helping us clean up. Uncle Jack was still here and he was hanging around Warren. I don't want to see him right now. He walks past me and I just roll my eyes and put the chairs away.

"Addie are you going to hate me the rest of your life? I mean you won't even look at me anymore." Jack said. I froze where I was and looked at him because I was mad. "I don't know Jack, when all of the sudden you leave your family and don't say anything to anyone then it is pretty crappy." I told him. Everyone kind of stopped in place and was watching our interaction, I haven't talked to anyone about my feelings with everything recently and I feel like I can explode. "Look I'm sorry Addie, I have some stuff going on but I'm still your uncle and I miss you so much, you can't be mad at me forever." He said trying to be apologetic.

"NO because my Uncle Jack would have answered my calls and texts or would have told me where he was instead of finding out you were 15 mins away the whole time! I left you voicemails of me sobbing and being worried about you and you didn't even bother to respond. For 3 months, I have spent so much time being angry and frustrated and I feel bad for you. I don't hate you because my moms taught me that hate is a strong and damaging word, but you are not the Uncle I loved my whole life." I said while tears come down my face. After that I didn't let him reply because I stormed out of the barn and went upstairs to the rooftop to clear my head.

Maya's POV
I can't believe I just witnessed this whole fight with Addie and Jack. Adelina has struggled these last couple of months. It started when Jack left and went on his downward spiral, and things with Carina and I have been a little rough because we have been fighting. I think Jack leaving hit her hard because those two were inseparable. Jack was her favorite person for her whole life and that's why it hurt her so much.

Addie stormed off out of the barn. I bet she went to the rooftop. Carina wanted to go after her but I grabbed her hand and looked at her. "Let's go together, she needs both of us now than ever." I tell her. We go up top and our daughter is up here pacing back and forth. We both sat on the picnic table and just let her express her feelings.

"Look I'm sorry for making a scene down there but please don't ask me to apologize to Jack." She says while pacing. "Bambina we didn't come up here to get mad at you or anything, we just wanted to talk about your feelings. What's going on?" Carina said. "I don't know, it just made me so mad to see him after all of this time and he just left everyone. We all were worried and he never responded to me, but he wants to walk in here like everything is okay. I use to tell him everything and now I feel like I don't have anyone right now." She said and was crying again. I got up to hug her and bring her back to the table to sit down and talk to us.

"Addie tell us why you think you can't talk to us? We are always here for you baby and you can come to us anytime." I tell her. "I know I can come to you guys, but you both have been arguing a lot and I don't want to burden you both with my stress and stuff. I just want you both to go back to how everything use to be. I just want things to be back to normal. I hate having to worry about you both and uncle Jack on top of my school and basketball." Addie said and her breathing started to get faster like she was about to have a panic attack.

Carina and I looked at each other and I felt instantly guilty. I got off the bench and grabbed Addie's hand to help calm her down. "Baby look at me. Follow my breathing, nice and slow. Let's take some deep breaths together." I said. Addie slowed her breathing down after a few minutes.  "Adalina I'm so sorry that us fighting has been affecting you in this way and you can NEVER burden us. You can come to mom and I anytime and talk or if there is someone else, then talk to that person, but don't always act strong and hold everything in." Carina said. We all hugged for a while and Addie stood back up. "I want to forgive uncle Jack but I need time to process everything." She said.

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