Feeling left out

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Maya's POV
It has been 6 months since Carina and I brought Liam home. We decided that we needed to move out of our apartment and into a house for our kids. We have a 6 year old daughter named Ellie and this all has been a lot for her. Bringing the baby home and moving all in a short amount of time is much on a 6 year old. She is an amazing big sister and helps us in anyway she can.

Lately I think Ellie has been seeking me and Carina's attention. She has been getting in trouble more at school and throwing more tantrums at home.

"Ellie, do you know where mama's keys and Liam's blanky are? She can't find them and now she's going to be late for work." I asked Ellie.

She just shook her head while eating her breakfast. Carina went to Ellie's room and found them under her bed. "I found them Maya. They were under then Piccola's bed." We shared a look and decided to discuss the topic later. "Well I am about late so I'm leaving and taking Liam to daycare. I will see both of my girls later after work." We shared a kiss and she walked over to hug and kiss Ellie, then walked out of the door.

I have the day off and Ellie was begging to stay home with me, but I have so much to do around the house and she needs to go to school and see her friends. After a few tears she was okay to walk into school. I drove back home and took a short nap then got to work on Liam's room. I thought my heart was complete with Carina, and then it grew when we got pregnant with Ellie, and now we have Liam. I am so happy with my family. I'm working on the room when I get a phone call from Ellie's school.

"Hi Mrs.Deluca-Bishop, we are having a little trouble with Ellie today."

"Is she sick, is she okay?"

"She's fine, but today she had a rough morning and refused to do anything with her work. And then during gym she had a small incident with a classmate. Apparently he was being mean to her when they were arguing and she hit the boy. Now the boy will receive consequences too, but maybe you or Dr.Deluca can come pick her up for the day."

"Yes ma'am, I'll be there soon to get her. I'm sorry for what she did."

I went to the school and picked her up. I called Carina about the situation and she was going to ask Jo to cover her service because we both should be there with Ellie. She also was going to take Liam to my mom's house to watch him.

Carina's POV
I'm not really surprised about Ellie's behavior lately. We started to see signs of her being left out or her wanting our attention, so we talked to our friend who is a child therapist to ask for tools to help Ellie. She was all excited when we brought Liam but now I think it's a lot for her and the move isn't helping either. Maya and I went back to work about a month ago which started the behavior in Ellie.

I beat Maya home and I changed out of my work clothes. I couldn't help but look a this picture if me Ellie and Maya from a year ago all together at the beach. I got out of my thoughts when I heard the door open and hear Ellie and Maya walk in.

"Mama!!! You are home already! I missed you."

"Ellie I'm home because I heard you didn't have a good day at school. So mommy and I need to talk to you." She put her head down and we walked to living room. Maya and I sat in front of her.

"Okay Piccola, let's talk. What happened at school today?"

"Jake was being mean to me and Lizzie, and he was calling us names. I was getting mad so I pushed him. Then Mrs.harris came and took us to the office."

"Honey I'm sorry Jake was being mean to you, but what are we suppose to do when we get mad or angry? You know we can't put our hands on someone else."

"I'm suppose to walk away and take deep breaths. And I'm suppose to talk to a teacher if someone is being mean to me or anyone else. I'm sorry mama."

"It's okay Bambina. We want to talk about something else." Then Maya jumped in.

"Buggy can you tell us how you are feeling about us having Liam in our family. We know you love him, but lately you have not been nice to him or to me and mama."

"I love Liam, but I feel like you and mama are forgetting about me. You both are working a lot and you don't read me bed time stories because you are busy getting Liam to sleep. Then GiGi is always the one picking me from school. And Liam is always loud and crying. He's taking my mommies away from me." She said while crying. Maya got up to sit Ellie in her lap.

"Honey we will never forget about you ever! You are our first baby and we love you and Liam the same. He is smaller so he requires more attention right now, but we are sorry if he haven't give you attention also." Maya said.

"Listen Elly belly, we are so proud of you for helping us and you have been the best big sister. Liam loves you and we love you. We are sorry for not spending as much time with you and moving into a different house all in a short time. And it's okay to have but feelings. I just want you to talk to me or mommy if you are having feelings and want to spend time with us."

"I will talk to you. I'm sorry for hiding your keys this morning and getting in trouble at school. I love you." Ellie said and we all hugged.

"So Liam is at GiGi's for tonight and that means we can do whatever you want. Just and Ellie and mommy day."

"Mama can we make pizzas and watch movies in the big bed?!?" She asked all excited.

"Of course Piccola!" And that is exactly what the family did. Ellie has been acting better and the moms made sure to give her proper attention as well so she doesn't feel left out.

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