Thanksgiving Day!

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Eliana's POV
Today is Thanksgiving which is one of my favorite holidays. I mean you get to hang out with family and friends plus eat a lot of food. Who doesn't love this day? We have a tradition where we eat Thanksgiving dinner with my moms, my younger sister Lucia, my grandma, my uncle Mason, and my Zio Andrea. We do this every year if everyone is able to come, but it's so fun hanging with everyone. Every year my mom and I always run the Turkey Trot which is a 5K. My mama thinks we are insane for doing it but it's something my mom and I can do for fun and it's special for us.

It's later in the morning and mom and I just got done with the race and we are taking pictures. "Okay my crazy girls, let's take a picture of your medals. I will never understand why you both choose to run on Thanksgiving." Mama said. "Well it's fun for us and we get to be extra hungry for your amazing food love." Mom said an gave mama a kiss. "Okay can we please take our pic and go home to shower, it's getting cold out here." I said and hopped on mom's back to take our annual turkey picture.

We were leaving to go home when mom's phone rang. It was the station calling her which is weird since she's off today. "This is Captain Bishop....yes I understand.....I'll get my team together." I knew she was getting called in and I instantly got disappointed. I mean I'm use to it because both of my moms have amazing jobs but are unpredictable so they both have been called in many times before. I think I'm more upset since it's on our favorite holiday and the fire must be super bad for everyone to get called in on a holiday.

Carina's POV
"Girls I'm sorry, but they are calling us in for a 4 alarm. Hopefully it's not too bad but I have to go. I will do my best to be back at dinner." Maya said  I can tell they are sad. "But mommy what about watching the parade and cooking dinner?" Lucia said. "I know Lu Lu I'm sorry, but I know you will be the best helper for mama and we can watch the parade later on tv. I love you so much." She said and hugged Lucia, then Eliana hugged her and she gave me a kiss before running to her car.
"Okay my babies let's go home and get warm and cook some food for tonight!" I said all excited trying to distract their minds away from Maya even if we are all a little worried.

We soon got home and we all showered and changed into comfy clothes. Eliana is sitting at the island helping me chop vegetables and get dinner ready. I look over and notice her gloomy look she's had all day after Maya left. "How about we make a deal Piccola? If you tell me what has you so down then I will let you taste test everything I make today." I said and it caused Ellie to giggle a bit which I love hearing. "Mama you would have let me taste it anyways like you always do. But I guess I can talk to you." Ellie said and I sat down next to her and rubbed her back to comfort her. "I guess I'm just bummed with mom not being here. It sucks she's on a big call anyways since I'm worried for her, but this is our favorite holiday so it hurts a little extra that her job called her away. I wish she was here and we can celebrate together." Ellie said and I hugged her.

"Oh mi Piccola, I miss your mom too and I know she is really missing all of us right now. I know it is hard for you girls to deal with the uncertainty in our schedules and the unpredictably in our jobs. Do you know what I'm thankful for this holiday? I am thankful for my beautiful family and my amazing wife who would have done anything to be here. I'm thankful I have an amazing daughter who steps in and helps with her sister and mama while mom is gone. I know it's you and your mom's favorite today and I'm sorry she's  at work. Hopefully she will be home soon. Why don't we continue in cooking and have a good time when everyone else gets here." Ellie nodded her head and we hugged for a minute before she looked at me. "Mama I actually have an idea......"

Maya's POV
It's about 6 o'clock when we all get back from the call. It was a decent size fire but the other stations came out and helped us contain it. I'm ready to get back home to my family and celebrate. We all relax for a minute and I tell my team how great of a job they did. I turn around when I hear yelling running into the barn and it's my daughter Lucia. "Mommy you are back!!!" "Lucia what are you doing here? Where is mama and sissy?" I asked all confused. "I have to show you something upstairs." She said all excited and pulled my hand up to the beanery. I walk in with my team behind me and we walk in to the most amazing surprise. All of our loved ones are here with a big thanksgiving me. "Carina what is this?" I asked. "Well your brilliant daughter had the idea of having dinner here this year so we can be with all of our firefighter warriors! No one deserves to celebrate this holiday alone." I go up to Eliana and hug her. "I missed you baby, you are the best and thank you for your amazing idea."

We all sat around tables and enjoyed our Thanksgiving meal as a firehouse family. These people have been apart of mine and my family's life for so long so it's really special celebrating with everyone.

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