Too much to watch

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Amelia's POV
Tonight is the premier of my movie! I was busy filming it this last year. My moms Stefania and Danielle are amazing actresses and inspired me to go into the industry and be like them. I started acting when I was 10 and now I'm 16 years old. My mom Danielle didn't want me to grow up being a child actor because she was afraid of all of the pressure and she wants me to act because I love it. My mama Stefania helped me convince my mom to let me do big movies and tv shows. I've acted in a couple of shows like Greys or station 19, and both of their short films.

We have a couple of hours until the premier starts and I'm sitting getting my hair and makeup done. My moms walk in all cute and sit next to me waiting for their turn to get ready. Mama has her phone out and is watching the trailer of my movie. "Bambina I am just so excited for you and so proud of you! This movie looks so good." She said. "Thanks mama, I don't like watching myself but I'm excited about this movie too." I said. My mom walks over to kiss my head, "you are just like me, I hate watching myself but you are watching all of the accomplishments you have and this is a big deal for you! Im so proud of you baby." Mom said and I turned around to hug her.

A few hours later....
We were in the car on the way to the premiere event. I get real anxious at these events, so I don't love going to them. My knee is bouncing up and down and my hands are shaking, I'm just so nervous. My mama put her hand over my knee and pulls me to lean into her. She kisses my head and plays with my hair while I play with her rings on her fingers. I love that my moms are so affectionate and they can recognize my anxiety without making it a big deal. "Just remember to take deep breaths Piccola, and at any point you want to leave, you tell mom and I." She says. "Thank you mama."

We pull up to the carpet walk and I see all of the press and photographers taking pictures. I just need to get down this carpet, snap some pics, and do a couple of interviews. I'm usually at these events for my moms, so it's weird being the center of attention tonight. I walk down the carpet and stop at the spots to take some pics. Then my love interest in the movie comes up to me and I hug him and we take pictures together. He's super cute and we are starting to hang out a lot more, but I don't want my moms to know yet.

Danielle's POV
I am so proud of Millie and her big part in this movie. The movie is about a high school girl and she loses her best friend to a car accident, but then her life gets better and she wants to make her friend proud. I'm so excited to watch it. I stare  at my daughter with love and admiration as she's walking the carpet and taking pictures. Her boyfriend in the movie is taking pictures with her and he has his arm around her. I think they are talking some too but I don't want to ask her about it yet. Stefania grabs my hand to calm me down. " Bambina, she is just taking pictures with him. Nothing is happening." She said and gave me a kiss. We see Amelia do a couple of interviews and she is just so mature for her age and my face hurts from smiling the whole night.

Stefania and I find a seat in the theatre while we wait for Amelia to finish catching up with her coworkers. "I can't believe we are here watching our daughter's new movie she's starring in! This can open so many doors for her." Stefania said. "I know it's crazy, is it bad that part of me wants her to take a small break and not work for a couple of months. I just don't want her to overbook and feel tired of doing so many things. I mean she can start some modeling in photo shoots that she has been wanting to do, or I don't know....just take a break and be a teenager." I say. "I agree Dani, I think we can talk to her but it needs to be her decision. We can suggest a break from tv and see what she says. We can't force her to take a break." Stefania said and I nodded my head.

Stefania's POV
Amelia finally comes over to sit with us and I can tell she is starting to get tired. "You look tired sweet pea." I said and Amelia just laid her head on my shoulder. "I feel super drained but I want to stay and watch the movie. Ryan said they are having an after party tonight and invited me to come, but I said I needed to ask you guys." She said. "Do you want to go?" Danielle asked. "Part of me does and part of me wants to just go home and lay down." Millie said. "Well let's watch the movie and see how you feel afterwards, it's getting late anyways so we will see what time it is after the movie." I say and Millie nods her head.

We start to watch the movie and it's so good. There is one scene Amelia told us about that is hard to watch because it's where her best friends dies and Millie said it was really hard to film. Dani and I are both watching and I am crying because of how good my daughter is in acting and the scene is really sad. Amelia is crying and starts to breathe super quickly so she gets up and goes outside. Danielle and I both go outside to find her. "Sweet pea what is wrong?" Danielle asked. "It's just too much, I thought I can watch it... but.... It's sad and real." Amelia said sobbing and it's getting hard for her to breathe.

"Millie look at me baby. Deep breath in.... And out. Good just slow your breathing. I don't want you to make yourself sick. I know it's difficult for you to watch but it's not real. Everyone is okay, it's just part of acting. We are so proud of you for doing the movie, I know it's hard to film considering your age, but you did an amazing job." Danielle said. I go around and hug Amelia and she turns into my chest and cries a little. "Why don't we head home. I think we can all lay down and relax, plus Jeff and Ford probably miss us. You are tired and need some sleep before you press day tomorrow." I said and Millie nods her head and we head to the car.

We get home and we all change out of our dresses and take our makeup off. "I think she definitely needs a break after her panic attack tonight. Just a small one won't hurt her." Danielle said. We both get in bed and hear a knock at the door. "Come in Millie." I yell and Amelia walks in and sits in our bed with us. "I just wanted to say goodnight and I'm sorry I ruined the night tonight, I know you both wanted to watch the movie." She said with a small pout. I pull her to the middle in between Danielle and I and hug her. "Do not apologize, you did not ruin everything and you were perfect in the movie. We know it was hard to watch and that's totally normal. Mom and I think a small break from work will be nice for you, what do you think?" I asked.

"I would love a small break. I have been really tired from working this last year and I just want to do normal teenage stuff and be able to come to set with you guys and hang out." Amelia said. "Oh well look at that, our teenager wants to actually hang out with us Stef!" Danielle hugs her to and starts peppering her with kisses. "Mama help me! Please it tickles." Millie yells and laughs. Hearing her laugh is one of the best sounds in the world. Danielle stops and Amelia gets under the covers in our bed to go to sleep. We let Amelia sleep with us at time growing up just because we would be gone for so long doing projects or tour press. This last year we didn't spend a lot of time together since we were all working. "I love you both so much!" Amelia said. "We love you too sweet pea."

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