Custody Battle

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A little back story........
Maya has a 6 year old sister that she took in a year ago. Lane had the baby with another woman but he didn't want to take care of her and her biological mother left. Maya rescued her sister Emily from Lane and took over in raising the child. Emily loves living with her sister Maya and Carina, she even calls them mom and mama. About a month ago Lane sued Maya for custody of Emily. The only reason he wants Emily to is make her another one of his track star prodigies.

Court Day-Maya's POV
I didn't sleep much last night because I'm so anxious about the court hearing. I would usually go on a run to relieve some stress but I wanted to be closer to Emily, so I decided to go lay with her in the bed. She immediately rolled over and snuggled further into me. I played with her hair and eventually went back to sleep.

I woke up a couple of hours later and I feel Emily waking up too. "Morning buggy, how did you sleep?" I said. "I slept good, when did you get in here mommy?" She asked. "I came in here early this morning, I just wanted some extra cuddles from my favorite kid." I say laughing. "Mom I'm your only kid." Emily said and then I started to tickle her. God I can hear her laughs and squeals all day long.

"Um was anybody going invite me to this cuddle and tickle party?" Carina asked while standing at the door way. "Mama, come lay with us, mommy needs extra cuddles this morning." Emily said all cute. "Well I will be happy to join my favorite girls." And we all laid together in the bed.

Carina's POV
Everyone is on edge today because of the court hearing. Our lawyer says we have a really good chance but you never know what will happen. I made breakfast for everyone but Emily was just picking at her food. "Bambina is the food not good? Want me to make you something else?" I asked. "No mama, your food is always amazing, I'm just not really hungry this morning. Can I go back to my room and read for a bit before we leave?" She asked quietly. "Sure Bambina go ahead." And then Emily went back upstairs. I look over at Maya and she's been quiet too.
"Bella we will get through this." I say and hold her hand. Maya just gave me a smile and nodded her head.

Nobody's POV
The Deluca Bishop family arrived to the court house and they decided to sit in the car for a minute so everyone can calm down before they go in there. "Hey Emmy how are you feeling baby?" Maya asked. "I'm scared, I don't want to see him. I want to stay with you and mama." Emily said with tears in her eyes. "Bambina everything will be okay. Mom and I will protect you and Lane won't come near you." Carina said. Emily unbuckled her seat belt and climbed to the front to be closer to her moms. Maya held Emily close to her and they all sat for a few minutes before it was time to go in.

Lane was there with his lawyers just smirking at the family because he thinks he's going to win this battle. He gave his testimony about how he's a changed man and did years of counseling so he thinks he's fit to take care of Emily. Lane's lawyer tried to make Maya and Carina look like terrible mothers since their jobs are so important and demanding. "Yes me and my wife's job are unpredictable, but we have managed to make it work this whole year with having Emily and we have plenty of family to help us out in the rare case of Carina and I are both gone to work. You know it is possible to be a mom and have a career." Maya said smartly at the end.

"I think I have heard enough from both parties for today." The judge said. "Excuse me your honor their is one more thing. Emily's biological mother Anna is here and she is back together with Lane and wants custody as well since she technically didn't terminate her parental rights." Lane's lawyers said. Then Anna walks in the court room and Maya and Carina sit there shocked.

Maya's POV
Why all of the sudden is Anna back. She abandoned Emily years ago, and then she wants her rights back. Over my dead body will Emily ever live with them. She barely knows Emily and why should she be able to come back in and take her? "Well this changes a few things. I know the child has not had time to stay with her mother and since Anna did not terminate her parental rights, I think that the child should spend time with her biological mother before I can make my decision." The judge said.

"I'm sorry your honor but this woman left her child, she shouldn't be able to take her back." My lawyer said. I'm just sitting here in shock because they are allowing Anna and Lane to see Emily. "Here is my order, Emily Bishop will spend one week with Anna and Lane and they will have supervised meetings as well. Then we will meet again next Thursday to make a final decision." The judge said. Carina and I start crying because we are so pissed and terrified of Anna to go back to Lane's. We storm out of the court room and our lawyer is chatting with us and Emily runs up to us. "Mommy, Mama!" She yelled and hugged us. "Hey Emmy, let's go outside and talk for a minute."

"What's wrong mommy? You and mama have been crying." She said. I wipe away my tears and take a deep breath to tell her the bad news. "Buggy, your birth mother Anna has came back and wants to try and get to know you better, and the judge thinks it's a good idea if you spend a few days with her and Lane before he makes a decision on who you should live with." Once I said that Emily started to cry and jumped up to hug me. She was crying and put her head in my neck and hugged me so tight.

"No mommy, I don't want to see them. Please don't make me go!" Emily cried.

"We are so sorry bambina! We will get you back, but right now we need you to be a brave girl and just see them for a couple of days. We know it's not fair, but it's something we have to do. We love you Piccola." Carina said with tears coming down her face.

Emily sat up and faced us. "Okay mama, I can be a brave big girl."

"Well let's head home and have some cuddle time before we pack your bag and take you to Anna's house." I say and Emily nodded her head and held on to me while I carried her to the car. This is going to be a long week.

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