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Riley: 4
Matteo: 6 months

Carina's POV
Lately life has been a little crazy. 6 months ago I gave birth to our beautiful son Matteo, and we have a 4 year old Riley. Maya went back to work a couple of months ago and I just started to go back this week. I can sense something is wrong with Riley because she has been getting in trouble a lot and she's usually well behaved. The other day, she took Matteo's paci and blanket from him and he wouldn't stop crying. Then she got in trouble at daycare for hitting another kid. Maya and I have been meaning to talk to her about everything but we have both been so busy. I think it's because she misses her moms and wants the attention because she hasn't had very much since the new baby has been here.

Maya's POV
Today to cheer Riley up, some of the kids in her class are coming to the station for a field trip. Riley comes here all of the time but she always gets excited to see all of her aunts and uncles. We have activities planned for the kids and we are taking a tour around the station.

The class arrives and all of the kids come in yelling and jumping up and down. Riley runs up to me and jumps for me to pick her up.

"Hi mommy! I missed you last night." Riley said.

"Hi buggy, I missed you so much! Were you good for mama at bed time?" I asked and she nodded her head.

I set her down and we started with our tour. "Now kids I need everyone to show me your listening ears. If the big loud alarm goes off that means my lieutenants need to leave and I need everyone to find a wall and put one hand on it. Now who is ready to see the fire trucks!" And they are were excited.

The field trip is going well, the kids all have plastic fire hats that they are wearing and everyone is taking a picture of them sitting in the truck. "What does the L mean and the C mean on the square thing?" One kid asked meaning our name tags.

"It means that he's a lieutenant and she's the captain!" Riley said super proud. I smiled and winked at her because she is so smart and proud she knows all of this.

"That is correct Riley!" Jack said and gave her a hi five. I walk away to take a phone call while Jack is talking to the kids. I look over and see Riley is following me to my office.

"Buggy you need to go back with your class." I say gently to her.

"No mommy I want to stay wif you."

"Riley you have to stay with the group or your teacher is going to be worried. Go listen to uncle Jack. Look there is Auntie Vic, why don't you go with her and I'll be right out after this phone call." I motioned for Vic to take Riley back to the group.

Riley's POV
I just want to be with my mommy. I didn't see her yesterday because she was at work, I just really miss her. They haven't paid a lot of attention to me ever since my little brother was born. I love my brother but all he does is cry and sleep and my mommies are with him all of the time.

We walk back to the barn and I see someone holding my Tia Andy's hand. That makes me so mad because she's my tia and no one else. I walk over to Tia and pull her away from the girl so she can be with me.

"Ri-Ri what are you doing?" She asked.

"You're my tia! You have to hold my hand." I said with tears in my eyes.

"Butterfly it sounds like someone is having some big feelings right now. I was holding her hand because she was scared. But that doesn't mean you can pull me away like that."

"No you are my tia! I don't want to share!" I yelled and ran to my mom's bunk. I just want to go home. I'm tired of sharing everything with everyone.

Maya's POV
I was done with my phone call and came back out to Riley yelling and running away. Her teacher walks over to me and said she had a tantrum and ran off to my bunk. I looked at Andy and she told me that Riley got jealous and took off. We really haven't spent as much time with her as we use to ever since Matteo was born. Things have been crazy busy lately and it's not fair to Riley. The field trip was over and I told the teacher that I would just keep Riley with me, so I texted Carina that we needed to talk with Riley tonight.

Carina's POV
I get home from work and I see Riley on the couch watching cartoons while Maya was putting Matteo down for bed. She laid him down early so we can talk to Riley. "Hi Piccola how was your fun field trip?" I asked Riley. She just shrugged her shoulders and didn't say anything. Maya had already told me about today but I want to hear about Riley's feelings.

"Bambina come sit with mama while we talk."

"Am I in trouble?"

"No Ri, we just want to talk." Maya said.

"Do you want to tell mama about what happened at the station?"

"I was mad that Emily was holding Tia's hand because she's my Tia so I pulled her away from her. Then I ran away to mommy's bunk." Riley said with her heading hanging down.

"Bambina it's okay to have big feelings but you need to tell someone about it instead of getting angry and hurt someone. Have you had big feelings for a little bit now?" I asked and she nodded her head.

"I think you love Matteo more than me. And I don't see you as much as I use to. I got mad because I don't want to keep sharing everything. I'm sorry for running away earlier mommy." Riley said and was crying.

"Oh Piccola mia. I promise that we do not love Matteo more than you. You both are the most important things in our life. Matteo is just smaller so we have to give him more attention right now, but it is not fair to take attention away from you bella. I am sorry you feel like we don't love you as much Riley. Mommy and I will do better about sharing our time." I said and hugged my daughter tightly. My heart broke for her because I know what the feeling is like.

"How about this Ri, mama and I promise that we are going to have mommies and Riley day twice a month." Maya said

"What is a Riley and Mommy day?" Riley asked.

"It is where we spend a whole day with just us and you. No Matteo, and no one else. We can do whatever you want. I was thinking that mama and I are both off work tomorrow, instead of daycare, l say we have a mommy and Riley day tomorrow! Whatever you want to do, you just tell us." Maya said and I just couldn't help but smile at her because she's the best mom in the world.

"Yay! I love you mommies!" Riley said and we all hugged. We will make a better effort to make Riley not left out.

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