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Maya's POV
We had just got back from a call and the team is making some lunch upstairs. I sat down in my office for a little bit to work on some reports from the call. My phone rings and it's Millie's school calling. Amelia or Millie for short is Carina and I's 15 year old daughter. We also have a 7 year old named Lilliana. I was confused why they were calling me but maybe Millie is sick or something.

"Hello this is Captain Deluca-Bishop speaking."

"Yes Mrs.Deluca-Bishop this is principal Harris from Seattle High. How are you today?"

"I am doing well, how are you Mrs.Harris?"

"I hate to call you on these circumstances but Amelia is in my office along with another student because they are in trouble for fighting in the hallway. I tried to call your wife but she did not answer so I'm calling you to see if you can come in for a meeting about this behavior."

"Oh my goodness yes I am on my way."

I hung up the phone and told Andy she was in charge while I was gone and drove to Amelia's school. She has never been in trouble at school before so I am shocked right now and I am also furious because Millie knows we do not allow violence against others. I called Carina but her intern answered and told me she was in an emergency surgery so I decided to text her later.

Amelia's POV
I can't believe I just got into a fight. The girl Lindsay deserved it though. She is always rude to me and wants to talk about me behind my back. Lindsay finally pushed my buttons enough for me to snap. Lindsay and her group walked by me and shoved me into the wall and knocked my books down and I had enough so I threw my book back at her and then we started to fight until the teacher came and broke us up.

I'm sitting here waiting for one of my mom's to come get me and I hope it's not my mom because she's going to be so mad at me and probably will ground me for life. My mom Maya is usually the stricter one and my mama Carina is the more lenient one. Now my mama is all Italian so when she is pissed then you know it. I see my mom walk in and I avoid contact at all costs. She looks at me and walks into the principal's office. A little bit later she walks out, "let's go Amelia." She says and we go to her car. She just full named me and she looks pissed so I know I'm into deep trouble.

My mom starts driving and she broke the awkward silence. "Amelia why did you decide to fight with another girl? You know we don't allow fighting against others! I am so beyond pissed right now." My mom angrily yelled.

"But mom she started it, she has been a big bully since school started so I had enough of it. I wasn't going to keep standing around and let her push me around." I replied back.

"Millie you know we don't want you fighting, tell me what really happened now." So then I told her what happened and my mom was less mad but still disappointed.

"Why are we at the hospital? Can't we go home?"

"No Millie, we are telling your mama because she doesn't know yet and I'm making sure your wrist is okay since it's a little bruised."

"Mom I'm fine let's go home, I don't want to be here right now." I said with an attitude.

"Amelia Grace we are telling your mama now and we will discuss your punishment for your actions."

Carina's POV
I just performed an emergency delivery and everything went smoothly. I went back to my office and relax and did some charting when there was a knock at my door. "Come in it's open." To my surprise Maya walks in with Millie.

"Oh what a surprise, why is the Bambina out of school? Are you sick?" I asked and went to go feel her forehead.

"No Carina, our daughter decided to get into a fight at school with another girl." Maya said and I just stared at her.

"Sei serio? Amelia, è vero?" I asked
(Are you serious, is that true?)

Amelia just looked down and didn't answer my question and I was starting to get mad.

"faresti meglio a rispondermi." I said
(You better answer me)

"Sí mama it happened earlier today."

"Well tell me what happened?" I say angrily.

"Basically it was that girl Lindsay who is mean to me all of the time. I was at my locker and she pushed me and knocked my books out so I got mad and threw a small book at her. She came back over to hit me and I dodged it and hit her back. Then she we were both pushing each other and the teacher came and broke us up."

I stood up and started to pace back and forth and was talking to myself in Italian. Im so mad at Amelia because she knows better. I kept yelling and pacing until Maya brought me back. "Carina calm down and speak English." I forget that Millie and I are the only ones who speak fluently.

"Amelia Grace you know better then to use violence against someone." I say and Amelia interrupted me.

"Mama it was self-defense and she started it." She said.

"I'm still talking Amelia. Interrupt me again and you are grounded for a month!" I yelled angrily at her.

Just as I was about to speak again my brother, Andrea came in and said that he can take Millie to get her wrist looked at, so she got up and went with him. I sat down at my chair and put my head in my hands.

"My love, we need to take a deep breath and calm down before she comes back in." Maya said to me.

"How are you not furious Maya, our daughter got into a fight!" I yelled.

Maya took a deep breath and walked over to my desk and sat in front of me.

"Listen babe, I am mad at Millie, trust me when I say she got an ear full from me earlier, but the more I think about it the more I believe that she was defending herself from a bully. I'm not saying that fighting is the answer but she was provoked and the other girl started it. We will talk to her and she is still in trouble but I'm not as mad for defending herself or other against bullies." Maya said.

I took a deep breath and decided Maya was right. Amelia shouldn't have fought back but she was defending herself. "You are right Bambina but she is still in trouble for fighting anyways and getting suspended for a couple of days." I say and Maya came up and sat in my lap and gave me a long kiss.

Andrew came back in and brought Millie inside and he said her wrist was just bruised and she will be fine. I was done with my shift and Maya took the rest of the day off. We drove home and talked to Amelia about her consequences and how next time she needs another solution instead of using violence and we told her we would talk to the school about Lindsay.

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