Reconnect Pt.2

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Lucy's POV
This meet up is kind of awkward, like what are we suppose to talk about? We walked around the park for a few minutes and we grabbed some ice cream and sat at a bench to eat. "So Lucy tell me what has been going on with you lately?" My dad asked. I just stared at him for a minute, "you mean what is been going on the last eight years since you left?" I said immediately. My dad looked down at his lap and sat there silently. "Look I'm sorry, I didn't mean to come off super rude." I said. "No it's okay, I deserve it and you are right. I'm just wanting to try to reconnect here." He said.

Maya's POV
Carina and I got home after picking up Liam and just sat in the driveway for a minute trying to process everything. I mean it's so hard knowing there is a chance her dad can get custody back and we can't lose Lucy. Stefania gets out of the car to grab Liam and storms inside. I take a few extra minutes to myself to relax. The old Maya would have been going out on a run, but right now all I want to do is check on Carina. I walk into the house and I hear sniffling from our bedroom. Carina is crying while holding Liam and rocking him back and forth. I go over to her and just hold her to let her cry. She has been the strong one through this whole thing so it's her time to break down. "This situation is not fair to anyone especially to Lucy. Why can't they just leave us alone and let us all be happy and be together?" Carina said. "I know baby, it's not fair." I said. Hopefully Lucy is doing okay, I miss her already.

Lucy's POV
It's been a couple of hours now and this visit hadn't been bad but I miss my moms a lot. My dad keeps talking about his new job he has and he's getting a house soon, and he has a new wife. I decided to get some courage and tell him how I really feel about him coming back to my life.
"Can I ask you something?" I asked. "Sure anything kiddo." He said. "Why all of the sudden do you want back in my life? You left long time ago without any contact or anything so what made you want to come find me. My life is great, I have my little brother and two amazing moms that see me as their own child and I don't want my life to change. Look don't take this the wrong way, but when you first left I didn't understand why or how you could do that but now that I'm older I understand a little bit, but I have learned that I don't need a father in my life. I appreciate you wanting to reconnect and maybe we can work something out on how you can be in my life but I don't need a dad. Don't try to change my life again when my life is good right now." I said and wiped my tears away.

Maya's POV
I hear a car pull up and it was Lisa dropping off Lucy. They come to the door and Lucy looks exhausted. She doesn't even say hi, she just walks straight past us and to her room. Lisa tells us about what Lucy said and how she told her dad about how she felt. She said the meeting didn't go bad, but we should hear what the dad wants to do within the next couple of days. Once Lisa leaves, Carina and I head up to Lucy's room.
"Hey there LuLu." I said but she doesn't respond. "Piccola do you want to talk about the visit or tell us what is bothering you?" Carina asked. "What is going to happen if we wants custody of me?" She asked and you can tell she is about to cry. "Well we know that is a possibility but mama and I will do anything in our power to fight and keep you with us. Want to tell us how the visit went?" I asked. Lucy told us about the meeting and what all she said. I just hope he realizes that she doesn't want to live with him and doesn't want a father.

Carina's POV
It's Saturday morning and Maya and I are both off work. It's around 7 in the morning when my phone starts ringing and it was Lisa. "Sorry to call so early Dr. Deluca, but I wanted to immediately tell you the news. Her dad just called and said he doesn't want to proceed with custody. He understands that Lucy is in a good place right now and he doesn't want to change it. He requested that when Lucy is ready, he would like to discuss keeping contact with her, but it's her decision. With that being said, we have set up a date for next week to continue the legal adoption for Lucy to permanently be you and Maya's. Congratulations."

My heart was beating so fast. I'm a dreaming right now! "Oh my goodness thank you so much for calling and thank you for all of your help." We hung up and I rolled over to wake Maya up. "Bambina wake up!" "Carina it's 7 am on my day off, what is wrong." Maya said while still half asleep. "Oh nothing just that Lisa called and he doesn't want to custody of Lucy, so we have a date next week to make the piccola ours!" Maya shot up and stared at me. "Are you serious?!?" She yelled. "Si Bambina, we are going to officially have our daughter!!" I said and we were both crying and hugged and kissed!

I was already up so I decided to make breakfast for everyone. I'm sure Lucy will be up soon since she has a game later today. Maya walked down with Liam and we started on feeding him. Shortly after Lucy came down looking tired. "Morning mom, morning mama." She said. "Morning Piccola, are you ready for your games today?" I asked. "Not really, I didn't sleep well last night so I'm extra tired, but I'll be fine before we play." It's like I'm talking to a mini Maya at times. "Well mom and I have to tell you something. Lisa called and said that your dad does not want custody of you and he is giving up his parental rights." Her head immediately shot up and her eyes went wide. "He understands how you feel and doesn't want to change things. He still wants to be in your life but on your own time." "So that means we have a question for you Lucy. Are you ready for us to officially adopt you and be your moms?" Maya asked. Lucy got up and hugged us.

"I have always been ready and have waited for this to happen. I love you both so much, thank you for saving me."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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