The Tonight Show

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Allie-15 years old

Allie's POV
Tonight I will be making an appearance on Jimmy Fallon's show. I have been a couple of times just to watch my moms but tonight I will actually be interviewed with my moms. I am anxious and nervous but also really excited to talk about my new project. I am starting to get more jobs booked as an actor which is what I've always wanted to do. I also do photoshoots and I can sing. My moms are the best and the never pressure me to do anything I don't want to do. My moms Danielle and Stefania didn't want me to act at a young age but I showed my passion for it so they let me start to act when I was about 10 years old.

I've appeared in a couple of episodes of Greys and other shows but recently I have promoted to being a regular on Station 19. My moms are starting to get worried because I've been booked all of the time, which causes them to fight about cutting my work schedule down. Today is a long day because I'm doing a photo shoot right next to Jimmy Fallon's set and then I'll get ready for the show.

Stefania's POV
Today is an exciting day for Allie. She will be doing her first talk show. She's been to many shows with us but never interviewed herself. I wish she didn't have to book a photo shoot before because she's already going to be nervous about the show, but Danielle insisted she did both since her schedule is full. It's about 7:00 and I need to get Allie up and get ready to go to the shoot. I walk into her room and see her peacefully sleeping.

"My sleepy piccola, wake up sunshine." I said and rubbed her back. She rolled over to face me and just cuddled closer to me. I held her and run my fingers through her hair. "Don't go back to sleep on me, we need to get up and get ready for today. My baby has her first interview!" I said all excited. Allie just laughed and smiled at me. "I wish I didn't agree to do that shoot today, I'm going to be so tired." Allie said. "I know bambina but it will be okay, and I promise we will take breaks any time you need one. Today is about you. I'm so proud of you." I said and kissed her forehead. Allie got up and went to the bathroom while I headed to my room to see if my wife is awake. I walk in and see her start her shower so I simply undress and join her. "Do you have room for 1 more person?" I said and kissed her shoulder. "Oh I always have room for you my love." Danielle said and we showered and may have done some other stuff too.

Danielle's POV
Stefania and I get ready and she goes downstairs to make breakfast. I walk downstairs and my girls were sitting at the table eating. "Hey buggy, how did you sleep?" I said and kissed her cheek. "I slept pretty good. I was just telling mama how excited I was for Jimmy's show tonight." Allie said. "So I also have to tell you that I called John last night and asked for the photo shoot to be cut down some so we have a bigger break in between. I was talking to mama last night and it's not fair to ask you to do both on this big day, so you only have to shoot 3 outfit choices and then you are all done." I said and Allie got up and hugged me. Stefania just smiled and mouthed Thank You to me. We all finished eating and then headed to the shoot.

Allie's POV
We arrived on set and I'm changed into my first outfit for the shoot. Everything is going well.
I love doing photo shoots, and it's nice to be myself in this environment. I love acting but modeling is a thing I can be myself and not have as many restrictions. After a few hours I am finally done with the shoot. I can see the director pulling my moms aside and they are discussing something. I change back to my regular clothes and my moms come in whispering about something. "What did John talk to you guys about? Did I do a good job?" I asked. "Yes baby of course you did. John was impressed and we were talking about other stuff, nothing too important." Mom said. "Alright next stop is Jimmy Fallon." Mama said.

Hours later....
I finished my glam and my moms are almost getting ready. So my mom will be interviewed first to talk about her directing episode and then they will bring mama and I out to talk about stuff. Jimmy came into the dressing room to talk to all of us and tell us what all we will be doing tonight. He is super nice and funny, I'm less nervous about the interview. I remembered I needed to take some medicine before I go on to lower my anxiety. "Mama is my medicine in your bag?" I asked. "Si bambina, just go in there and grab it." She said and I looked into her purse. As I was looking for my medicine, I find this invitation for me to walk in a runway show from the company we didn't the shoot earlier with. That is what they were talking about but I wonder why they wouldn't tell me. "Wait so John wants me to do a runway show?" I said and looked at my moms. They looked at eachother and mama was done with her hair so she walked over. "Yes he does but mom and I still have to talk about it first." She said. "Well were you going to tell me, why can't it be my decision." I asked kind of getting annoyed they didn't tell me. "Buggy let's talk about this when we get home, it's almost time for us to go out there." Mom said.
"Fine, I'm going to go find my seat out there. Good luck mom." I said and stormed off.

Stefania POV
I go to sit next to Allie as we watch Danielle do her interview. She's doing such a good job and she looks amazing out there. "Last question before we go to a commercial break, how is it working with your wife and daughter?" Danielle looked and smiled at us before she answered, "it's the best thing ever, it makes my job easier because the chemistry and realness is there." She answered. They went on a break so Allie and I went backstage to get ready to go out. I can tell Allie is nervous so I grab her hand and give her a hug. "Remember to take deep breaths and be yourself. Mom and I will be there with you." I said and Allie nodded her head. A crew member told us it's our time to come out, "Introducing Stefania and Allie to the hot seat." Everyone was cheering for us, and Allie hugs Jimmy and Danielle and I hug Jimmy and give Danielle a kiss.

Allie's POV
I'm not as nervous as I was. Jimmy is hilarious and makes everything fun. He finished asking my mom's questions so now it's my turn. "So Allie, how was it having your mom as a director?" "Well she's pretty bossy at home, so it wasn't much different." I said jokingly and everyone was laughing about it. Mom nudged me and mama was laughing too. "I'm just kidding, but in all serious, it was awesome. She is so talented and good at directing so it's cool to see this side of her." I say. "Next question, how is it seeing all of the fans of your moms together on station 19? And even how do you deal with fans of you?" He asked. "Oh my goodness, it's crazy. They are all over my tik tok feed which is funny, but I also learn to deal with negative comments. My moms taught me to only focus on the positives because seeing negative people can really put you in a bad place so I tend to only look at the amazing/positive fans." I said. "Okay last question for you, can you tell the fans about any upcoming projects?" Everyone got excited and waiting for my news. I looked to my moms and they nodded their heads getting approval to tell everyone. "So I just recently became a regular character on Station 19, so you will be seeing me more frequently." Everyone was cheering and clapping. We closed off the show and went back to the dressing room.

Danielle's POV
I am so proud of Allie, she answered the questions so well and she was really mature out there. We got back to the dressing rooms and I ran behind Allie to pick her up. "Buggy you do it! I'm so proud of you!" I said and put her down. I started to tear up because she's growing up on me and she's getting older and getting so many jobs. "Bambina why are you tearing up?" Stefania said. I shook my head and wiped my tears. "Our baby is growing up and she's so mature now." I said and then Stefania was tearing up. "Okay I think we all need a group hug. It's been a long day for everyone and I'm ready to go home and go to bed." Allie said and we all hugged.

On the way home Allie passed out asleep so I took this time to talk to Stefania. "What do you think we should do about the runway show? I think she can handle it, but I also want her to have a break." I said. "I agree but I think we should let her make the ultimate decision, because it's her career." Stefania said. I nodded my head and held her hand while we drove home.

We finally got home and Allie came to our room to tell us goodnight. "I wanted to come say good night, and also I need to apologize for getting mad earlier about the runway stuff. I'm sorry for getting smart and arguing with you guys." She said. "Buggy, mama and I talked and we want it to be your decision, but we have one condition. We are okay with you doing the runway show, but we want you to take a break from modeling and stuff and just focus on tv. Since you are a season regular you will have more days to film and plus you are still in school and they can not be affected by work." I said. Allie thought about it for a minute. "I want to do the runway show, but I promise to take a break after it. I really want to do it, I've always wanted to walk in a show and not sure when I'll get an opportunity again. So it's okay if I do it?" Stefania and I look at each other and then turn to Allie. "Yes Piccola, of course you can do it." Stef said and Allie jumped up to hug us. Today was a really good day for Allie and makes me excited to see her future.

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