Protecting your sibling 

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Maya and Carina have twin girls Adalina and Eliana that are 15 years old. The twins are complete opposites. They each mirror their moms. Adalina or Addie is more like Carina. She is sweet, gentle, shy, and is an amazing dancer. Eliana or Ellie is like Maya. She's ambitious, outgoing, and is a great athlete. Adalina is the more studious one while Ellie is smart too but gets in trouble more for talking and being distracting. Ellie has a lot of friends and is popular in school and Addie is shy and has a couple of friends.

Adalina has been dealing with a senior at their school who bullies her some times. The girl Lindsay will make fun of her and her friend group or push her around in the halls. Eliana just found out about this and has made it a mission to take care of it herself. She can't stand to see her sister getting hurt by someone else. "Ellie please leave it alone! It's not a big deal! I can handle it myself." She whispered to her sister. "Oh like you have been handling it very well this whole time. Someone needs to tell this Lindsay girl to leave you alone and that person is going to be me if I see her mess with you again." Ellie said.

Ellie POV
"Do moms know about how long this has been happening for?" I asked. Addie shook her head, "No and you better not tell them or I'll tell them  you snuck out all weekend to be with your boyfriend." Ugh I hate when Addie blackmails me. "Fine but she better not mess with you again." I said and walked out of Addie's room.

The next day....
I wake up and everyone was downstairs about to eat and Adalina was already ready for school. "Ellie you need to eat fast and go get ready or you'll be late to school." Mom said to me. "Good morning to you too." I said under my breath and my mom gave me one of her Maya bishop glares.
"Sorry." I said and ate my breakfast. I feel like my moms are always harder on me then Addie which annoys me but I guess I do give them more trouble. Mama walked over and gave me a kiss and a hug. "I'll see you later after work bambine. Have fun at dance and practice today." Then she walked over to mom and they hugged and kissed. It's amazing after so many years of marriage that they look so in love every time they are with each other.

Adalina's POV
Mom dropped us off at school and Ellie and I went our separate ways. I'm hoping to avoid Lindsay today so I don't have Ellie say anything to her. I met my friend group and went to class. I love my friends, everyone is nice and so accepting of me having two moms except for the Lindsay girl. She always teases me about it and saying how I'm the ugly twin and stuff like that. We were walking to lunch and we found a table to sit at. Eliana was sitting with the athletes at a table near us. I'm so glad she has her group of friends and people don't compare us in school.

We were eating when Lindsay came over to talk to us. "Oh look it's the loser table, so cute." She said and started laughing. "Hey Addie I need you to do my English for me, I need an A on it." She said and gave me her paper. I've had enough of her, "I'm not doing it, you can do your own work." I said gaining a lot of confidence. Then Lindsay pushed me back, "you are doing it or else." She said. "Or else what?" My sister Ellie said. Uh oh. "You push my sister or talk to her or her friends again and you'll deal with me." She said. "What are you going to do it about it. I mean you are a freak just like her since you have two moms who don't even love you, and one of them isn't even your real mom." Lindsay said and then Ellie just punched her. Then they started to fight. The teachers came over to break it up and pull them apart and they went to the office. I can't believe Eliana punched her.

Maya's POV
I get a call that the girls were in some argument  and fight so Carina and I go get them. I can't believe this happened. Eliana gets in trouble often but not like this and Adalina never gets in trouble. We pick them up and get in the car. None of the girls were talking which made me mad. "FIGHTING!!! Really Ellie, you punched the girl and got out of school suspension for 3 days! Someone better give me an explanation." I yelled. "Because Lindsay is a bully and a bitch, that's why I punched her." Ellie yelled back. It's crazy how much we are similar so we always challenge each other. "That's not a reason to go over and punch her." Carina said. "I had a reason to hit her." Ellie said. "Well what was it?" Carina asked. Ellie looked at Addie then looked out the window. "Whatever never mind." She scoffed.

"Hand me your phone, and you're grounded for a month. I hope you will learn your lesson about using violence against someone else." I said and held out my hand. Mama looked over at her and put her hand on her thigh to calm down. "Bambina let's talk about punishment later, everyone is still heated and we need to talk later." Mama said. "Fine we will discuss a punishment but I'm still taking your phone." Mom said. "This sucks." Ellie said and gave me her phone. I took it and drove to the station since we had to finish helping with the clinic.

We got to the station and Ellie stormed into my bunk to calm down. I don't have time to deal with her right now. Addie looks like she knows something but Carina is right and we need to talk later. "Adalina why don't you go upstairs with mama and help with inventory." She nodded her head and went upstairs.

Carina's POV
We were working on inventory and I can tell something is upsetting Addie. Maya came in the room to see how Addie was doing. "What's wrong Piccola, you haven't said a word since we have been back." I asked. Addie started to tear up so I go to hug her and we sit down on the bench. "Bambina what's upsetting you? You can tell us anything." I said and rubbed her back to calm her down. "Eliana was doing it to protect me! That girl Lindsay has been picking on me and bullying me. Ellie found out the other day and wanted to watch out for me. Lindsay came over and said some mean things and told me I had to do her essay for her and I said no. Then she pushed me and Ellie stood up and told her to get away from me. Then Lindsay started saying how weird it is we have 2 moms and how mom isn't even our real mom since we don't share DNA. Then it made Ellie mad and she punched her. I promise Eliana didn't start it, she was only protecting me because I wasn't sticking up for myself. I'm sorry mama!" Adalina told me and was crying.

"Bambina you know everything Lindsay said wasn't true! Mommy is your real mom and blood doesn't make a family! I'm sorry you feel like you couldn't tell us about her messing with you. We will fix everything, don't worry about Eliana. I'm glad she was protecting you." Maya got up and walked towards her bunk to talk to Eliana.

Maya's POV
I was so hard on Ellie without hearing her out fully. I walked in my office and she was sitting in my chair doing her homework. I spin the chair around and crouched in front of her. "Why didn't you tell me you were protecting Addie?" I asked softly. "Addie didn't want you guys to find out about her getting picked on so I thought I can handle it myself." Ellie said. "Well you are a great sister to look out for her. I know you both are different and I appreciate you sticking up for her. I'm sorry I didn't listen to you or just jump to conclusions. I'm sorry if you feel like I'm harder on you more than your sister....the truth is you are just like me and it scares me a bit." I said. "Just next time, try not to use violence against someone else. It doesn't solve anything. But thank you for being a great sister. I love you Elle Belle." Eliana got up and hugged me! " I love you mom." She said.

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