Trying to reconnect

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Carina's POV
A little recap on me and Maya's life lately. So we have been fostering a child named Lucy who is 10 years old. She has been with us for a couple of years now and it has been amazing. Hopefully we get a court date soon to officially adopt her. We call her our daughter and she calls us her moms. Within the last few months our social worker told us the same mother had another baby who was a boy named Liam. So they are biologically related but have different dads. We have heard from Liam's dad but not from Lucy's. That was until last week. I guess her dad has came back from somewhere who hasn't seen her in 8 years and wants to talk to us.

Maya and I decided that we have to tell Lucy the truth. She will be upset but we have to at least let him have a visitation day and then if he wants to pursue custody then we will fight in court. Maya and I are home from work and we have a few minutes before Lucy gets home.

"This is such crap! He has been out of her life for 8 years and then he gets to waltz back in and want visitation. And the fact that we have to let her." Maya said all mad.

"Bambina I know it's frustrating. But right now we need to calm down and be here for Lucy when we tell her. She will freak out and we have to reassure her everything is going to be okay." I said.

Maya came over and we hugged for a bit and just relaxed. After a few minutes Lucy came in the door,
"Mom, mama! I'm home."

"Hey Piccola, how was school and basketball?"

"It was really good. I got an A on my math test and in basketball we scrimmaged and coach let me move to point guard!" She said all excited.

"Oh baby that's good! I'm happy for you. Hey can mama and I talk to you for a minute? We have to talk to you about something." Maya said.

"Uh okay am I in trouble? Because whatever it is, I didn't do it!" Lucy said and me and Maya started laughing.

"No Luce you aren't in trouble. So Lisa has called us a couple of days ago and wants all of us to have a meeting. Because um.... Well your biological dad is back in town and all of the sudden wants to see you again." Maya said. Lucy just sat there in shock.

"But I don't want to see him. Did you tell Lisa that. I don't care to see him. He left me years ago." She said getting worked up.

"Bambina of course we told her that. Unfortunately he never gave up his parental rights so legally he can file a petition for custody and we have to go through processes with all of that. Now we don't know for sure if he wants custody. I think he just wants to start with a visit and we go from there." Carina said.

Lucy started to cry so Maya got up to pull her to her lap. "I know this is all overwhelming and hard for you. We are here for you if you want to talk about it. I say we all try to not worry and take one step at a time. Let's just start with a meeting with Lisa." Maya said.

Lucy went upstairs to shower and change clothes and I start to quietly cry. "Maya we can't lose our daughter. Official or not, she is our child."

Maya's POV
I hate all of this. Because of her dad not giving up rights, it has delayed Carina and I from officially adopting Lucy. If they ever take Lucy away from us, I don't know what I would do. We love her so much and she is Liam's sister so it would be extremely hard.

The next day we met with Lisa at our home to discuss the next steps for her bio dad. "So we met with her dad yesterday and he wants a couple of days of visitation to try and reconnect and see how everything goes. Now unfortunately we have to grant him two days for Lucy to spend time with him. The dad didn't seem too sure if he wants to fight for custody but we can worry about it after the visits." Lisa said.

I put my head down and grabbed Carina's hand. "So we have to let her see him and hope he doesn't want her." I said. Lisa nodded her head. "What types of visits will they be? Will she have to stay overnight?" Carina asked. "No we can meet him at a park or something public and I'll be there with them. You both won't be there the whole time, and then we can bring her back home. She only needs to stay for a few hours." "Okay thank you for meeting with us. We will call back and set up a date for the meeting." I said

Carina and I just sat there and processed everything that was told to us. Now the hard part of telling Lucy she has to go to these meetings. My mom walked in with Liam in her arms and Lucy next to her. "Hey mom! Thanks for taking the kids to lunch and hanging out with them." I said. "Oh it was my pleasure. We had a great time." Carina took Liam upstairs for a nap and Lucy sat next to me on the couch. Shortly Carina came back downstairs and we told Lucy about the meeting. She was crying and stormed upstairs to her room. We decided to leave her alone to give her space. This is going to be a rough couple of days.

Day of the meeting!

Lucy's POV
Today I have to see my biological dad. I don't want to go, I want to stay with Maya and Carina and don't want to leave them. The only reason I want to see my dad is to ask him why he left me and ask him to sign his rights over. We were on the way to the park where we are meeting him and my social worker Lisa. I wish my moms can be with me but I understand why they can't. I'm so anxious and I am constantly bouncing my leg up and down. My mama Carina reached to the back and put her hand on my knee. I instantly felt calmer and grabbed her hand to hold.

We arrived at the park and we were about to get out of the car and I started to cry. "Mommy, mama, please don't make me go. Pretty please don't make me. I want to stay with you both." My mom Maya hops in the back and holds me while I cry. Mama got out of the car and told Lisa it would be a minute. I finally stopped crying and leaned into my mom. "Honey you know we wish we can just turn around and take you home. But you know we have to go through with this otherwise we will be in trouble. Let's take a deep breath. This is all at your pace. You can see him and at any time you are uncomfortable you tell Lisa." I nodded my head and was ready to step out of the car.

I walked to where Lisa and my dad was while my moms were right behind me. "Hey everyone glad you al made it. Now remember this is a small visit for Lucy and Andy and she will go back home later tonight. It's just a time for you both to talk and get to know each other." Lisa said. My moms introduced themselves to my dad Andy and everyone was being nice. If was time for them to leave so I turned around to give them a hug. I was about to tear up again but my mama cupped my face and wiped my tears. "Piccola you will be fine and we will see you later tonight. Remember to breathe and go at your own pace. It's just time to talk. We love you and will see you at home." I nodded my head and walked with Lisa to a spot for us to talk.

PT.2 coming next!

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