Custody Battle pt.2

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Maya's POV
Dropping Emily off at Anna's house was the hardest thing I have ever done. Hearing her sobs and screams and having to walk away was something I never want to go through again. We packed Emily clothes, toiletries, books, her iPad to talk to us, and her stuff animals of course.

It's been 2 days since we dropped Emily off and I am a wreck. I haven't been to work, I have barely eaten and I only want to sleep in Emily's bed because I miss her too much. "Bambina why don't we go outside for a bit and get some fresh air." I nodded my head and she grabbed my hand to go outside to our back yard. We have a big back porch swing bed, so we laid on it and cuddled with each other. I just leaned into Carina and cried for a little bit. She was crying too but we feel better just being with each other.

Carina's POV
It has been 5 days without Cassidy, we have another court day in 2 days and we can get our daughter back. Maya and I are back at work to try to distract our minds. I had just finished a delivery when my pager went off saying come to the pit. My first instinct was that Maya was hurt, so I hurried down to the ER and found a little girl in a bed. It was Emily and Anna had brought her in.

"What happened?! Emily Bambina, are you okay?" I asked. Emily looked pale and weak, she reached her arms up and I grabbed her and held her to me. Hayes comes out and tells me that Emily was dehydrated and has the flu. "I'm sorry, she has been sick all day and Lane took her for a run, and I told him not to but he didn't listen." Anna said frantically. "He did what?! Oh when I see him I'm going to hurt him." I said angrily. "Mama I don't feel good." Emily said. "I know Piccola, mama is going to take care of you." I said as I rubbed her back and played with her hair.

Maya came running into the ER looking for us. "Where is she? Where is Emily?" She asked. "Bambina we are over here." I said and Maya jogged over to us. "Hey Emmy, hi baby. Are you okay? What happened?" She asked worriedly. "Maya, Emily has the flu but Lane took her outside for a run and she got dehydrated." I said calmly. Maya instantly jumped up, "where is he? Where's that coward that couldn't bring his own child to the hospital, once I find him I swear I am going to....."

"Maya!" I yelled and looked at Emily because she looked scared. "I'm sorry buggy, I didn't mean to scare you." Maya said and held Emily. "Can I talk to you both for a minute." Anna said and Maya out Emily on the bed and handed Emily her phone to play on while we talked. "Here baby, play on mommy's phone while we talk right out here. Just yell for me if you need me." Maya said and have her a kiss on her forehead.

Maya's POV
Anna asked to talk to us outside so Carina and I stepped out where Emily couldn't hear us. "So first I just want to apologize about all of this. Lane came over and we were hanging out and then I went to get her some medicine and Lane took her outside for a run. I tried to call him but he didn't answer. Then they came back and she was really pale and wouldn't drink anything. Later in the afternoon she passed out so I brought her here." Anna said. I instantly have anxiety and PTSD from the my past with my dad. He would make me run when I was exhausted and I had to run all of the time. Part of the reason I took Emily is because I didn't want her to go through the same thing.

"I wanted to let you know that I already let the police know and they took Lane into custody and I'm signing over my parental rights. I am not made out to be a mother and you both have done an amazing job with Emily. She already had two amazing moms and she doesn't need me. She loves you both. I will call my lawyer and let them know to send you all of the paperwork for the adoption process. Good luck to your family." Anna said and walked away. A big sense of relief washed over me and I turned around and kissed Carina.

"We have our daughter back! She is officially going to be ours." I said to Carina.

"Let's go tell our Piccola." Carina said and we walked over to where Emily was playing on my phone.

"Hey bambina, how are you feeling?" Carina asked.

"I'm feeling okay. My tummy still hurts. Where is Anna?" Emily asked.

"So you are no longer going to stay with Anna or Lane anymore buggy." I said.

"I get to come back home with you and mama?" Emily asked all excited.

"Yes Bambina you are coming home with us, and guess what?" Carina said and Emily looked at her with wide eyes.

"Me and Mama get to officially adopt you, so you will get to be Emily Claire Deluca-Bisop!" I said with tears in my eyes because I'm so happy.

Emily sat up and hugged Carina and I.

"I love you both so much. Thank you for saving me mommy."

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