595 22 11

I was walking in an completely dark alley.
My body was moving on its own towards a certain room infront of me.

My heart was beating like crazy....

I walked in that room and saw a pool of dead bodies in the middle of them was a woman lying on floor lifeless with blood on her.

My hands trembled as I walked towards the woman in the middle.

I sat on my knees holding her in my hands her face was not visible because of her long blonde hair which now had blood on it.

My hands moved to remove the hair of the woman from her face.

At that moment my heart stopped beating for s minute seeing clearly the face of that woman.

She was........

"Athanasia!" I shouted as I was soaked in cold sweat.

I got down from my bed and towards Athanasia's room.

Relief washed over me when I saw Lily feeding her some food while she was smiling at her.

Her eyes then locked mine at that moment I felt something wierd rising inside me but I ignored that feeling and started to walk towards her.

"Good morning Lucas!" She gave me a bright smile as a red coloured butterfly flew around her.

I was mesmerized by how beautiful she was looking is she really a human.....

"Good morning..." I also replied to her sitting beside.

"Are you okay?" I asked with concern.

Wait concern.....why I was concerned for her when we were together for only few days...?

She nodded her head as she took another bite from the porridge Lily was feeding her.

"I was really worried when you suddenly slept while crying" I spoke now taking a bite from the porridge which lily was feeding Athanasia.

She looked at me in disbelief while lily gasped at it.

"That was for me idiot!" Athanasia pouted as she gave a alight punch at my shoulder.

"Ouch!" I groaned in pain.

"Princess you are really strong it hurts" I acted like I was hurt when it didn't hurt much.

The expression on her face turned from irritation to concern as she looked at me.

"I-I'm sorry..."
"I didn't meant to hurt you.." she apologized several times as I was shaking from controlling my laughter.

Finally I lose my control and bursted out laughing.

Athanasia looked really shocked and confused while looking at me.

Then soon her face turned into a pout looking down angrily.

This made me laugh more at her.


" can stop know..."
Athanasia said while still pouting.

"Ok ok fine... Sia..." Lucas stopped laughing and gave her a small smile patting her head.

A tint of red was visible on Athanasia's face as her heart skipped a beat.

"Who is sia..." She said looking away with Lucas' hands still on her head.

"You ofcourse" Lucas continued "your name was quite long for me so made it short".

"But you can call me athy too..." The younger looked at lily who was watching them in awe.

"Nah... Sia is good for me" he said finally removing his hands from her head.

"But nobody ever called me that...." Athanasia spoke trying to hide her blushing face with her hair.

"Then I'll take the pleasure"
Lucas chuckled putting aside Athanasia's hair with his hands and pinched her cheeks.

Athanasia winced in pain when her cheek was pinched.

"Hey!" She puffed her both cheeks.

"What are you a pufferfish?" Lucas giggled looking at his princess.

"You are rude.."

"I feel like a third wheel..." Scarlet thought now flying around the brown haired maid.

"Wish I had a magic stone to record this sacred scene!"
"Princess and sir magician are a really good pair...." Lily on the other side was admiring the cute moment the two were having.


Short I know that.

But I just wanted some fluff so I wrote this small fluffy chapter!

How was it?

Thanks for reading!

Well bye guys
Love you all ❣️💕
Apple out~

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