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The blonde woman woke up from her slumber to find her husband snoring beside her on the bed...

"Lucas...wake up..."
While she rubbed her eyes he hands shamed her husband inorder to make him wake up.

"Umm...five more minutes sia..."
The ravenette mumbled turning to the other side still tired from there activities last night.

"Ummm....wake up...or I won't let you kiss me.."
The words spoken by the blonde in daze affected the ravenette greatly as he swiftly woke up and stood on his foot on the ground.

"So... isn't it a great morning?"
A friendly smile was on his face as he looked at the sleepy blonde who was still on the bed.

"Good. You're go and wake up scarlet then feed her...I'm gonna sleep a little more...."

The blonde yawned as she tugged herself in the blanket and drifted off to dreamland leaving the ravenette in daze.

He looked confused before he huffed in anger and spoke "hey! What is it sia? You told me to wake up this yearly and then you are sleeping!?"

Athanasia looked at lucas lazily before mumbling in a low tone "I'm tired because of you handle Scarlet better..."

And she drifted off to sleep again....

"Ha! Sia!!"
Ignoring the ranting of the ravennete the blonde curled up inside her bed closing her ears to complete her sleep.

Finally the ravenette decided that it was no use ranting so he took a nice bath and went to complete the task the blonde assigned him to do.


I walked out of my room after taking a nice shower and looked around to find a cup of coffe on the table.

'does lily put it here?'

I wondered while walking to the table to find a note under the coffe which had Lilian's handwriting on it.

I read the contents in a letter to give out a tired sigh again....

'oh lord....why is this happening today...'

Good morning Lucas or Athanasia...

I had a little business so I had to leave the house early morning. Don't worry I did all the house chores and made breakfast all you had to do is to maintain the house clean.
Please take care of Scarlet and remember to do all her daily routines.
And remember to beware before walking inside her room.

Your dear
Lilian york~

The letter had a little drawing beside which looked like a chibi Lilian which made me chuckle a little.

'I never knew she was this good as a artist'

I turned the paper around just to find myself choking on the cofee I was drinking.

There was a small list on the back which had all the things necessary to do for that rat.

If only someone would take care of me like this.....


The ravenette wiped his imaginary tears before walking to the other ravennete's room.

He opened the door with a burst just to find himself tripping on the book which was thrown at the front of the door.

'so this was what she meant by beware...'

The ravenette thought while floating in air as he sighed looking at the messy room which was filled by books of different spells lying around before flying to the little girl's bed.

"Hey wake up it's an order..."
He said just to receive a 'no' as an answer while the red-eyed girl turned to the other side.

The older ravennete huffed a irritated sigh before making the younger one float in mid air and shaking her.

"What are you doing you crazy old man!?!?"
She shouted loudly while being shook
by the older.

"I told you to wake up before"

He scoffed at the younger who looked like she would just faint in a minute.


He didn't had much experience with kids...and didn't even had any experience being a kid....

"Y-you're a monster...."
The little girl huffed while she was on the floor looking lifeless.

"...I get ready and come to eat breakfast"
The older guy just ignored her and walked away leaving the little girl on the ground.


The little ravennete cried imaginary tears before going in the bathroom to do what the older said.


After a good sleep the blonde got ready and walked out of her room to find her husband eating silently along with the little ravennete who is glaring daggers at him.

"Good morning!"
The blonde chirped as the little girl's face lit up.

"Good afternoon sister!"
She exclaimed going and hugging the blonde whilst she chuckled.


"Yeah... it's 12 o'clock sia.."
The older ravennete said while sipping soup.

"Oh...guess I overslept..."
The blonde said scratching her nape at which both the other people in room nodded in unison.

"Oh! Where is mr. Celine?"
The blonde asked.

"He left for some work and lily also had some urgent work so she left early"
The ravenette informed at which the blonde nodded.

" seems like we're the only one left..."
She said.

"Yeah! So we should go out and play!"
Scarlet exclaimed at which the blonde agreed.

"Yeah...we can have a nice family time"
The blonde patted the little girl's head to earn a giggle from her.

"If you want..then sure let's go"
The ravenette said snapping his fingers as suddenly all of them disappeared from the tower...

The tower became so peaceful without any chaos again....



Happy New year! 🎉

How's the new cover btw?

I know I'm late..and I should have updated...but you can just say I became lazy and forgot to do so!

Don't worry next chapter would be a family fluff which I haven't have written don't worry it will be fun!

Alright I gotta go!

Love you all ❣️💕
Apple out~

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