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After the two completely held themselves back together the blonde and the ravennete decided to now do something about the former emperor.

"Can I kill him?"
Lucas asked earning a look from Athanasia.

"Are you serious..he his Jeannette's dad"
She spoke eyeing the brunnete with her Jewelled eyes.

She woke up after a few hours...

"I don't mind.."
The brunnete mumbled making the attention turn to her.

"It's not like I was attached to him or anything...I didn't even knew he existed till"
She looked up to Lucas.

"Please kill him if it is for the better"
Her eyes were sincere with no hints of hesitation in them.

Athanasia looked at her worriedly while a hand wrapped around the brunnete's shoulders.

"It's fine princess"
Jeannette looked up to Celine who was smiling looking at her.

'He is behaving.....too nicely..'

She thought feeling a bit uncomfortable by the contact between them.

Though she knew that the guy didn't had any experience dealing with people...what a pain...

"Now that it's decided"
"Let's go and finish our task so that we can have a normal life again"
The ravenette exclaimed getting up from the bed where he was sitting just to get pulled back by the blonde back on the bed.

" know right...if i became a empress than you would have to follow the duties of the emperor..."
The blonde said as the ravennete nodded.

" what? I'm not that childish to take something like that as a joke"
He spatted as she left his hand and allowed him to get up.

" will we do it?"
"And first we have to end Athernitas right?"
She asked him as the ravennete's lips curved into a smirk.

"I have a perfect idea"

The others looked at him with curiousity to hear his 'perfect idea'.


Anastacius was in his office room as he looked at the wall infront of him.

"So you came h.."
He said turning his gaze from the wall back to the newly arrived people infront of him.

"I didn't expected you to survive that attack"
He smirked looking at the ravennete who just sneered at him.

"Guess that I'm still here then"
He spatted eyeing the brunnete.

The brunnete nodded her head looking at the blonde, who smiled at her in a way to say 'you can do it'.

The brunnete stepped forward from the group of the people.

"I...want to have a talk with you..."
She spoke while walking towards him.

Anastacius looked at her with wide eyes as he seemed to loose his posture a little before regaining it back.

He could see the dark energy leaking out of the brunnete as she walked towards him with a wide smile.

Despite of that..he still couldn't move...

It felt like a force had glued his legs to the ground.

He was just looking at the brunnete in daze...

Looks like his trick got used at him...

The magic he casted at her to attract everyone's attention for his plan...

THE SACRIFICIAL BRIDE(Lucathy)Where stories live. Discover now