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'this must be a coincidence...'

The blonde shook away the train of thoughts which were in her mind and continued to ask the scarlet questions.

"So... scarlet.."
"Where is your home and who are your family?"
Athanasia asked.

Tears were again forming in her eyes as Athanasia began to panick.

"D-don't cry!"

"But... scarlet have one family"
The tears which were in her eyes a while ago faded like they were never there.

"Who is it?"
The blonde heaved a sigh of relief and patted scarlet's head gently.

The red orbs of the ravennete slowly moved to side and a small blush crept on her face.

She moved her hand up and pointed at the same direction where she was looking.

"He is my brother!"
Scarlet spoke with enthusiasm in her voice.

Both Athanasia and lily turned to the direction where scarlet pointed to find Lucas looking like a ghost.

" a sister?"
Athanasia asked her eyes wide open though the older ravennete had the same expression as her.

"I... have a sister?"
He asked particularly to himself.

Scarlet jump from her seat and ran towards Lucas before embracing him tightly with her small arms.

'wait...I thought my younger sibling was a boy?'

Lucas thought to himself as he remembered the past where he went to meet his younger brother...

But.. didn't all his family died in a slide?

He looked down at scarlet who was hugging his legs.

"I don't have a sister..."
"Who are you?"
He asked.

"B-brother how can you say that!"
"I-I'm your younger sister...."
As the ravennete began crying again making both Athanasia and Lily panick.

"L-lucas who would you that!"
Athanasia shouted holding scarlet and carrying her.

"But I don't have a sister!"Lucas snapped earning a glare from Athanasia.

"Lucas! Stop shouting!"
The blonde shouted making the ravenette angry.

"Fine! I'm going!"
Saying this the ravennete snapped his fingers and vanished in air.

Athanasia heaved a sigh and then looked at scarlet who looked at her with teary eyes.

"Is brother angry because of me?"
She asked looking down.

Athanasia just smiled and made her sit on the sofa as lily patted her head.

"No...he will come soon so you don't be sad..."
She spoke.

"Hmmm..." Slowly scarlet nodded her.

"Well.. what's your age scarlet?"


"Oh! But you look a little too small for a 8 year old...."

"Hey! Don't call me indirectly short sister!"

Athanasia let out a small chuckle and said "but you do look short"


I held another document in my hand before sighing again.

'it's all useles...'

'I don't have a sister...'


'That kid did have mana similar to me and looks similar to me...'

'Should I ask her....'

I sighed again and snapped my fingers to teleport back to the tower.

It's already late so both sia and lily would be asleep and for that kid...

Let's see...

I was just going to open the door of my room until I heard some random sounds coming from the room where spells and potions were kept.

'now...I can't sleep comfortably right...'

I teleported to the room as I was too lazy to walk there.

Looking around my gaze landed to a little figure moving through the shelf where spells were situated.

"What are you doing here rat!"
My tone was heavy as I held the kid from her collar.

The rat screamed loudly hurting my ears.
Good that I put a spell which would stop any sound from coming or else sia or lily would have been awake till now by this rat's scream.

"W-what are you doing here b-brother!"
The rat spoke.

"I should be asking that!"
"And we both know that I am not your brother!"
She looked scared for a minute then sighed loudly.

"Seems like I can't fool you..."
She looked down as my hands still held her collar which is going to choke her.

"Now... please..I'll tell you everything but first...PUT ME DOWN!!"

She gasped shouting the last part like it was a must.


I didn't wanted to....but I put her down cause I wanted to know why she have my mana and appearance.

I crossed my hands and spoke strictly demanding for an explanation.

"You remember when you used your mana on me..."
She spoke showing a book which was in her hands.

"I don't remember meeting you rat.."

"No....Not in this form but in my butterfly form.."
She spoke making many questions rise inside me.

"You were that red insect that Athanasia said was her friend..."
I was clearly dumbfounded at my realisation also when she nodded her head while flipping a page from that book.

"I remember I just used a inspection spell on I was feeling a wierd energy coming from you..."

" does this happen?"

"Well I guess that's why I'm tell you?" The rat rolled her eyes and spoke.

I swear I'm gonna kill her after this all!

"Alright tell me.."
I tried to ignore her action and put my attention on what she was going to say.



It's been a while right...

I know it's short but bear with me...

Well how was it?

I'm losing my mind and motivation both!

My exams are gonna come soon and my schedule is being more busy!!

I need some lucathy fluff🤧🤧

Nevermind I'm gonna write them by my own but...I don't have time!!

Someone please go to past and kill the person who made exams!!!😭😭

Even the most angsty thing can't make me cry but exams...
My tears won't stop🥲

Ok well,
Love you all ❣️💕
Apple out....

THE SACRIFICIAL BRIDE(Lucathy)Where stories live. Discover now